Lil peep death thread
Do you think it was mariah bons aka Crybaby?
Lil peep death thread
Rip peep. I fucked with his music hard.
Who killed him
yeah so heartbreaking
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on peep?
hahahahahahaaha i'm glad this cringey little faggot is dead.
embarrassing as fuck.
A girl gave him xans laced with something and didint tell him, then he overdosed
wow edgy vaping kid here
I have no idea who this dude is. What happened?
laced with fentanyl
And did you read this on your newsfeed faggot? Tell me more
A pretty famous rapper, He overdosed on fake xanax
and here comes the funny meme guy
would someone care to post the video of him on the couch
I think he meant the one where he's dead
has this video been seen anywhere?
I wonder what he’s dreaming about, I’d say a big ol’ Ice cream cone
they killed lil peep to shift the news away from liangelo ball shoplifting
It's funny because they don't realise he's dying.
They thought they were being so funny filming him passed out.
This is gonna haunt him for a while. kek
lol thanks for the link. I hadn't been able to find that anywhere. u da real MVP
Literally who?
One less white wanting to be black.
It was probably the aids that killed him.
What a whiney little faggot.
Absolutely shit music.
i'm sad af still after finding out this in the morning, he was just starting, he was increasingly getting better and better quickly
ur probably listening to drake darkie
Fucking degenerate loser.
who cares.
his music was shit.
Pretty famous yet no one seems to know who the fuck he is. I listen to a decent amount of rap and had no fucking clue. But I don't listen to this cringy millennial shit.
it lil looks like lil peep is lil dead
and this is a webm from your porn folder right?
The amount of people actually getting offended enough to call others edgy over jokes is pretty sad kek all you're doing is giving out free (You)s
no. its people like you
Everyone needs a (You) now and then son.
what a roast
The human race is better off now he's dead
underrated post
you are arbitrary
who the fuck is 'lil peep', and don't "rappers" realize the whole 'lil' thing is dumb as hell?
This dude is what's wrong with music today
lol "wrap" your lips around my dick
people like this are why tattoos are viewed negatively in the civilized world
lil fag more like
>A pretty famous rapper
A nigger-of-the-week Soundcloud rapper. Not famous.
the only real lil peep
ayy hol up.. so u is sayin we wuz sugar-coated marshmallow confectioneries?
his tattoos look pretty cool tho
and then some
nope hes working on his abs
maybe he just needs new batteries
This peep faggot is the epitome of edgy, how bout you stfu
human garbage
Is the meme that everyone pretends they knew who this was? Literally never heard of this fag until today but all the comments make it sound like he wasn't a literal who.
sa u ce
the ync front page
I hold my hands up, that made me laugh.
no, it's because it's fucking disgusting.
>Pretty famous yet no one seems to know who the fuck he is
big baller brothers for life
LOL niggas gonna nig
Fucking trash can just needed some milk
czech um
Half the threads on Sup Forums today are already about this faggot, can we keep the cancer contained please?
The fact that this no-name faggot has been posted on Sup Forums and nowhere else on the internet speaks volumes.
This is a meme right? This severe edgelord was actually a person that died?
Ur just the only one that didnt know about him thats it
i know everything and i dont know this fag
This is Good lol
Someone gave him xans laced with fetynal
So many people dying of that shit
same what nigger
this bitch
think for one second. how can xanax be 'laced' with fentanyl. how would one lace a tablet with a powder?
cut it up, mix it, re press
Blaze up the fents
upload the real size pic
yeah an user already linked me but thanks mang
I have just been so happy all day after hearing about his death.
Now if every other rapper could off themselves this world will be a much better place.