By state.
These are the questions that Americans most often ask of Google
>is Mercury in retrograde
New York with the only legitimate question
>Washington, D.C.
>Our nation's capital
Fuck it, nuke it and let's just start over.
I'm glad Oklahoma proves how based it is.
>Texas uncucked by the interconnected Jew
feels good
>is joe flacco elite
Sup Forums strikes again
americans are sub human we kno this canada bro
>what does OPP mean
Lolol didn't know we had guys over there
Connecticut confirmed for Trump.
I hadn't noticed that one.
I don't think that's what it is, Ontariofriend.
>Do penguins have knees?
>who won the civil war?
Jesus Christ do they have schools in that fucking state?
>how to open a jar?
god damn it why is my state so retarded?
>what is Wyoming
It's fake
They do
[spoiler]So do whales and dolphins[/spoiler]
>What is Wyoming?
>Where is Waldo?
>by state
No shit
No it isn't. Here's a more expansive version.
Montana, you traitors!
Also, lek'd at Florida. They're the Australians of the U.S., but I didn't realize that they knew it.
No. I live across the river from those fuckers and they are all inbreds.
>why are my nipples sore
first time ive ever hated Georgia other than niggers.
>is weed bad for you
That Colorado, dunce.
Colorado, Florida, and Hawaii all having existential crises in some form or another. Top Lel
>South Dakota
>How to be emo
That can't be right, emo hasn't been a thing since 2002 / 2003ish.
>How to make a baby?
wew Kentucky
Neither Texas nor Arkansas surprises me. I expected more in the South to question who won the Civil War I mean War of Northern Aggression
it's likely the teacher doesn't give a clear answers or it's biased as fuck so the kids have to check google for their homework
this is satire, right?
>is Bernie sanders vegan
god fucking damnit
I imagine little girls googling it after meeting their older cousins
nipples are sore because of salty sweat and an irritating fabric shirt rubbing on them
its tremendous pain
Look in the bottom left. It starts searching for these questions in 2004.
As a Ohioan, I can confirm this.
>what is satire
>Am I a psycho?
God bless this state.
Also, Kansas is completely fucked.
> is Bernie Sanders a vegan
>Where is the internet
>Is Ted Cruz the Zodiac killer
>Using Google Autocomplete we compiled hundreds of the most common questions Americans type into the Google search bar. We ran those searches through Google Trends to determine which state queried each of these selected searches the most over the past 12 years.
Learn to read. It's not the most popular questions by state, it's the most popular questions filtered by which state asked it the most.
>is ted cruz the zodiac killer
im fucking gone
>How to make meth?
>Why is my poop green?
>where's waldo
>not a legitimate and pressing question
that's fucking hilarious
10/10 america, you should be fucking proud
>What is Wyoming
not only that, but it's cringe inducingly trite
For once I'm proud to be from CT
Just cuck my shit up senpai
Are you from Indiana?
Why are my nipples so sore?
no but i live in indiana
but serious i do
>when is Cinco de Mayo?
>what is Wyoming?
>How to make a baby?
>Is Bernie Sanders vegan?
>what is satire
Confirmed, if I run too much I have to start taping my nips before I go out
What does O.P.P. mean? Is that the new way to call OP a faggot?
Look at Indiana.
Indiana pls.
>When is 5 de mayo
>Is Joe Flacco elite
Meme magic is REAL
Ayy lmao
>Washington DC
>when is Ramadan?
Based Idaho.
Obama must keep forgetting
>Who owns Fox News?
Kek. Alabama took the redpill.
> Why does everyone hate Florida
Don't even care if this is real or not
Aaaaaaaaaaah, my fucking sides sides.
>Is Joe Flacco Elite?
I want it to be real
Why don't you wear a bigger shirt? Or an undershirt? Or any kind of shirt that doesn't touch your nips.
Maybe just get a shirt with holes in it and stop talking about it. I don't know anyone else with this problem.
>Who won survivor?
That's an important question though. Maine knows what's up.
>when is x-files
pa confirmed spookiest state
Oh trust me we know
>mfw Kansas
t. Nebraska
>Why is Virginia for lovers?
Based Ohio.
From Ohio. Every kid i know seems to smoke dope. Doesn't surprise me.
This is all bullshit. The most asked question in all states is something like "where to get pr0n?" I can guarantee you that.
Fake and gay.
Do people really hate that state?
>IOWA: Where is ISIS? / Who is Bernie Sanders? / What is a caucus? / What is a socialist? / What is socialism?
I never did trust Iowans
All good suggestions to be honest family
So what? That sounds like the shittiest method to find out anything. They filtered it down to questions they thought were funny and then they figured out which states asked them the most. Clickbait bullshit that tells you literally nothing.
Thanks for making my point.
Yeah, I'm not sure why though. I've been there it's actually pretty nice. Maybe I'm just a bad person though.
>How to make a baby?
That's not what I expected from my state, to say the least.
>when is Cinco de Mayo?
Gee I dunno
>CONNECTICUT: Will Trump win? / What is the American dream? / How to be pretty?
>Alaska asking about fish.
Some of them were funny enough for me to lightly chuckle but when I got to
>Is Joe Flacco Elite?
I lost my shist
Sup Forums found a way
You aren't the brightest tool in the shed, are you?
Sup Forums was legendary the night Baltimore won the SB over the 9ers.
Californians love living up to their degenerate stereotypes.
>New Hampshire
>Who framed Roger Rabbit?
Every time I go to work I see a thousand Bernie signs. Just nuke this shitty state.
>typing questions into a search engine
The questions are all retarded because only retards do this.
well when is x-files?
>How to make meth?
You are subhuman
Learn to not be retarded