Cringe Thread

Cringe Thread


Did she sign that?




What a treasure.


that picture legitimately makes me so sad.







thats alpha as fuck bro

I fear for the future

is that shad?




Jebus criss

The Education system is really paying off

>the toilet in the corner of the bedroom.


>titties hanging off the wall

cringe? are you fucking stupid

god is dead, and we killed him


thats top tier trolling


Shadfags are the worst.



She died.



deepest lore



seriously that bish must take on so much creep shit for being as young as she is

That's not funny my brother died that way


Pajeets start early.

This is a wonderfully specific fetish.

not today

>Mike Harder
This is obviously real and not a troll.




His death was pretty hilarious.


*takes painkiller*




She's also rich and famous and set for life.

Zero sympathy.

>now be a good boy and I'll make you your favorite sandwich while you watch Pokémon, but if you're naughty then your grandmummy will be forced to tie you up in the closet and then your parents will never come back

18 + 2004 = 2022
doesn't work faggot



33 + 1984 = 2017

Holy fuck it works


This entity I came across on ig

Is it bad that the first thing that went through my mind when I saw that pic was cool, Anomalocaris!

This is 'I recognize that bulge' level autism


It‘s no even well shopped


The trick doesn't work for time travelers

Tbh not cringe, just very unfortunate to have such shitty shitty acne.

That’s more sad than cringe. With some oxy and a nose job, she’d probably look ok.

How is this cringe?

It seems Beelzebub is angry Triton.

>kids born in 2000 are turning 18 soon
>Y2K kids are having prom sex and I'm still a 26yo virgin

Is this for real? cause if it is she's dead af

Fucking disgusting.

It's so sad that even he has friends and followers on Twitter and I don't

Fuck this thread


Ha, faggot




I've always wondered what the hell is spread on his toast.

Is that cream cheese or just a fuckton of butter?


Cut it out, user




Sorry, I meant "it"


is that even a human?



He didn't put himself in this, someone suited this knight. Somebody photographed this being

m8 that's Opabinia

Lil peep literally died yesterday


Do is A, and Do-major is not white. Do-minor is.

the funny part is even missing... "You will get salmonellae" "no its chicken"