Rate me Sup Forums. Picture of my band coming soon

Rate me Sup Forums. Picture of my band coming soon.

btw i like metal and bands and making new friends add me on facebook Sup Forums.....:)

my facebook :)...... /qwecker?fref=ufi

Rate my band Sup Forums im the tall guy they call me shark or fin :P

i know u

Death Tank Rabis

When Weebs Attack


who are you :3 :3 :3

natzi germany gone weeb

Any nudes of the girls ?

I have nudes of the blonde one to the right of me in the picture do you want her????

Shark im a simple man but I believe the one to your right is a man no? But even if so send his nudes

nope full blown chick :) :3 :3 :3 :3 :P xD :3 XD~~~~~ KAWAII~~


dead ass thread

btw: Death Boat

black jews marching

name best band /w song no edgy shit

You look like a emo burger Andy

chick in middle is nasty hot

10/10 i would wear the same shirt, btw u look like a 2/10 hipster metalhead

also why are you hanging with kids like 5 years younger than you?

>rate me

I feel bad for myself that I live in a country filled with such twerps.

agreed but chicks looks good to me

chicks are legit some kind of fantasy fuck for me rn.


2.5/10 your shoulders look too small for your traps/body you fat fuck get in shape gross as hell piss me off buddy

you guys are all FUCKING DICKS okay im telling my dad he's a highschool teacher and he's gay so he knows the important of idfferences >:(!! FUCK YOU!!!! Sup Forums!!!

nah i'm pretty vanilla when it comes to sex, i'm sure your depravated mind can think of more perverted things to turn you on

Rate you honestly dude 3/10 shave that shit and get a new haircut you look like you have aspergers lol
Band rating: 6/10 2 points for each girl in the band
Name of band: ASSpergers Wild

someone add this fat kid and shit talk him lmao

send nudes slut

i'm a guy u virgin basementdweller....turn off pc and go score some real pussies

>rate my band
>mfw name my band thread

ya score some real pussy ya basementdweller

and The Sound Of Autism


He told his boss the principal of my school and they made out and kissed and i said "dad y :(" and and then i got sad and now i want to kill myself fuck you Sup Forums you fuck fuck hur hur!!!

>*autistic reeeeeeeeee*
cuz he knows i'm gonna fuck gf tonight when he will be browsing Sup Forums fapping on fb/ig threads

l0l 8/10

u know , ourense

Wow I bet you sound like all the other metal core bands out there. Have fun not getting anywhere and finger banging girls with daddy issues but still don't put out.

just look at you . nuff said

10/10 jacked thicc boi would bang


Gays Band?

What's up Mike Haze.

Would fuck the thiccy on the left