Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn...
Other urls found in this thread:
He already has them, he got them on when he was sworn in
Lol crash and burn ? He's doin better then Obama . Gtfo fake Republican
oh look. it's another thread where a $hillbot poses as a disgruntled trump voter.
fuck off, you transparent faggot.
In what parameter is he doing better than Obama? please enlighten us all
doing better as a joke. lol
Cry more drumpfkin
Crash and burn? where you get that from CNN?
You're funny if you think they would actually give DERNLD TIRMP the nuclear codes!!!
If anything, they gave him a coloring book and some crayons! L O L
> Hurr durr CNN is FNN Hurr durr Breibart/Infowars is legit news!
A friendly reminder that the Internet Research Agency, a troll farm through which the Kremlin conducts international and domestic influence operations, are responsible for this shit. No American in their right mind could defend this embarrassment.
lol you should bait somewhere else, like cnn...
>nuclear codes.
How can we trust him with the codes when he can't even talk a few minutes without needing water?!?
and when his hands are to small to push a button
sage boys, its sage
Stay mad little drumpf baby
Lol butthurt
Trump is the fake Republican.
Just remember that Obama was elected during the recession, dumpfuck. Anything said about him raising the US debt, raising unemployment, wrecking the US currency, etc is invalid if it came from 2008-2011
If you main priority in life is to ball bust our president you got your shit all fucked up lad. How about go get a job and get off welfare and blaming white people for your issues.
pasta, why so you do this?
Liberals, not only underestimating Trump’s election chances, but they continue to miss the dynamics of polarization in this country, and what that means for politics.
sure kid
too stupid to know the answer
weak beta male confirmed
this mad
stay mad kid
implying he pishes the button.
stay mad kid
aww the beta male speaks
Sure kid.
sure kid
making excuses
When will you learn that stealing memes don't make any sense?
You can't go against nature.
Haha he's president of the United States and there's nothing you can do about it except for posting this gay thread everyday.
I see what you did there but shouldn't you be in school?
dude, you're a faggot... fuck off and die already Russian troll
op is fucked
Nigger Kys. Obama was better than Trump.
thinks this is something note worthy.
sure kid
How to spot a liar.
>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here.
op says"not going to lie"
procedes to lie
They're both Israel's bitch, so who cares tbh
Quite untrue there quite a bit of things people could do with enough back up and many things the potus himself could do to lose his position , which seem to be in motion
If feel you just wanted to say something well done
As opposed to only watching Fox News?
If it's so easy, why don't you answer. At least Obama got Obamacare passed... And trump?
Haha quite haha quite I'm smarty i say words
how the majority of religious americans still support this guy honestly breaks my heart and hurts my brain
>still taking sides in 2017
What did you do to help Israel today
He supports Israel so that's all the boomers really need to be satisfied
>i paid shekels to the chosen people, i can sin as i wish
Also this is now an Israel appreciation thread
>ITT shills who will shill for 7 more years
Taking after trump I see, having best words and lacking an actual response or evidence
t. normalfag
you never voted for trump, there is no such thing as a FORMER TRUMP SUPPORTER
just liberal cuckolds posting bullshit
meanwhile constant swam of I voted or Hillary or Bernie, continuing to piling in under trump supporter
HIS BASE IS GROWING as more and more people get informed
despite what you hear in your in libtard cuckold echo chambers
your mildly retarded
hurr durr not knowing 95% of the media
referred to as the fake news media
is owed /controlled by the Democratic party
pretty much just propaganda all day and idiot libtards who do not even use common fucking sense eating it hook line and sinker
Hey 95 percent of the world says we are wrong.
It's all the Democrats fault.
lol his approval ratings are the lowest they've ever been
they are literally breaking their own records over and over
I'm responsible for that pasta. I wrote it as a serious reply to a Trump thread on Sup Forums, I was high