I have a stray cat following me. I want to take care of it, wat do?
I have a stray cat following me. I want to take care of it, wat do?
feed it
Make sure she isn't owned, then feed/water.
make it a paper hat
Name him Leonardo and love him
>Wash with warm water on delicate cycle
>Dry on low heat
That's not a stray.
I already gave it food and water. I live in a pretty shit neighborhood, so I don't think anyone else cares for it.
Don't get it in direct sun light
Don't get it wet
Never feed it after midnight
feed cat! receive friend! become happy!
The cat has chosen you, OP.
Take good care of your new buddy.
take it to the vet, get it it's shots, buy cat toys, take care of it.
sharpie in pooper
How much do vet visits usually cost?
First you pick it up and rub the sides of its face that lets it know that it owns you then you bring it inside then you just basically feed it
it looks clean and well fed, may not be a stray
let it in and out of house, put up photos looking for owner
if no one claims, adopt it
Make sure it is not someone elses cat already, is it well groomed and fed, no scarring etc. Some cats are just very people friendly and cling to anyone who gives them attantion.
Cook it and eat it. Cat meat tastes like sweet chicken.
75 bucks to get all its shots and shit
Pet hims
>write roommate agreement
>demand that cat acknowledge and sign
>have paper notarized
>enjoy company for many years
>never miss a feeding
>always scoop litter
>keep water full
>treat for worms
>live out rest of life as servant to the master race
>never get pussy while living with one
No, fuck shots they'll just make him chronically sick with eye leakage etc. Vaccines will ruin his life. FUCK VETS, UNLESS HE"S PHYSICALLY WOUNDED
This. Teh kitteh looks like it's being taken care of already. Like another user here said, hang up posters around the neighborhood to let people contact you if it's theirs. If it is, just get a kitten or cat from a shelter
Yeah this
don't just take someone else's pet to the vet and start doing shit to it until you know if it's actually a stray
$120 for me last time I took a cat in.
Differs between clinics and area.
Get it shots, buy it cat food, buy it treats. You can use food containers or just a bowl for the food. I usually feed my cat a couple treats at a time (Temptations like 6 or something)
You can teach your cat how to sit, how to follow you and everything.
Found the retard.
What do I win?
You shouldn't be allowed to have a pet. Take fucking care of your animals. Some shots are actually helpful for some diseases they might die off very quickly. You're the owner, do some research and get your cat the right shots for fucks sake
If someone does own the cat, they must be neglecting it to some degree, it won't stop meowing.
More pics of this lil cutie patootie
Rub its crotch. If it purrs, keep it and care for it. If it does nothing, stare it down to assert dominance, and then neglect it. If it bites/scratches/growls, trample it to death because it is obviously diseased.
I have to go to work in a little bit, so I won't be able to post much more.
Make sure it gets neutered and gets it shots user
Go eat at a Korean restauran! We Americans barbecue our domestic animals before we take a shit in the street you laundry washing savages!
My stray cat I found sleeping under my car through winter , he is mine now
>Take fucking care of your animals.
By injecting them with viral cocktails for profit bc you know vets want animals to never get ill so they can go out of business. Jesus christ these prima facie idiots. I have more experience with 'pets' than you've probably been alive. Is 25+ cats enough to learn something about the "system"? Is 20+ yr old cat lifespans not long enough? Shit nigger, there's a colony of wild cats that I insisted we leave "out of the system" and they're very healthy, healthier than many indoor cats that get vaccines and are always sneezing and their eyes leaking. One close friend still has his balls, just like his dad, he survives with the his relatives from the feral colony and they're all in excellent health and have been for many years. He's muscular as fuck and when he fights (still has his balls) he heals really fast.
This is all after I made good friends with a feral cat once, and someone else took him to the vet to get 'fixed and vaccinated', when he came back he was SO FUCKING SICK I felt so bad that he got caught up in the system. It's brutal. Stupidity has a certain charm, Ignorance doesn't. Vaccines are the fucking worse, no matter the animal they're manufactured for and all an idiotr like you can do in response to that is get triggerd and start spouting very basic, simple prima facie bullshit about "how it's supposed to be" rather than how it actually is. Fuck off.
cool dog
Magestic AF
eat it
It irked me as a child that it’s ALWAYS after midnight
She looks like mine.
its probably someones pet if it's friendly with you
feral cats will avoid any close contact with humans and even somewhat wild cats will keep their distance
it may have a microchip if it belongs to someone, sometimes animal control agencies will check it for free. if not, and no one puts up lost cat signs, you got a free cat.
just make sure to deworm it and make sure it has vaccinations
Holy shit.
Have a quiet word with yourself.
About ten bucks here in Tijuana. Twenty to spay or neuter.
