Anthro character

Is there a way to make good anthro IP without getting shit up by furries, legitimately autistic people, and look down upon by normies?

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>Is there a way to make good anthro IP without getting shit up by furries, legitimately autistic people,
>look down upon by normies?
Normies liked Zootopia so just make it good


>anthro IP without getting shit up by furries, legitimately autistic people
Fuck no.

Also Just make it really fucking safe on the surface and appealing to normalfags. They'll like it and just try to sidestep the autistic furry shit as much as possible.

Have them fuck a human female.

I doubt it.

People make porn of everything, my advice is to stop caring so much about what other people do.

you fucking wish

the reason why furries are hated though is because they actually make their fetish into some disgusting hentai subculture lifestyle

What's wrong with autistic furries? They are a loyal money stream because of how thirsty and autistic they are. Just make sure to pump a game each year to keep their autism fueled.

Use pigs as your characters. No furry will ever admit they like pigs.

no, anthro = autistic furfaggotry

>No furry will ever admit they like pigs.
You'd be surprised.

I'm ashamed that I recognize those outfits

Nah, there's like zero good art of Pigma compared to everyone else. Then again, there's no art of Wolf 69ing Fox either.

le berney fug maymay xD

Smack them in the face.
The are the traitors of our race.
Crush their evil bones furiously
And look at them seriously.

Burn these furfags to the ground
And crush them with 200 pounds.
Don't let them live and breath,
A dirty soul is what is beneath.

They always hold their fetish
And they should all perish.
With them our lives are bold,
Because they are made of mold.

We will kill you if we see you,
You will fear us and run away.
We will beat you green and blue,
If you don't put yourself away!

Emelie is the only pig furry OC I've seen that's good.

jesus OP's image legit gives me fucking cancer

You haven't looked hard enough. I had a friend of mine tell me he's attracted to this guy not too long ago.

Literally who?

The best way to make an anthro/furry game as autism free as possible is to not include anime because then you will attract pedo weebs

Why does Tails have such a shit eating grin on his face?
post the comic please

off the top of my head
>Patapon 3

You know exactly what that face is trying to convey.

Look it up on e621.

>Is there a way to make good anthro IP without getting shit up by furries
Not anymore.

>Is there a way to make good aliens IP without getting shit up by xenofetishists, legitimately autistic people, and look down upon by normies?
>Is there a way to make good WW2 IP without getting shit up by nazidrama, legitimately autistic people, and look down upon by normies?
>Is there a way to make good fantasy IP without getting shit up by elves, legitimately autistic people, and look down upon by normies?

Just change two words, and you can say this about pretty much any game featuring X.

Nice edge
Kys racist

thats because there's no female pig characters.

Did your friend play the game? What did he think of the dragons?

I like pigs.

He's a qt.

>implying you can't make pigs look hot
Just check that one artist that also draws the horse sheep and rhino.

From what he's told me, he pretty much adores 'em.

He sure is.

Are you sure about that?

Also, yeah. He's played the game though I don't quite remember what his thoughts on it were. I do remember him telling me that Daftpatriot made some amazing Wonderboy smut and he was right.

>Cuphead reaction image
Wouldn't worry too much about it Tbh

eh, I liked how armello did it.
felt way more disney like, and reminded me a lot of redwall
>we will never get an actually decent redwall game
it hurts

Nobody cares if its "looked down upon" outside of Sup Forums. Even within Sup Forums its not always a big deal, A Hat in Time had a lot of furries and Sup Forums still loved it.

>A Hat in Time had a lot of furries and Sup Forums still loved it
that's because Sup Forums is a website for lolicons and the main character is a loli, you thick-skulled sape

Armello artist also did Tooth and Tail, which is great.

But the game only had one and a half loli characters in it.

Are you retarded?

The point is it a had a lot of furry characters and nobody really cared. Are you too retarded to grasp that simple concept?


furries are cringeee lmfao

It's a shit game

thought we were looking for examples that people didnt want to fuck and everyone wants to fuck the conductor

>furfag is entirely mentally crippled
gee what a shocker

Nothing wrong with that.

fucking furries, rainfurrest disaster best day of my life

Making it appealing to normies isn't that hard. The impossible is to avoid it being shitted by furries and autists (groups that overlap a lot), they will find it and they will yiff to it.

The moment you put non-human bipedal characters in any media, no matter how small a role they play in the overall content, is the same moment you have doomed that piece of media to be taken over by the furry menace. Except for PC multiplayer games then it automatically has furries no matter what because of playerbase presence.

