
Thats what you should expect when you are 23 years older then your wife. Dont marry someone less then 10ish years younger then you and you should always get a pre-nup regardless

>Our sources say the couple had NO prenup.


Other urls found in this thread:


>no prenup

Prenups don't do much unless you are filthy rich and he is.

He will be sucking a homeless guy's cock in an alley in about a year. He's fucked.

This will teach you to bring dogs over here ya cunt. We're fucking full

>depp's mother dies
>three days later, his wife wants a divorce
>no prenup
>she wants spousal support

This psycho bitch is spawned from Jezebel herself

Kek. I'd feel bad if he hadn't been such a smug cunt about your country's completely sensible animal regulations.

Really, though, celebrities and Hollywood culture need to drown in the Pacific.

just more evidence that women are fucking cunts

He's worth $500 million, so $250 mil plus alimony.

He's an ultraleftist so it's justified. Women are still whores though.


He's worth like $500 mil.

That's more money than he'll ever spend in his life time.

He'll also make a significant chunk of it back from future films. I don't think he's a cuck at all.

to be fair, she's an SJW atheist who adores Ayn Rand

>He's worth like $500 mil.

Not anymore lol



>That's more money than he'll ever spend in his life time.

Very true, but it probably includes assets, investments, etc, so cash alone more than likely doesn't account for the entire $500M.

Not to mention, they're in Commiefornia, he doesn't have a prenup (so not even a semblance of protection of his entire worth) and the thing that will fuck him the most will be alimony which most definitely will be given because this bitch is "clearly used to a lavish lifestyle" or whatever the dumb shit judges tend to say.

I wouldn't be surprised if she gets $250 million (cash + assets) plus an additional $300k a month from alimony.

And women act like misogyny is completely uncalled for

him and keanu were pretty much friends growing up together, along with charlie sheen and river phoenix. kinda fucked

Amber Rose is strictly for fucking and then ditching her by the side of the rose
She's the definition of an unfilial, disrepesctful, slutty, filthy, and typical newage feminist women

The fact that he married her and then decided to get no prenup just shows how absolutely fucking retarded Johnny Depp truly is
Dumbest motherfucker ever
He deserves every inch of the fucking family court's dick right up his overrated ass

>He'll also make a significant chunk of it back from future films.
>not understanding how alimony and the court system works
You'll learn one day
Hopefully it won't be at your expense though

Amber Rose? If you're willing to fuck Amber Rose, then..... Hmmm makes you think


I wish she did porn

She has that slutty look, would be great seeing her being plowed by a nice bbc

Fuck I meant Heard, not Rose

What I said applies to both

Why did he even marry her? It's not like he did it early in the relationship. What did he expect? I recall seeing rumors about this chick not being happy that Depp wasn't helping her career more, and that was years ago. It always seemed opportunistic on her side. Depp overrated his own charms. Gotta face the reality of aging. No way was this going to last for very long. That she did this within days of his mother's death says a lot about the level of her commitment to the marriage. Depp lived up to his name, in German.

>adores Ayn Rand
One of these things is not like the other

>Incoming Lolbertarian remarks.

Dont bother m8. It isnt worth it.

Although the fact she cucked her husband doesnt help.


Check out her wiki, I still can't figure out how she bypasses this cognitive dissonance.

>no pre-nup
>In the current year of our lord, 2016
Absolute cuck.

Somebody explain pajeet here:

Why Amber will get half of his fortune just after 15 months of marriage and she is a a celebrity herself?

How lawyers will make the argument that she needs money for support?

Situation is fucked here too.

>yet Amber is asking for spousal support.

Multimillionaire actress needs $$$ support?


Oh never mind caught it.


A judge can throw it out if he wants to.

>Amber Heard has filed for divorce from Johnny Depp ... shockingly 3 days after Johnny's mom died.

Class. Act.

It's worse in USA
Like this person saidThat's probably exactly how it'll go down

prenups have no value in front of a court, they are overturned on a regular basis

my mother left my father like one week after his father died

he'Ll just suck tim burton's cock and be in another movie, and make millions more

if youre a millionaire and got a team of ruthless lawyers who got your back, theres no way thats gonna fly

>How lawyers will make the argument that she needs money for support?

poo in it

Kill yourself

>prenups have no value in front of a court, they are overturned on a regular basis

Maybe in frog world. Here we have a clear set of guidelines that judges MAY NOT leave.

