If you could get rid of any state, which one would it be?
If you could get rid of any state, which one would it be?
either Florida or Jersey
California or Oregon
New Jersey
It would be like clipping toenails. No one would notice it missing.
the liquid state
Alaska, give it to canada
I'm not a California resident, but i guarantee you California is a better state than the shithole you're from. Beautiful healthy population, high pay, great weather, and progressive politics.
Go back to Kansas and enjoy your diabeetus and M4s.
No contest. California needs to go.
I see a lot of hate for California. Why is that? The country might wither up and fucking die without us.
Mississippi here. Lowest gdp, shit people even shittier income
>I see a lot of hate for California. Why is that?
because Californians thing things like this:
>The country might wither up and fucking die without us.
>I'm not a California resident
Cuck for Cali eh?
I vote Florida, fuck fthat shithole
I think they're jealous. Most of Sup Forums is from Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and the Dakotas.
New Mexico can get fucked
ikr right look at the shit it produces
>everyone answering california
>literally 90% of your countries economy
ye typical murifats
I'd get rid of Wisconsin. I fucking hate Wisconsin, with their nasty ass cheeses, annoying as shit football team, awful accents, and the way they say, "Dontcha know?" like some kind of shitty fucking Canadians or some shit. Who wants to live in a shitty ass north middle of the country place like that, and then pretend to be proud of it? At least be ashamed like people from North Dakota. Just go fuck off to Canada with your awful fat ass food and weather. Wisconsin can suck my dick.
The people or the territory?
The People- Commiefornia.
The Territory- Probably Louisiana.
My state of mind after reading a Sup Forums thread about traps. Otherwise, Wyoming, because every one of their votes counts for 3.5 votes in an average state, and that's just bullshit (electoral college math).
the red states. Not for political reasons. just because the national average IQ would increase
the thirteen, so much potential
I live in Kansas. It wouldn't be quite as bad as it is here if Sam Brownback didn't bend the state over and fuck us up our assholes.
Cali is a bunch of self hating white people who suck nigger dicks and praise socialism.
i drove through wyoming and it fucking sucks fuck that shitty state
California, Texas, and New York are literally the most important States in the country. You can fight about which is the MOST important / best, but it's those 3 no fucking lie.
If you want to get rid of any of them, you're a retard
and the ugly people losers outnumber everybody and dont want people to know that the ugly people losers are disgusting and short and so dont belive waka waka hehehe and there ugly and try to be better then people ugly way and there disgusting and gay and force people to like them ugly way were fucked even though we already know it cause eeverybody that isnt the ugly people losers pretend to like the ugly people losers cause there so ugly and scum bag and alme and ugly and disgusting and short and ugly and smell worse then dog shit and is ugly like my short ugly loser father and the ugly people losers that outnumber evverybody and try to read me ugly way so can be better then me ugly way cause there ugly and try too hard and try to be better then me ugly way and so join there shit socitey and there lame and ugly and respect the ugly people losers that smell worse then dog shit and there short and ugly and so resepct them while try to act better then me ugly way and try to act better then people ugly way but is lame and ugly and need to hurt people ugly way to be better then people ugly way and has to do lame and disgusting things to be better then people ugly way and try to be better then people ugly way and still try to be better then the king which is me the ugly way cause the ugly people losers try to be better then me ugly way and messed up and so keep trying to be better then me ugly way every single day cause try too hard and are scum bags like my short ugly loser father and the ugly people losers that outnumber everybody and so talk ot the ugly people losers that try to hurt me andthe attrative loser people ugly way and there socitey is lame for all the lame things they did pathatic and ugly way and so go to talk to the ugly people losers that is lame so fuck there socitey and the ugly people losers is lame and ugly and but still try to be better then people ugly way but look lame like the ugly people losers that outnumber everybody
It's because there are so many niggers there.
Nebraska is fucking weeb central
Who praise socialism as in effect in Western Europe and Scandinavia, the best places to live in this world.
Wonder why?????
bruh he got kicked out of 2 denny's in a row last night. he wanted dem 12 eggs
probably my state of depression
You drank the Koolaid.
Cali reporting in.
both liberals and conservatives with any sense hate this place because of the millions of people stacked on top of each other and because in these conditions public niceties have up and vanished.
everyone wants middle america.
Nazi Trumptards BTFO
The state of Israel.
> This is the only acceptable answer.
I live the koolaid. Feels good.
He implemented the GOP trickle down utopia. Turns out it's horseshit economics.
