Why are Australian Women So Perfect?
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wtf is that shit?
Miss Australia
Strayas version of niggers, without the money and govt subsidies like ours have.
It's a native.
Do you need some pb for that jelly?
I swear to God, abos are the missing link.
We're clearly the superior race you white cis racist.
.. now where did I put that jerrycan
>Strayas version of niggers, without the money and govt subsidies like ours have
Without Centrelink abos would cease to exist.
does OP's image make anyone else feel a little bit sick?
I had to put my sandwich down.
>Strayas version of niggers, without the money and govt subsidies like ours have.
>without the money and govt subsidies like ours have.
You literally couldn't be more wrong.
These cunts have it so good here.
Take houses for example. These boong cunts only need to pay 25% of a house loan and then the Government will pay the rest off.
These Stone age cunts get so much shit and they still fucking complain and bitch "GIMME BAK MAH LAND YA WHITE CUNT"
Wow, if any were born with triple digit IQs they'd be like Caesar in Planet of the Ape prequels.
Reminds me of the Zuni doll in Trilogy of terror.
You can put lipstick on a nigger, but you'll still be left with a nigger
you sure about that?
This is just one of those women who are ridiculously uglier than everyone else, right?
Australia doesn't really have cavemen living amongst them, do they?
..It would make sense why so much shitposting comes from them, though...
ha ha that is joke
moar pls
Why is there no videos of white guys fucking abo girls yet?
They certainly exist. I've seen Aussies post them here before.
Aboriginals don't even have electricity, they even light camp fires inside their government provided housing
Hahaha yeah they do.
I used to live in a small town in the middle of bum fuck nowhere in Western Australia and all the Abos had nice new houses and the first thing they did was rip up all of the floorboards so they were sitting on dirt and they would put a big oil drum in the middle of the living room and use it for fires.
These cunts really are a fucking stone age people who can't be helped.
I'd like to see that.
why do abo's look so godamn differnt from every other race, rven nighers look more human than them.
An Australian Aborigine
They are like a feral outback version of our niggers.
why do they wear chalk on their already sexy bodies ?
Its because they have an incredibly high amount of denisovan DNA
They are the oldest human "prototype" still existent
They are literally the farthest thing away from being human while still being "human"
They have an incredibly high amount of denisovan DNA which is like neanderthals but a different hominid
One could argue that its a good thing denisovans died out because they were ugly as fuck
even some niggers have managed to look nicely, is there atleast one abo that looks normal?
>Aboriginals don't even have electricity, they even light camp fires inside their government provided housing
There is actually a point in their history where they literally forgot how to make fire. Yes, they never invented the wheel and they forgot how to make fire. Let that sink in.
Check this shit out. Are these fuckers even human?
is that one of Joker's henchmen?
I've always hated how Unreal engine makes videogame characters look so ugly
Pretty sure they were getting their fire from lightning and bush fires for a long time, so yeah they were too stupid to make fire.
Said no one ever.
Look for a video of an iraqi fucking a burned corpse, its pretty close.
jesus fucking christ, is there some way to genetically help these poor bastards.
They weren't too stupid to make fire at first, since they knew how to do it before and after migration to Tasmania. It's just that the vast majority of their adult population died off several thousand years ago, and it probably takes a bit longer than that for abbos to run up enough steam to start coming up with ideas like lighting your own fires