My gf wants a dildo, how to proceed?
My gf wants a dildo, how to proceed?
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As long as it's smaller than your dick, there's no problem.
Bad Dragon.
You/she won't regret it. Get a cum tube and post results.
get a strap-on, fuck her ass and pussy at the same time.
You have one?
>smaller than op's dick
>go to
>buy dildo
If it's her first she prob wont like it. Most girls think they want a dildo when they really just want a vibrator. I would get creative with shit around the house, if she likes "things that dont feel real" (the common complaint) in her pussy I say get her a dildo. I got my gf a tiny vibe which let to clit teasing and finally she let me stick it in her ass while fucking her. Now she takes it in the ass but swears she hates it but its only to save face. Always give a girl what she wants but only on your terms or with an end game in sight.
>give her yours
>get yourself a bigger one
>win win
You regret using?
Use it for DP
Get a wevibe. You can fuck her while it's in her, and it has a remote which can be fun too.
get one of these OP
turns your dick into an earthshattering clitoral orgasm machine
buy her a damn dildo
OP it doesn't fucking matter, buy her a dildo. No need to be insecure about it.
That's kind of cute.
Moron look up "clone a willy"
That gets her fucking you all the time plus a fun datenight with her rubbing your cock.
IRL, most girls don't get much out of shoving a big, dead, plastic dick in them. Get a small vibrator and use it on her yourself. Work the opening and edges. She won't want or need it stuck in more than a half inch. Save penetration for you.
go to bad dragon for fun exotic ones Amazon for cheap beginner ones
With caution, my gf said the same to me so I complied. We went to a sex shop toghter and mind you I'm AVERAGE IN SIZE AT BEST.
She then proceeds to reach for an 8inch monster sized dildo. Not a good feeling
it means she's not satisfied and you are a bad lover. she will replace you soon, do whatever you want.
Not at all. it was fun and led to cool shit but eventually she/we got tired of it. The thing is user when it come to sex (like everything else) the more you have/do the more you want. Your first dildo is like your first joint. It could stop there or it could be the "gateway" to anything. You'll never know until you try. If you're seriously considering doing it than obviously you are going to do it. Just don't break the bank on your first one. If you two love it you will be buy more and more.
Yo my fellow dildo users, what kinda dildos you got? I started with a Mr. Marcus one, which is pretty nice, but it's a little hard to use, so I just ordered pic related. I'm also very fond of my Njoy Pure Wand. Holy moly, what a tool. Stainless steel turns me on now.
Adam and eve
Any site that sales dildos? Oh not Sup Forums
What you sad fucks dont realize in your insecurities is that if you are the guy that will fulfill her fantasies than she will give you 10x what you give her. If you buy her what she wants (in general) she will absoluetly do whatever you want. If you give and she does return than gut her ass off. EVERY girl on the planet is a gold digging slut to some extent. They all have their prices and they will do anything for the guy that fills that need. The idea is to find a girl that has needs that you can afford.
corn on the cock.
There are a few things to consider when buying your woman a dildo. Firstly, what is your price range, that shit can get EXPENSIVE. Secondly, take her along to a sex shop if she's not too embarrassed Thirdly, Buy something either bigger or smaller than you. Not the same size. The point of a Dildo is to feel something different, not more of the same.
Not op or poster, Just a guy who can confirm this thing or anything like it is a a strange gift from heaven.
Do it and have her send you vids like this so you can share with us
What is that called
Thats why I said "clone a willy"
Works great and she still feels/thinks of me. You can get them as vibes too.
Makes a mold of your cock and then into a dildo she can use but its a dildo of your exact cock.
Perfect date and drink night. No insecurites. She gets what she wants and you get what you want.
Plus if they split, her only toy is your cock.
>go to
>find cheap, silicone dildo
>none of that jelly shit cause thats toxic
a-maize-ing pun
Search vibrating cock ring, but don't hate me for what you get.
Yes but sucks when there isn't enough material for your dick. I had to buy two and use a Pringle can. All in all it it didn't work very well.