It's my birthday today Sup Forums

it's my birthday today Sup Forums

I'm 20

still no friends
still no gf

wish me happy birthday ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:

fak u lol

have you considered getting off the internet and going outside to make friends?

Happy Birthday hope you enjoy it


Even though you don't need anyone

I I'm 23 and I don't have IRL friends neither on the internet

And I'm very happy about that , fuck everyone

Happy birthday fam

koy I know it's you you fucking faggot

too socially inept to make friends

thanks user

just might be nice to at least have one friend here instead of the crippling loneliness

Happy birthday op

Happy birthday dude,

I lost my virginity at 21, that was 3 years ago. I now have a stable girlfriend and a great sex life.
It's not too late to turn shit around. Good luck!

the only way to be social-capable is to go the fuck outside and fuck it up a few times.

happy fucking birthday, op.
do something reckless today

same here. Loser until 24, now I have a cute gf since 5 years which is now preg

ps: happy birthday OP

Happy birthday and fuck off.


Fucking idiots. Both of you.

5'4.5 and look ~16 so fucking up shouldn't be that bad on me

>until 24
how did you turn that around

thanks user

Happy birthday, bro. Left behind the faggotery and be a man '-')b

Happy birthday
I also have bithday today, i'm 28 years old
still no friends
still no gf
still a gay
still have Bipolar disorder
still have Dissociative identity disorder
still have Social anxiety disorder
still have Kidney stones

wish me something :(

happy birthday to you too user

>no gf.

this is a good thing bruvs. Happy Birthday, faggot.

thank you ;-)

shut up faggot

happy birthday user
dont forget to do something you sorta enjoy today

>how did you turn that around
I behave as "normal" as possible, try not to tell everyone what a nerd I am (collecting shit, play videogames, Starwars, Comics and so on). Got a descent haircut and contacts and didnt rush anything. Fucked 4 girls since then, which is okay for me since all of them where pretty hot. Your time will come (and so do I).

Happy Birthday user!

If you're gay surely no gf isn't an issue?
Also, I don't know where you live, but where I live the gay community tends to be pretty forgiving of social ineptitude. They understand human interaction can be hard when you've been having a shit one.

Try and find some people who share interests.

Best of luck with it all!

Happy birthday user! I'm sure we'll meet in the burning hells of the existential void, see yah there!

Happy birthday user. may you have happier ones in the future :)

Looks like Reddit made an appearance

thanks guys

If you ever need to talk I’m here :)

Happy Birthday.
Are you in college? If so, join a club or two that are relevant to your interests. Don't be an asshole to the people in it, and you should be fine.

If not, are you working? If so, ask some co-workers what their hobbies are, you might find you share some.

If you're not working or a student then apply for as many jobs as you can. Even if you don't think you'll get them.

What do you do for fun?

You're right, it's me, Reddit. Here to ruin your imageboard.

Happy birthday user

was a college student

had to drop the semester because my roommate kept me up all night even before exams

live in poland

Happy birthday bro

Sucks dude,
I was a terrible student. I just finished my 4 year degree after 6 years (finished just last week), failed some units, went part time a couple of semesters, all that.
Now I don't really know what to do with the rest of my life, because I don't want to go into Genetics, which was one of my majors, and as far as I can tell there aren't actually jobs in Philosophy which was my other major.

So I've spent the last 6 days since my last exam playing PUBG and PoE while trying to avoid the existential dread.

What games do you play?

basically all blizzard games except for starcraft and csgo

Happy Birthday dude

>>I'm 20

Fuck off newfag

Damn, I don't know much about LGBT stuff in Poland but from a quick Google it doesn't look great.

Would you ever consider emigrating?


So Overwatch, Hearthstone and... HotS? I didn't know anyone played HotS.

Do you play with people over voice chat or just match solo?

You could probably find a discord server where you could chat to people while playing, maybe make a couple of friends that way?


I've been around since 2012

Happy BDay

shit man, you're funny

Yes! To Russia :D

overwatch, WoW, diablo 3, hearthstone and HotS

usually I just solo queue so that should answer that

thanks guys

Happy birthday dude!

u r fine go outside fag

have a birthday.
i'm 26 and chose to cut everyone i once knew off. years later i kept in touch with two people who i decided were ok to talk to. one of them is a current gf i'm not too fond of. one day you'll be a social whore or figure out it's easier to keep a small circle of friends. in my case it's a line of friends.

Dude stop getting your info from leftist media. Im gonna drop some redpills now. If you are a gay dude or chick in Poland you have nothing to be afraid of. No one cares what you do in your bedroom as long as you do it in your bedroom. Don't be a faggot in public, don't scream that you like getting a dick in your ass in public manifestations (like love parades or other such faggotry). As long as you do that you are safe from any prejudice anywhere. But even if you decide to be a faggot and idk kiss with your gay lover in public most of the times you only gonna get disgusted stares unless you are doing it in ghetto hoods, then you are probably gonna get your ass kicked by white niggers.

seriously dude, I reckon looking for some discord servers to play on would be a great way to meet people. If you don't like the people you're talking to you can always just leave, no harm done.

are you okay?

Get a hobby which puts you around other people. Ju-Jitsu, Football or boxing. There’s loads of ways you can make friends but you have to get out there and make the effort.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Faggot go beat the shit outta your dick

Hope your wishes come true. Hb.

thanks guys

probably gonna try looking for one, at least heroes is gonna have vc soon

m8 I googled "Gay poland" and clicked on the wikipedia article that was the first result. That's the leftist media now?

Happy Birthday to you too Faggot
Go beat the shit outta your dick

Also get outta that Diablo 3 business and start playing PoE. Shit's way better and the developer actually updates the game

thanks but not now, i don't see any ''rekt thread'' on the board

What are you doing today?

probably gonna sit at home and play vidya

same as every day

which ones though?

where are you from boy?

Oh my god, my crippling loneliness! No girl will ever love me! Woe as me and my inexperienced/youthful view on the world!

Seriously, dont you have college classes to be attending? Stop whining about being alone. Youre not missing out on much at all.

in arizona until the 18th
then los angeles

all blizzard games + csgo

Same, except with the birthday part, I'll be your friend if you are geohrgraphically close

My longterm girlfriend has DID. I find it really cool... and sometimes really fucking frustrating lol

We're also both bipolar 1, and we both have social anxiety.

Moral of the story? Sometimes fucking your best friend's girlfriend works out in the end. Because we would have never met on our own. We're too similarly autistic

los angeles wow!! alot of people there alot of chances to find friends, my town have only 176 000 people and it's full of idiots

wow :)

fuck los angeles honestly

everyone's a cuck

>2 people with bipolar
that must've been a ride

best sex of my life, so yes literally... but yeah our relationship is fucking insane. We almost broke up a couple days ago, but still going strong. Almost 4 years now

>almost 4 years

put a ring on her ya nigger

you save money in the long run cause of tax breaks

Happy birthday bud, I myself turned 27 yesterday, also no friends, no girlfriend. Hope your day is swell.

you too user