Still waiting for that earthquake you know.
and so when the gay people read people ugly way cause want things perfect and cheat ugly way and that is why i cant get hot girls ugly way and there untalented and smell worse then dog shit and is ugly and retart and butch and ugly and gay and smell worse then dog shit and is ugly and butch and ugly and lame and retart and stupid like jackie and the ugly people losers that is boring and ugly and try to be better then me ugly way and is ugly and lame like jackie like the ugly people losers that is disgusting and lame like jackie and the ugly people losers that try to be better then me ugly way and so fuck there ugly faces and is lame and stupid and disgufred like the ugly people losers that smell like poo cause is stupid and ugly and people make fun of them cause is ugly and stupid and try to t tand smell like trt otg jr worse thneghg bad like dog shit and si u hyt and igrir and is ugly
new york
I wonder if that's because California contributes the most to the entire country, followed by Texas and NY?
You're just jealous your shit state only matters every 4 years.
And created the best state in the country. Enjoy your... I don't know, what does your state excel in? Heart disease?
Texas. I can't believe not one vote for this giant piece of shit.
I just think we don't need small states. Like Rhode Island and Connecticut can either be combined or both combined with NYC and Long Island. Delaware should be part of Maryland, and New Jersey should be split up into the Pennsylvania part, the New York part, then just nuke the south part where its all shore and pine trees. We can then use the extra states to get back up to 50 by incorporating things like Puerto Rico.
Are you okay user? Do you need help, an ambulance, meds, a cup of cocoa, anything?
As a south dakotan i can say that north dakota should be obliterated. There is only room for one dakota here. What do they have to offer? at least we have a national monument
North Dakota
>nobody would miss it
As a Yuropoor I don't understand why so many of you want to get rid of the most prosperous and developed state in the country? It's the only state together with Texas that is capable of fully self-sustaining.
Whatever you may think of its inhabitants, it is clearly doing something better than the rest?
underrated reply
eww are you proud of being in the midwest?
the middle of the country is for people who weren't smart or attractive enough for the coasts. i mean i'd go there if i was going to give up on all of my dreams or something but otherwise the flyover country is just a big empty space
But oh does it matter then, I mean in federal elections it seriously matters. Do you know how many rich assholes are registered to vote in small midwestern states where they have a "summer cabin" in Jackson hole or Montana? Their voices speak louder in these sparsely populated states, they're not stupid.
Kentucky. It’s a pointless shithole with a faggot-filled university and there are zero things to do.
Pretty much anything in this area is just excess baggage at this point.
I will give the Midwest a couple of things, great BBQ and solid football
Texas for sure.
- It would correct an history wrong when it was stolen from Mexico.
- It would provided a buffer with the rest of Mexico.
- A Texas/US border would be either to fence.
Well i am like a 6 by coastal standards but because i live in SD i am like a 9 and can get mad puss easily. So it works out for me. Im not proud of it but it works.
fair, if you're happy with that, it still proves my point. and you don't mind fucking cows. and i'm referring to both the people and animals.
No one wants to get rid of my above-average state :-)
>Most votes for cali, texas, and NY
>Literally the backbones of the county's economy
but why?
I wouldnt say im happy with it. Its just what i know. Its too late for me to start over, and if i did i wouldnt even know how. TBH the big city scares me and i dont like people that much
then east cost, everyone hates each other here too. there's always shit to do for work in NYC if you're willing to commute in from out of the city somewhere. if you're happy with it, stay there. but don't be afraid to dream and take risks, or you'll just be another midwestern statistic about why its pointless.
No one likes the city, lucky for you we live in a time now where you can put on headphones and people will leave you be for the most part.
Its the politics that make it a shithole.
I am left wondering the same. Probably for similar reasons why Germany is the most hated country in the EU.
Keep waiting Cletus
They're just jealous.
Seriously? You guys carry the heaviest weight economically, sounds like jealousy
North Dakota checking in. We provide cheap oil to the country even though the injuns tried to stop us. 49 states would rather have cheaper gas then deal with South Dakota's faggotry.
Tennessee, north Carolina, Virginia, Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan all have redeemable qualities, but yeah, fuck the rest.
Truth dubs, and I'll wager UK would be nowhere without the much maligned London
This guy gets it.
north dakota is still a state? gay.
you know what state is wonderful?
i love that place. (Oahu specifically, only toured the big island apart from that) i don't mean as a tourist; i briefly lived there, i its as tropical and beautiful as like a caribbean island, but still america and not a 3rd world shithole. tons of military to make you feel safe, people are largely in good shape, food is tasty and the active lifestyle helps you burn it off, and asians/native hawaiians are far better than blacks/latinos as far as non-whites go. girls are in bathing suits all the time, and you can go climb mountains and hit the beach in the same day. its amazing.
But but but college football??
Whatever Montana
It's the politics that allow it to excel. If you want a GOP/conservative utopia, shit, move to Kansas or Arkansas or Alabama. Enjoy working in a call center fire a California company I guess.
ND is nothing but a whore for cheap products. At least SD has some natural beauty and a national monument. People forget you even exist.
The United state
Lol damn you must have some deep issues. I'm assuming it's really the football team you hate. Anyway it's too bad you can't enjoy some bomb ass cheese curds. Go pack go.
you're both a waste of fucking space full of farm animals and sad humans