Which kinds of threads on this board would love to see eradicated?
>inb4 this one
Which kinds of threads on this board would love to see eradicated?
>inb4 this one
Other urls found in this thread:
rate my dick has got to go
nigger masterrace, traps, dickrate, this one.
Pics you shouldn't share
counting threads
rate me/muh dick
faces of Sup Forums
roll for tits
roll for imaginary things that couldn't actually happen
Not threads but memes, the naked banana and the too soon girl have got to go.
Threadwise, all of the blacked/cuck/you mad whiteboi threads should be instapruned.
I didn't know the too soon girl was still a thing
Just any thread that has to do with traps in general
Threads that already have their own board
White boi
Black boi
Andy Sixx
Rate my (anything)
Pornand jerking off threads. All of it. Fine with people posting porn in other threads but not dedicated threads. Was fine when it was once in awhile and occasionally you'd find exotic things or rare comics but for the past several years it has been 90% of the board. Perpetual fb, shota, loli, share, cuck etc threads at any given hour. With the advent of the catalogue people fail to notice they dominate the top two pages. It pushed all the actual content off of this board. Whats worse none of it is rare or interesting. It is all stuff you can find on a thousand other sites and most of it has been posted here for years. This shouldn't be a place you just go to to fap. First and foremost because it is terrible at it, at least in the old days it offered pedophiles too incompetent or cowardly to find real cp a chance of seeing cp occasionally. Now it offers worse porn than reddit and it is slower to go through. So do all the dedicated porn boards or even the porn boards on other chans. Just appealing to antisocial kids too young to find real porn sites relevant to their tastes. Meanwhile we lose a great medium for discussion and creativity.
facebook threads
>at least in the old days it offered pedophiles too incompetent or cowardly to find real cp a chance of seeing cp occasionally
Get banned much?
non-straight porn
forced memes
any kind of furry
cum tributes
cock rating
personal army requests
steam begging
roll threads
>the entire board now
Chicks with dicks and furry threads. And fluffy threads. Also those FB/IG fap threads are insanely boring.
Just nuke all the raceplay shitty baits and andy sixx stuff and we're set
delete all cuck/racial threads
so sick of it
All of these are bad, but the faggots begging for money or video every games is just embarrassing to everyone.
Fuck those threads
This guy gets it
Cuck has been said so much, the words have lost all meaning.
But the meaning of somebody that wants to watch their significant other get fucked is still there. Get rid of the threads where people beg to watch their girlfriend get fucked.
I agree with both of you
Andy Sixx
how do blacks/whites compete
cum tributes
it still means you can safely ignore anyone using it as a pejorative.
Don't forget the anti Atheist post with the crying dipshit pic.
and the ... with naked guy
and name my band
Pics you shouldn't share
Andy Sixx
You probably just have a bad dick.
It really isn't.
It got caught in a bicycle chain once but it's still good, mostly..
Same #FuckYoVirginDick
YLYL thanks to PeWdIPiE
Gay experiences.
Traps, furries, dick rate, and all that pro-nigger shit
especially Sup Forums threads
this, wtf anons.
"Oh America how did you let it get to this"
And log theads of course.....
>Sup Forums