How can we fix women?

How can we fix women?


by cutting the incel bullshit and stopping the newfag memes



Add snapchat: fannyyukalala best bitch ever lire dics pics

Run them through MakeApp


by valuing virginity again


More like how do we fix butthurt r/incel retards like you?
>waah I got rejected/cheated on/ignored all women r evil becuz dey dont tuch mah pipi
Chances are, you're the one who needs the headcheck.

feed them chemicals so they can grow dicks

You wont even talk to a woman op.

Yeah? You want me to reply? Well fuck you. You just lost the game.

Unironically this.

Most people, guys and girls alike, lose their virginity with their first "serious" love interest, i.e. in a puppy love relationship. Guys don't care - they just go searching for next available vagoo. Females, except strong slutty ones, typically get regretful, depressed and sick.

100 years ago women preserved virginity until marriage - and the only eligible husband was a sober non-gambler good guy with a decent job.

That meant that every guy in town had first to get a good job and a good attitude, then quickly settle for an available-to-marry woman out there before the most cute ones were booked.

In other words, it was a "no frivolous sex activity" world: in those epic times, virginity-as-a-value just destroyed life of Chads and Stacies, plus those who believed they could wait till 30-40 before settling, plus the NEETs.

Also, men and women married before 20, fucked like rabbits for entire decades, became grandpas & grandmas before 40 while still enjoying fucking like rabbits.

That's why the degeneration (prostitution, gay sex, sex outside marriage, porn, etc) only related to quite a small percentage of people.

And that's why our society got the most valuable achievements in technology, space exploration, and so on from that exact "virginity generation".


>How do we fix 300,000 years of evolution?


>appealing to tradition this hard
>le degeneracy
Top meem kiddo, let's discuss Machiavelli at my neighborhood dinner party about why everyone is bad.

Dont talk to sluts



>Top meem kiddo

so spaketh the trap porn addict

It's ok to be gay user.

who taught you how to greentext?

>implying people teach others to greentext
You must be new here.

You idiot, there was always frivilous sex, its not a new thing, you have an idealized notion of the past, how the fuck do you think syphilis and gonorrhea were so prevalent, sharing drinks? Fuck off until your balls drop you tard.

When you call someone stupid but they don't get it and they continue being stupid.


Did you actually just format your response like black twitter? You really are a newfag. Here's what you can do:
1: lurk moar


Stop giving them attention and stop treating them like princesses.