Only if you compliment it
5/10 too blurry
>ever deserving of compliments
Maybe if it were bigger man.
Damn, so mean about the blur
I thought the general look would be enough
Like why shave your pubes and not the rest of your stomach?
What fucking year is it? Trim your fucking bush man.
Very nice would love to find out how it feels inside me. U shoot big loads ?
Would bang
Mein kok
Yea if I don't fap for like 3 days I just mighty fat nuts
Kek, nah I'm good.
The gf likes it and so do I.
8/10 nice, thanks
What's the best way to get you off?
Do you like having someone swirl their tounge around the base of your head of power fucking a throat ?
What was your first sex like ?
Nice and clean, very areodynamic.
No risk of blowing out my o ring and wearing a diaper at the old age of 30.
How big are your balls ?
So how is Mary palm doing these days? And if you really do have a girl, she is lying to you.
How does your dick look when it's soft and has your ant eater for skin covering it. ?
dumb gayposters
Damn dude did u just beat your dick raw?
I only like cum filled dicks jerky boy
Never has the pleasure of a hard throatfuck but I usually can only bust from being inside someone.
While I appreciate safe sex your porcupine stubble makes me not want to ride your disco stick.
Ps what kind of rubber ?
nice boobs too
Reminds me of Andy six creamy log of shit, would not rate
>I go on Sup Forums and don't have a GF so everyone else doesn't have one either
Fuck off homo
My dick is a curvy boi. Anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?
Meh it's like ur not even trying, maybe spice it up and tie a knot with your dick.... I donno ur doing nothing for me
Stop masturbating so hard to the left
OK cave man. She probably gags everytime you pull it out. You have hairs longer than your dick lmao
don't think thats a thing, jacked off to the right my whole life and no curve
Literally not even a dick.
what's that?
nah, jerk off but the opposite direction so you work it back straight
Is it actually that? Heard it was some shit called Peyronie’s disease
would /b suck this?
Here pls enjoy
Stick it in the Jello Pudding.
Worst. Dick. Ever.
Really if it's too long, she just trims it for me
>Having to even lift a finger
Yeah, good luck in life pal.
asking fat Sup Forums men to rate your dick lool
LOL yea ok. She really looks like she is on her job then....... My god you lazy fuck
Why is it for you so hard to believe that there are women out there who prefer hairy men?
Shaving is a certain kind of feminization. I don't want to say it's better or it's worse, but i am pretty sure there are many women who don't like shaved guys.
Show me one pic of your caveman dick and gf in the same pic..... I bet you can't. Here is me
It's not that I don't believe it. He is the one getting mad
wish i was thicker, but you get what you given. rate?
I'm not involved in any of this, m8, but don't be proud of that beast holding your cock.
LOL still waiting. Nice response from the peanut gallery. Don't change the subject
>thinks I care about some fags opinion
I made this thread for camaraderie and joy, but it has turned to a filth pit of hatred and bile.
Celebrate genitalia, brothers and sisters.
she looks straight out of donkey kong with those lips
Sad and you should shave more then just ur dick bruh u have bush everywhere
>camaraderie and joy
>on Sup Forums
what u think ?
Nice composition. I like the subliminal message with the Big Gulp in the background, out of focus. I’d Big Gulp you.
Post moar
What the fuck is that
I have some of my girl nude, but no fucking.
I only need pics when I can't fuck her.
Sorry it's hard for you to believe, it gets easier with age.
Not me bro, can you only reply to me?
Two replies to him kinda looks like you care dog
R8 me
BTW Its 6.5. my hands are just big
You have no power here, faggot.
Wolfman looks snuggly and warm tbh
Tell that to anti-body hair bro, he thinks he's god with his Gorrillia GF
I get that a lot actually. And yeah.
I am.
Nice. Needs more hair though.
Eh. I'm not anti body hair. I'm almost if not as hairy as this guy I do trim my pubes, blend them up so it doesn't look retarded, and shave the berries and stem, though. It just looks more appealing to me. Never had a complaint. If you want a jungle, fuck it.
Fuck, yes! That just looks like Home.
i want to suck all your cum out
hi guys
>all these posts form the safety of their bedroom
lol amateurs
You look really cute post more 8/10
I'm that hairy guy.
I'm cursed with both thick hair and thin skin. Shaving, waxing, and plucking all have lead to ingrown hairs that look like horrible STDs.
Its both healthier and easier to just trim the bits every now ant then, but not too low.
What’s she wearing on her head?
now that i can suck
Now THATS a cock!