God-tier metal albums thread

God-tier metal albums thread
>inb4 "metal is for faggots"
>also inb4 " "god-tier". "metal". pick one."

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The Way of all Flesh is great, but The Link is their best work

gojira is for fags

shit. ive been zozzled.



said no one ever

The Link is their worst album imo but it is not worthless or bad by any means. Magma was pretty good too. Only thing I don't like about their newer work is, it seems they have lost their death metal elements, and their first few albums were great for that

Fill my eyes with flies and cut my throat so I can't breathe

His voice took a while to grow on me

>prowler in the yard

why the fuck did they stop making music.
fucking robbed of godly guitars.

I'll raise you one better

gojira is for fags

Sterile Nails and Thunderbowels is amazing



disagree but fucking ace album. Clone is one of my fav Gojira songs. Also nice double dubs.

Charles left. They made this album without him.




>This is the commando, we're up on shit creek and it fuckin floats bad, OHHHHH





he left like 3 years ago. fucking. nick, jake, and patty are still around.

You like shit 90's song structures then a bunch more, I am left to infer. Enjoy your melodic dark metal.


Ace album, backing vocals make it








TBDM all day



Dechristianize is the best death metal song ever made. Fucking amazing

Teras is one of the dopeist tunes of all time

eh its good but its by no means the best

This is some cool fucking death metal


this one

To me it is. That, Post(?) Organic, and Corporal Jigsore Quandary.

*initiate furious blast beats*

I like Deicide better imo



they're also amazing.

Also, this


Great taste, great digits

I saw Dying Fetus once with All That Remains and GWAR...now THAT was a fucking weird show


Emmure tabs?

That sounds fucking cool. Two great bands and... eh, I guess ATR are okay, mainly their older stuff. Dying Fetus's new album is the shit

if youre going to attempt to mock polyrythms... do better

dubs knows.

Hundreds of bands That meme still hasn't died.

this guy eats ass


lol yea ATR is an emo-core band. fucking relationship metal. not a fan


true and irrelevant

yeah I heard their new album and it was pretty fucking awful. I like some of their older songs, they were okay at one point but now they're just watered-down shitcore. Shame

Thordendal shits on this all day.

all that remains is fucking gay

Holy fuck, stop it with batushka it's just some new normies shit

yea its unfortunate that their singer is a giant man pussy, the rest of the band has potential.

lol yea, that's true. I'd say The Fall of Ideals is their highlight work

the singer hired a hitman to kill his wife. dude just got out of prison recently. METAL AF


Their only good album, everything else is either sub par or super fucking gay



>spiral out... spiral out..


OP said metal, not....whatever ADTR is

From Mars to Sirius is miles better tho.

Good, but too overplayed

dude was also in as I lay dying, a "christian" band, and Austrian death machine, which was fucking awesome, arnoldcore

Just a test

Am I going to be killed for this

I know. AILD is one of my favorite all time bands. except for the christian shit they were bad ass

Probably the pinnacle of their musical career, and also one of my favorite albums of all time.

This album is super fun to listen to.

Lambesis is out?

I could never listen to Fintroll, just a bit too weird for me

End of Chapter is so fucking overrated and basic

yes sir, he talking about reforming AILD except the other members dont wanna have shit to do with him. so all new cats will be coming in supposedly

Batushka is the most interesting thing to happen to black metal since the super normies took over

Tim lambesis openly said he claimed the Christian thing to sell records he doesn't give a shit about religion


Batushka is the definition of normie BM


Schammasch - Triangle
Check this out if you're a fan of Behemoth