Whats app thread? whatsapp thread

Whats app thread? whatsapp thread.

i'll start - 37 F Romania +40 740 315 833

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OMFG ur so fucking sexy

But ur fake FeelsBadMan

i have just posted girls i like, i haven't posted myself add me to find out. i am bi



and whats ur name?


You want a dick photos?

nu e frumos ceea ce faci, care e povestea op?

if you can introduce yourself saying who you are first then as well as a dick pic, yes.

I would also like to know the story OP, why are you lying over the internet


da de ce vorbești engleză cand el e roman?
>inb4 hurr durr

More people on here can understand English, and can understand that this is fake

ok, i think op is a little bit sad because his gf left him and now he s posting her number on Sup Forums to get revenge
>op is a fag

You spoke to her?

hell no

OP could be gay and want dick pics
>OP is always a faggot