Really want to try hard to stop fleas as well my stray I found was covered head to toe and if you bring them inside and get into carpet and shit they are impossible to get out so don't cheap out of flea protection
>I have more experience with 'pets' than you've probably been alive.
math checks out.
i seriously hope you are just trolling
if not, enjoy your tuberculosis and pseudoscience
Got rid of my cat's fleas with just a flea-comb every day and the occasional bath, no toxins. Took a couple of months but it worked, haven't seen a flea in five years.
same here. still pisses me off tbh
The fuck kind of reply is this? Get your head out of your ass and stop punishing animals like they're science experiments and like you, and the institutions you trust are infallible gods. If you can't tell it's about MONEY and that innocent animals are the ones silently paying the price for your bullshit, inculcated ideologies.
Fuck your actually retarded
You both got lucky, he's a beaut and he's getting well looked after.
Good job user
Wow you sure showed me
Like vaccine immunology? Wait, you think that because the prima facie campaign of vaccine immunology, that you just simply 'accept', which has the most money spend to promote it as such is NOT pseudoscience because of how institutionalized and 'backed by expensive promotion' is it? You seriously think that the most profitable schemes WOULDN'T be the actual pseudo science? You, as a pretty simple individual, really believe that you have any idea what the biological and chemical agents being injected are? You think you have any idea, beyond a child-like, moronic trust? Haha!
Well dipshit, guess who evolved for millions of years without biological and chemical cocktails injected directly into bloodstreams: just about every life form alive.
>enjoy your
I am enjoying perfect health myself, since I've stopped taking vaccines (the ones forced onto us in high school which caused IBS and random rashes). That would be, oh, 20 years ago?
My pets also enjoy very good health; unusually good health in fact. Did you not read the part about 20 year old cats? 15-20 years is the largest percentile of the, ~25 cats I've owned? The sickest ones with the shortest lives have had the most vaccines. WEIRD amirite? It's almost as if....
Also, 'cat food' is shit. Idiots think that this simplistic "but it's called cat food, duh, it's food for cats" is all that cats should eat, and it's the lowest form of nutrition with the highest per unit price. Imagine that? Not only do you punish your animals by processing them through systems, but you feed them exclusively toxic bullshit to boot. You fucking brainlets are like Elmira from Tiny Toons- clueless tyrants
Adopt, name, feed, take to vet for shots, scratch behind ears.
Receive purrs, nuzzles and the occasional gift of a small dead woodland creature, as you're now considered a potato cat that can't hunt for yourself.
I laughed because I'm twisted, but no.
>take to vet for shots
Older feral cats that have already developed a natural (superior) immunity suffer the worst from vaccines, and as a point of interest, late neuter/spaying as well. I know you're a simple person, but you really should know this so you can stop spreading this common, simple, stupid bullshit at the expense of innocent animals.
No, you can't call me a 'pseudo interlect' and not reply to every single point made in the post with a solid argument. It doesn't work that way. You're hardly qualified.
The problem with people like you is there is no point in saying anything because you are always right so I'm gonna leave you be bud
how hard do you jack off bro? how many times a day
Oh dear, it appears you've contracted autism. Seems you didn't stop taking your vaccines soon enough.
Anti Vax cunt detected. It's because of faggots like you that we'll eventually have a great culling through one of the plagues that should have been eliminated with medical science. Keep up the good work. I hope at least 90 percent of our race dies out.
I have a bad feeling about this thread. I swear if you kill that cat, I'll track you down.
Ayy 150 pesos
>The problem with people like you
The problem with 'people like you' is you confuse your own hyperbolic, inculcated, Dunning-Kruger-fueled cognitive dissonance as being a sign that you're right, just because they're personal ideologies that you hold dear
Shut up nigger
Tricolor cats are always female.
>Anti Vax cunt detected
Oh Jesus, we've got a real perceptive motherfucker right here. How did he figure it all out?
it's like you don't know that autism, the entire spectrum, is varying degrees of developmental neurological injury, and not a transmissible biological disease. It's like you never even considered it.
>great culling
Is eugenic horse shit one of the mental side effects of vaccine induced IQ reduction? Because I don't really feel like murderously 'culling' anyone, not even idiots like you, because you simps can only evolve beyond 'idiotic trust' and when you actually do, it'll be beautiful.
>uncompelling reply
Kekked. Just a bit. Spread your antivax propaganda. Like I said. I hope the world fucks out. It's the only reason I haven't killed myself yet. Shits going south in my country already. Its going to be fun.
>antivax propaganda.
>tin foil
>etc etc
It's funny, when someone has a real argument, they generally don't need to rely on basic epithets and cute little monikers for the opposition, they usually just stick to objective points of contention, but what do I know
>I hope the world fucks out.
What? Why? How about you just sit down and relax, friend.
It looks to good to be a stray, probably someone abandoned it and it's looking for someone to take care of it.
If it was a woman I'd say kick her the shit out of your house, but since it's a cat you should keep it.
Not always m8, while very rare there is an anomalous genetic mutation that can cause a male calico. I think it's only like .4% chance though
hope you like rabies