What grinds your gears Sup Forums?

what grinds your gears Sup Forums?

left handed niggers

makeapp shill threads

jelq shill threads

nofap shill threads

reddit spacing

gook moot


Plus right handed niggers

Walmart door greeters who aren't mentally disabled


My 20% winrate after the latest patch in Dota 2. I cant seem to fucking win.


When people don't know who has the fucking right away.


sooooooooooooo........pretty much all niggers then?

People who ask you to do shit then get angry at you for doing that shit

bitches who dont swallow

Worn transmission synchros

fucking walmart greeters
>shop at walmart because cheap
>also closest to my house
>shopping goes normally
>check out
>head for exit
>85 year old door greeter man starts walking my way
>assume he's going on break
>ignore him as I approach exit
>notice he's moving to block me
>"there's something in your cart I have to check"
>wtf no
>haven't even hit the theft detector
>no alarm set off
>all my shit is in bags and can't be seen
>just like every other customer he let through with no problem
>he has literally no reason to even suspect I stole something
>no idea what might be in my cart because bags
>no reason for him to check me
>tell him no and move around him
>tells me to stop
>ignore him and keep walking
>he tries to follow but the crypt keeper can't keep up with me
>gives me dirty looks every time I go back

The kid from deliverance grew up to be a Walmart door greeter. No shit.

overweight people. so disgusting.

Fuck you.

fuck all that shit man! Thats why I go to Target. Target is clean , has cute cashiers, MILFS shop there. Not like the NASCAR clientele Wal Mart attracts.

Agreed. Go to Target.

You have to pretend transvestism isn’t mental Illness and mental beliefs change physical matter and biology

Almost everyone is gay or bisexual only in the last 15 years

Everything is deemed racist even saying the colour of a object now has to do with race and people

Cross breeding is widely encouraged now, some Europe countries pay you to have children of mixed race

Little fucking retarded fresh men with thos stupid ass backpacks that roll on wheels and make tons of fucking noise in the halls like nigga pick it the fuck up you anit got shit in there anyways

Too much chain stretch. God damned drivetrain noobs...

Beggars annoy the fuck out of me. Then theres the Got a smoke shitheads who think that they should be supplied for free


im going to be taking truck driving classes soon
I would say grinding gears would grind my gears

People who drive 40mph down a highway entrance ramp and try to merge with 70mph traffic

I just don't understand how someone could let themselves get that fat.


The way people can't screencap threads anymore without including a clusterfuck of reaction images all over instead of the normal, streamlined way it used to be before where you could actually read that shit.

Left handed nigger israeli's that live in Mexico and try to cross the border.

Man childs and weeaboos. Just grow the fuck up...