You have exactly 10 seconds to explain why you don't go to the gym to painstakingly develop and reach your maximum evolutionary potential and to attain a perfect aesthetic physique like this naturally athletic alpha male.
>Pic related
You have exactly 10 seconds to explain why you don't go to the gym to painstakingly develop and reach your maximum evolutionary potential and to attain a perfect aesthetic physique like this naturally athletic alpha male.
>Pic related
I don´t go to the gym because I find myself stopping after a while I workout at home instead. It is not perfect and I do miss some equipment but atleast I get it done.
because I'm alpha enough to not give a fuck about that level of vanity
I workout. not that much, but i do regularly. I spend more of my time focusing on my career and achieving wealth. That's why in not at the gym all day. I think woman value my success more than my muscles. I guess to each his own though.
Ohh and I don't want to get that ripped ever because im not a gigantic faggot obsessed with other dudes cuts. Just come out already, you gay as fuck dude
>athletic alpha male
>pumps full of steroids
that's even more beta than feminist men
I do
Too bad you can't get taller from working out you manlet.
gay pants
Being that human heartbeats are precounted before birth im not excited to burn through that at an accelerated pace just because
holy crap that chihuahua is buff
hahaha jesus christ how small are you xD
160lbs looking like that means you are tiny AF, below 170cm
If you think thats what roids gets you... you're ignorant af
I have this thing called "a job"
Tren clen or both?
>your maximum evolutionary potential
>measured in muscle mass
I'm 5' 7"
nough said
Because when you are 5'7 looks like you are compensating
Also I would never look like my favorite bodybuilder so I shy should I be interested?
Pic related my favorite bb
you can get this without roids bro ... like really.
still a manlet though
2 reasons. I don't mooch of my parents(AKA I have a job). The second reason is that I don't have insecurities.
I'm too poor to go to the gym
Jantee shaaban
Working out is a vanity thing only if you make it. Most people work out because they want to feel better/develop physically. But I get it, you need reasons to justify being a lazy fuck so you come up with vanity.
It´s fake and gay. Why do i need all this muscle? Right! I don´t. As soon as you stop lifting i goes away and you are left with no cool skill or anything valuable. Plus, the food and the amount of it is appaling and gross.
Of course you can, but some things don't lie. In this case the fact that he clearly skips leg day and has bacne.
Insecure people always tend to measure success in life in things that they have more than the average person even if it makes no sense.
Don't need to, I'm tall so I don't have to overcompensate.
Wrong. To look like this you have to eat tons of proteins and low carb and other bullshit. Nothing to do with being fit, back in the days people were fit you just don´t see. Plus how old is he 22 years. Get past 40 and we talk again.
I do go to the gym
Better health is my goal.
I went from 300lbs to 185lbs in four years, mostly through cardio and calorie control.
I've been able to fuck hotter girls sure.. but that's a fringe benefit compared to using stairs without risking a heart attack.
OP has shit priorities.
Wow you faggots naming body builders by names are even more cringeworthy than the people who follow porn stars.
You guys are gay as fuck
If you don't see/know that you cannot get as pumped as the last photo naturally then you, sir, are retarded.
because I am dying.
Not like the very last picture, but you can get pretty pumped naturally and not like the guy in this picture either
If you have to say you're alpha, you're not alpha
Usually, we short people have to compensate with creativity/intelligence more than muscles.
We look rather pathetic if we're bodybuilding
Tried and failed 4 times, before trying to start the 5th time I realised what good will it do? I got no friends to enjoy any outdoor activity with, keep to myself so mostly inside all the time, game is nonexistant - heck if I wouldn't have gotten lucky at a concert I would still be a virgin at 25, and yea havent slept with another woman since then (19y/o) , what ever I do I end up on the same spot, behind the computer listening to music playing a random game passing the time until night is over and I have to go to work repeating the cycle.
We all are, every second.
Because bulk has nothing to do with health, fitness, evolution or naturalness.
And because I make hundreds of thousands a year using my brain instead of my brawn like a fucking ditch digger. I make civilized society possible. You’re a farm hand. A donkey. A cart horse.
And don’t start some shit about the collapse of civilization. In ten thousand years of human history the smart and the wealthy have always used the valor of the strong and stupid to stay alive and in power.
PS: that bun in your bitches oven is mine.