A month using cotrimazole without any progress. what I do?

a month using cotrimazole without any progress. what I do?

Use something else, did you actually go to a REAL doctor or did you consult the M.D.Sup Forums and followed along with advice's?

whats actually a problem?
just asking

of the three times I went he always recommended clotrimazole.

I have anal sex with my girlfriend and for 2 years I have fungi.

If you got THREE times to a doctor and tell them THREE times that the thing they prescribed you doesn't work and they keep on prescribing it, change the fucking doctors since they are clearly shit.

I thought someone here could have been the same. since in other forums they say that I cut my penis.

I don´t see any fungal parts on your dick

Since my city is small I had not thought about it, in my vacations I will go to another city. thanks for the idea.

I used tinidazole for a Protozoa infection i got in the tropics. Worked way better than metronidazole. Don’t drink on it, I had a few and my heart almost exploded, looked it up and yep it’s bad to mix with alcohol.

They are a lot of small dots, which if it is not washed several times a day, it smells very bad.

dr teals ginger soap twice a day gets rid of the ol stanky dick. keep on with the clotrimazol too


your dick is alright dude

buy a head of garlic and make a slurry out of it and slather that shit on your head and leave for 30 minutes.

Soak dik-dik in bleach.

Also, pour bleach into GF anus.


Not when I did it hurt too much and in the end it did not help.

I do not want to go out on the news, and I do not have a girlfriend anymore.

you're fucking retarded your dick is fine

You're fucked... be prepared to deal with this on and off for the rest of your life... or get rid of that foreskin and go through a round of fluconazole treatment

It shows more after ejaculating, and if I clean my dick constantly and there is an odor. What can be?. I do not think it's herpes.

what is that supposed to do?

Tea tree oil, uncut. One drop spread around twice a day after showers will get you sorted

You're right, if neither a doctor nor someone who took something similar can help me, it seems that there is no solution, anyway thanks for your recommendations. See you when I see a loli thread.

I'm beginning to think you just like showing off your dikhed.

It is not so big as to want to show it for pleasure

garlic has a 100% cure rate of fungal infections, if it didn't help then it's not a fungus you dumbass

wash it with vinegar every day in the shower