Femanon here

femanon here.

Here are 5 reasons feminists/womyn are better than men, in almost every way;

1. We are strong, emotionally and physically, we can take anything you have to give and then some and STILL be able to outsmart and outplay you.

2. We are sensible, and smart. We know what we are capable of and we strive to achieve it, we don't just lay back and kick up our feet like 99% of the vagina pube facial haired neckbeards that visit this website.

3. We creative life. Womyn have created every thing on this planet, and why? Because even if a man created it, a womyn created that man. Therefore, the female is the eternal creator, men are the creation.

4. We mature (up to 5) years earlier than men, we are more equipped to handle the stresses of daily life than you are, you'd sooner have a furious wank or get drunk and not face your issues, we fix our problems and better ourselves.

5. We are accepting to people of all kinds, men, colored people even mexicans. You judge them for being dirty or poor and we can tell that it's all a part of their rugged charm, their hard work ethic and their foreign intelligence and experiences.

Better yourself. Become a feminist regardless of who you are or what your gender/race is, stick up for women because they gave you life and will continue giving life until the very last human dies. The better they feel and are treated the happier you men will be.

So please learn your places.



Tits & gtfo





tits or gtfo


>the road to hell is paved with good intentions

I'm fine. I hate everyone for good reasons and that is ok.

very crappy b8 m8

>We creative life
>even mexicans

try harder...

>we can take anything you have to give
>We know what we are capable of
>lay back and kick up our feet
>the female is the eternal creator,
>we fix our problems
>until the very last human dies

Number 3. Lol there is a little flaw in that reasoning, sure women gestate and give birth to the new man or woman, but that would be a shared creation, because without the contribution of the male`s genetic material, that creation wouldn`t be possible, well unless suddenly women awake a hidden skill to do mitosis inside their wombs XD

Women suck dicks. Fags

>femanon here.
I personally love the shitstorm that starts everytime some poor faggot makes one of these anti women or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I've made everyone and chuckle a bit.

You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.

Sure, you'll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it's just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can't really complain.

After all, we do pretty much run the show.
Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.

Got a kid with a girl? Don't fool yourself, it's HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she'll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.

Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you'll be watching, getting hard, and problably crying a tear or two because you know you'll always be a forever alone faggot


this is why I got a vasectomy 15 years ago and will never get married

Tits or GTFO.

Shitty bait tastes like shit. Fuck you.


But most of these can still apply to men. Except for the biologically impossible like having children.

Tits or gtfo

6. We cannot spell worth a shit, or use proper grammar.

Yea, but my gf could kick your ass, and probably would if you started your faggotry around her. It doesn't matter whether you are an actual femanon or some faggot troll from Sup Forums either, she would probably beat the shit out of you on principle. She has a bit of a temper, and low tolerance for bullshit.

Hmm this is perhaps the shittiest bait I've ever seen op must actually be a woman

The most interestng thing in this whole thread is this picture. This is some extreme shit. Where the hell did you get this from you amazing faggot?


Femanon here

Yes. I love getting my throat fucked, because only the best of men have dicks long enough to do it and if they are fucking my throat, that means I'm considered hot enough to chosen by the cream of the crop.

It's extremely validating.

spotted the newfag

You feel it is unfair when men hate you, yet you think you have every right to hate them? HA! Dat logic. You are not intelligent, you can't even reason properly. You should take a philosophy class, your argument is full of holes

Tits or GTFO cunt.

Again, shitty bait tastes shitty.


> (You)
>The most interestng thing in this whole thread is this picture. This is some extreme shit.

If you like that, you'll love this.

Hi. I think a bareback creampie will fix all ur problems

This is sexisim you hypocratic bitch.




maybe you believe it yourself

HAHA all these posts screaming bait, that the best you got? You want to insult someone, do it properly.

Of course, that would require that you actually have a couple functional brain cells, which I realize is asking that you grow significantly from your current larval state. Still, the experience might be good for you. Get out, see new things, learn to understand the depth of your absolute and staggering intellectual inferiority. Maybe even find a zookeeper to wipe the drool off your chin and shut your slack-jawed, gap-toothed maw before you begin flopping about spewing verbal sewage.

I realize you're not entirely to blame for your condition, however. In many ways your parents are the greater monsters for inflicting you on the world, with any luck those diseased mongrels had the decency to slink off into a swamp before dying of shame, instead of spawning more of your misbegotten ilk.


You're doing the exact same thing you accuse men of doing. Talking about brain cells....

You're trying too hard and it's showing

Shitpost just a little more subtle next time, you might bait more ppl

1. Then why do men have more muscles than women
2. Then why are the most significant inventions made by men
3. Duh youre cows
4. Because you have nothing to do. In this case you're just delusional. Maturity does not equate intelligence
5. Lol no I know racist women
Learn my place? Fuck you. And no im not going to fuck you, you probably have a mix of crabs and aids with some yeast infection you fish hybrid bitch

Team siren

See, now thats better. Still not good enough to fool anyone you're serious, but at least it resembles coherent thoughts.

Women may be more important to the survival of the species, but men are much more important to the thriving of the species.

Outside of your birthing point, which hit at least in the vicinity of the mark, the rest of your points are either ignorant or poor b8.

OP here. It's going pretty well until now.

Are you fat?? Or ugly? Also show your tits or BTFO