See: In re Marriage of Bonds (2000)

My father played a card game with my mother over the legitimacy of their first born (my sister), who was without a doubt his child (spitting image, same personality).

He abused us (mainly me) as children, then abandoned us for the whores in his home town when my sister and I were pre-teens.

Of course, my mom abused us as well, but she never abandoned us at least.

Ah, childhood memories.

They probably disagreed over Trump

She's a conservative texan

How can you be that rich and successful and still fall for the oldest trick in the fucking book?


It's real, faggot

he done goofed when he flaked out and made that ridiculous apology for that dog thing in Australia - he came off as such a ludicrously weak coward... I couldn't believe he buckled like that

>she's a conservative Texan

She's an SJW and a faghag

>No prenup


best gif i've seen in a while

when will manlets learn?

If you're under 5'10", a woman would only ever want you for your money.

He fucked a dog in straya?

I think there were at least two dogs involved in that incident

>going out of his way to try and hurt someone
wew lad,you must feel really bad,sorry

He secretly brought his dogs in on a private plane, disregarding the laws surrounding it

Australia found and and said they'd kill his dogs if he didn't make an apology video

aw look at the little manlet everyone, have pitty on him


Sort of, he was ordered to get them out of the country and go through quarantine and apologise, and if he didn't, the dogs would be terminated.


dude I'm actually doing this because I feel bad about you.
I'm 184 cm,which is bit over average in Croatia.
Only a person who feels like shit wants to put others down.
So yeah,as I said,sorry about you being hurt.I hope you get better.

he was a fucking idiot for ignoring local laws - but that doesn't excuse his anemic and spineless appearance in that apology video

he made a bad thing worse

btw, what's the local consensus regarding Depp's doggy kerfuffle? has he burned bridges down there?

Everyone just thinks he came across as a wanker.
Australians are generally quite proud of our strong quarantine laws, and I think a lot of people took it as an attack on our national pride to just waltz in with your dogs like you own the place.

Damn, Johnny is so cool too, but she used to say she was a lesbian. Not suprised she probably lied to him to get fame so then she could become a full blown dyke like Kristen Stewart.

Exactly, he ignored the laws, which was bad, he made that video, which made it worse, then he try to give bantz about the situation... he tried to out banter us, which is just stupid. It was one colossal screwup after another.

The local consensus is that he should've just followed our laws. Once he got caught, he should've just left and reentered the country with the dogs going through quarantine. That he thought that he was an exception or whatever, just showed us that he is a bit of a shitcunt. When he made that video, it showed everyone that he's an absolute tit, and now that he's trying to banter about it on tv shows, he's basically seen as an absolute and total cunt and a dropkick.

>This psycho bitch is spawned from Jezebel herself

>I am dumb enough tot rely on a woman who hurt me, so the woman is evil

yeah found the beta.

Your post is rather incoherent, it seems you were just looking for someone to insult.

In a word, everything he did was unaustralian

Did they have kids? Doesn't alimony only count when you have kids together?

good to hear that the senpai down under isn't falling for the nonsense - stay based!

I think some people were ready to forgive and forget but him being a dickhead on chat shows pushed all that aside, if he ever tries to visit Oz again there'll be a lynching

if he doesn't have a vicious and iron clad prenup it would be the biggest surprise since... well, it's been a surprising year so far.

which talk show appearance, friend? I'd like to watch this on youtube

>can't handle the bantz

t. 1,75 manlet


It was on Jimmy Kimmel apparently, here's an article about it. Joyce BTFO Depp, it's a great read. Elite banter from Joyce.

thanks, man

He also made remarks on Graham Norton.

Any time m8

Yeah, he seemed a bit drunk/drugged up on it too

>Ayn Rand
We all know she's a kike, gtfo

Thought he could bant with the Kings, failed hard. Just looked like a fuck wit.

Australians don't give a fuck if he's a celebrity or not.

May not get the next pirates filmed here now. No one gives a shit.