God tier burger thread

god tier burger thread

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I do enjoy a nice fresh Big Mac.
I should suicide.


>god tier burger
>big mac
>kys faggot



i dont have a pic, but any burger that has liquid nacho cheese pourn on top of the meat rather than melted cheese slices is the best kind of burger.


When have you ever had a Big Mac that looked like that? Homemade burgers are the way to go

step aside kiddo


why euro big macs are so fucking small? i literally leave hungry from macdonalds if i order anything

Yes this. OP said good tier not shit tier.
>kys faggot

because they're not grand macs, fatty

challenge accepted

for me, it's the whopper



this is the real deal

Like any Big Mac has ever looked like that..pic related

In order to be considered a burger it actually has to contain meat.

I live on the east coast so I only experience this treat from the gods once a year.






The farmhouse king burger at burger king is really good.

burger or pizza

The Grand Mac did have bigger patties, but the breading was biggerer, so it was even more of a where's the beef situation. You sensation was of chewing even more of a breading sandwich flavored with meat.


Bow before your one true god, ignorant plebs

not a burger

It's not a sandwich, retard. The sandwiches are used in place of buns, because buns are for children and women.

that's just a sandwich of sandwiches

It has 2 half lb. Hamburger patties in it, therefore, it's a burger.


Double Buddy with cheese at A&W for $2.75






And a diet Coke please.

? Where is this ?

Pretty much all over the south