YLYL actually funny
YLYL actually funny
i dont even wanna know why people find this funny
LOL its actually funny
dezz nut
fuck this shitty thread
doge meme
Nice bait
haha i loled
Great shop
2/10 bait thread
>actual funny
try again, degenerate
kek best photo in thread
is this real or not
If I had the chance I would literally do this to all of you faggots...
you have no balls to do this to a person and do it to animals but I have the balls to do it to you...
I have to kill bulls on a regular basis and I do it in the best way possible but this surpasses everything and I wish I had the chance to chrush your teeth out
Holy shit, lost hard!
I cant tell gender
Ylyl normie fag edition
what is datura?
...how is this supposed to be funny? This is the truth.
The next tier of enlightenment is hentai involving happy sex between two loving, caring partners who love and value each other deeply that also involves them dipping into fetishes that they both enjoy or are curious about, done in a responsible manner.
hallucinogenic plant that only a dumb idiot would take
And a big ole fuck you to you
PSA: Use salvia instead, kids. The high doesn't last long enough to do shit like this.
Nostalgic YLYL gives me the feels for when Sup Forums was in its prime.
I think it’s Lena Dunham...either way it’s fucking disgusting
What bothers me, is that people actually made these, because they thought they were funny.
What bothers me is the fact that your sentence would have worked perfectly well without commas, yet you saw it fit to add two.
got a "heh" out of me.
his erection contrained barley? Why wasn't it wheat or rye?
I dunno. I enjoy some plot with my fap, and wholesome couples rarely make for an interesting plot.
As much as I feel shitty for the gal, lies and pity seem not to be a way to treat unlucky people.
>actually funny
Do you mind if I save this template?
Very good kek
How patronizing
He’s using the commas as pauses. While the sentence works without them, the sentence would not convey the way he wanted to say what he said without them.
Okay 8/10 got me
That's because it is a spectrum.
i feel you bro
Man this is so brilliant
Is she wearing a mask or something?
Is the vietnamese kid wearing a sleeveless collar shirt?
don't cut yourself on that edge, kid
rip gabe. keep borkin in heaven
shit that is actually hot
i actually laughed
so fuckin close nigga
yeast infection
>i have no brother
Fucking lost right there.