Furries are a condition of three factors

1. Autism.

2. Disconnection from reality, from society, and from their own human race.

3. Over abundance of lust caused by emotional instability and loneliness.

All three of these factors are becoming more and more prevalent as the 90's and early 2000's generation gets older. And I believe even more generations to come will see an increased percentage of these factors.

Therefore it is unwise to suggest that any form of media containing anthropomorphic characters will not be sexualized to some extent. In fact it is totally oblivious.


for people who don't know:

rip the real lee goldman. he's been departed from us for months now. these amateurs just aren't the same nor as quick as he was

>Therefore it is unwise to suggest that any form of media containing anthropomorphic characters will not be sexualized to some extent.

He says as there's 20 threads and hundreds of posts up on Sup Forums right now about sexualiizing non-anthro video game characters.

makes me miss lanced jack, he tried his best to keep normalfags the fuck away from Sup Forums

Normalfags like will always be around.

>furfags on my Sup Forums

Make a game series so obscure that it dies in the early 2000's

Clearly not furry though. Pigs are smooth. I mean look at her.


>rip the real lee goldman
wait he's gone? What happened?

However many of these non-anthro characters are inherently created with some form of sexuality in their design. The purpose being to attract a specific audience.

Furries on the other hand will find ways to sexualize abstractly designed cartoon characters meant for children. So I believe we can sort this into it's own category. Of course there is some crossover from anime to furries, however for the sake of discussion it's better to split them into their own categories.

>and everyone wants to fuck the conductor
And that's perfectly fine

I have a sneaking suspicion that you're biased. And by suspicion I mean it's blatantly obvious.

What animal is that thing

>Furries on the other hand will find ways to sexualize abstractly designed cartoon characters meant for children
this is actually p cute

tell me how your second day on the internet goes tomorrow buddy

Sup Forums is furry, Sup Forums recently joined up as well, it won't be long before Sup Forums follow

It's a bird

>Sup Forums is...


>He has to reply to himself because he felt ignored
Don't worry, I'll give you a (You) out of pity.

You know its true. No amount of edgy wh40k pics will change that

I didnt reply to myself but ok thanks

>replying to yourself
Seek counseling.

You know I keep looking at the OP image and I can't get over the fact that somebody drew Sonic characters without their gloves or shoes on, and it's not even porn.

Trials in Tainted Space tells you to say hello to their Space Piggy girl that gives oil massages

Why would you want to unless you're a worthless fucking furfag yourself? Anthropomorphic animals are just incredibly lazy, shitty, boring design.

>Neogaf refugees don't have the ID script and get easily confused

The conductor guy?

Im not even giving this bait a (You)

I am not biased, I am just speaking specifically of furries right now. You could say many of the same things about people who sexualize kids cartoons or anime lolis. However, furries possess key factors in their childhood that separate them from the rest of the autism. Something in their lives that cynically disconnects them from the human race, causing to feel like they belong as something else, and then this is further fueled by finding lots of empathy and connection with anthropomorphic characters in their childhood.


He is still at it.

You said furries have autism, which is you, and that they sexualize shit, which is also you, so just replace number 2 with "A complete lack of any sort of humility or self-awareness." and you've got your shitty self.

ITT the edge

Please stop replying to yourself.

>Sup Forums - furry community discussions

It's true on 3 occasions
1. More frequent thread
2. Longer lasting threads (less people reporting)
3. Less opposition

triggered dogfuckers left and right


resorting to ad-hominem is a typical response of furries on this defense.

Tell me, I am assuming you two are furries because we are now in this thread. What causes you to be sexually attracted to this fetish? Can you find a root? Or will you give me the typical answer of "genetics". I am interested because I believe furries, as well as weebs, are all in the same class of a psychological condition that is growing stronger in society.

>Sup Forums - Furry, Politic & Shitposting

Anthros have and always will be a part of video games. Even when they're not main characters.


>resorting to ad-hominem is a typical response of furries on this defense.
Wasn't your first post calling an entire group of people autistic?

>I am interested because I believe furries, as well as weebs, are all in the same class of a psychological condition that is growing stronger in society.

Yet you chose this thread to discuss sexualization and not shit like to sexualization up in.

I am still salty because of how horrible Spark sold compared to Freedom Planet because it doesn't have furry ladies, when it's twice as long, better balanced, faster-paced and cutscenes don't take 15 minutes each.
Or just LakeFeperd cannot into marketing, I don't know.

prolly the latter but were in a "evul furfags" thread so stick with the former narrative