>ITT post your favorite video game(s)
ITT post your favorite video game(s)
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one of the best GBC games out there
Is that proper FFIII or FFVI?
This game is so fucking underrated it saddens me. Give it a try.
best gamecube game hands down
mountain blades warbonds
Only in Asia and Europe sad that amifags dont know
I had no idea there was an Initial D NES game
I have no idea what this image is supposed to mean but it made me laugh
that's not metroid prime
you mean it's not Windwaker
Here's a handful of my favorites
God-tier boss battle themes.
Never found a game that was as cool. Didn't really look, tho.
anyone else love it?
Who /autismsimulator/ here?
Metroid Prime is probably #2
I think you're forgetting about the triforce hunt lad
Good game.. played the hell out of the TCG, too, back in high school.
10 more years.
Not even a little close
i played the second one too. First is good, second is a masterpiece
Trying this today, and for you: lotr rotk GBA, enjoy.
What is the game bellow spyro?
not him but it looks like re3 nemisis
I used to love resident evil except for the part where you have to be Korean and have 28 keybinds just to move your character. And you have to find secret items just to save your fucking game. Dumbass shit.
Go to bed chris!
You can get a snes emulator on your phone then download the english version from most rom sites.
It is pretty hard game but its wonderful, kinda makes you feel like when you first played chrono trigger or a link to the past.
Not even baiting.
i don't even have to post the name, you fucking nerds should know this.
Anyone know of any modded Diablo 1 ps1 ROMs that will allow me to play nightmare/hell? Single player blocks it and 2 player controls are broke as fuck on my 4 inch screen. Someone has to have found a way.
I've played more hours of Victoria and VicII than I want ro admit
Just because I love anything to do with Henry Every.
gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/8
listening to the OST right now, fucking timeless
Dick kickem 3d
What the fuck?
But it's not the quake soundtrack
It's time to kick bubble gum and chew ass.
Soul reaver
This right here BTFO's all Final Fantasy games. And most other games too for that matter.
Fuck yes. It's a goddamn masterpiece.
the best version of the doom soundtrack was on the jaguar.
Too confus man.
very nice
>ITT we guess each others age
OP is in his 30s
Yeah it's weird but if it was so weird that you couldn't follow it, you might be a little bit retarded.
Harvest Moon 64 for comfy reasons.
You are 16
rumor has it that people are still in their basement playing this game.
I was one of the lucky ones that found a way out
I played this half way and frankly it's not good, even by the standards of the awkward 2D/3D mismash that was PS1 rpgs.
The Witcher 3
That's not the PC version.
Because it came out on PS2 first retard. I bought it when Woolworths was still open.
Frankly you should off yourself.
Fucking weebs..next you'll post Phantasy Star Online.
what game is this?
You don't know about the PC game? I mean the original where destructible environments were first introduced into a shooter.
You're missing the point. I bought the PS2 version first because it came out on PS2 first. I bought the PC edition later on.
also heiankyo alien
I mean this one, definitely try to get it, not red faction 2 or whatever.
You do realise the destructible environments were in the PS2 build too, right?