Try Going Vegan Sup Forums
Try Going Vegan Sup Forums
I already am
Yeah because fuck the environment! You know what? Let's REALLY fucking rape wildlife's chances and go organic
I'm allergic, I take that as a sign. NO
vegans are gay
Gay and extra destructive towards nature, it's not a sign of superiority to spare certain animals, while requiring more land dedicated to crop use and extremely high maintenance food's.
non-vegan organic eater here i would like to object to your statement since the ultimate goal of organic no matter your reason is actually to achieve food as it was 200 years ago. i fail to understand how you could possibly derive "fuck the wildlife" from that
Organic takes more nutrients, space, AND water. 200 years ago we had a lot less fucking people
Fresh meat!
Vegans are, without exception, the fucking cunts of the dietary delusion.
why use an elephant as the picture
who the fuck eats those
not a vegan, but that actually looks disgusting
nothing is truly organic unless you grow it yourself, plenty of pesticides are used on organic crops. you are just paying more for the same product everyone else buys at a cheaper price, the whole thing is a sham.
sir i fail to understand how the number of people would not simply become unsustainable at the same point as wildlife and both drop accordingly until the remaining people can enjoy food as it was meant to be in peace
Is the vegan spam supposed to be funny or is it just spam or what?
>grow it yourself
wow someone actually understands what organic means
You know, I've had Siberian tiger and even American bald eagle, but I've never tried elephant.
They seem like they would taste bad.
I'm not gay enough.
Aw shit nigga you meant 20000 years ago, not 200. You want man bashing man with rock over a dog corpse shit, dark.
the skin is super tough but trunk steaks arent half bad with the right marinade.
Daily reminder that there is nothing morally wrong about killing and eating non-human animals.
is this what a healthy vegan bowel movement should look like?
Whats with elephant. No one eats elephant. Can you eat elephant?
...i wanna try some elephant.
Allergic against all plants?
Read his auto-biography, ate a metric fuckton of meat to get big and strong (plus mad stacks of roids and homo sex).
i'm sure you grow everything you eat year round buddy.
sure you can niggers in africa do it all the time.
everytime I see a vegan thread I order a steak for me and occasionally some friends if I'm feeling it.
Thanks op
try killing yourself user
Well there is something morally inconsistent if you claim to base morals on traitsĀ“of a subject.
Otherwise you'd just bootstrap morals for humans which is stupid.
It's shilling at its finest.
No I am not allergic against all plants, however I am allergic to all animals, so I feel like I should be able to consume their meat as I will never be able to have any of them as a companion... right?
and I came.
Recently imports on elephants were lifted or some shit, we may get our chance thanks to Dolan
Anything you would suggest in particular?
Well, if niggers do it then I guess its okay. I mean, it'd be racist if i didnt eat it at this point, right?
>Well there is something morally inconsistent if you claim to base morals on traitsĀ“of a subject.
I don't, and any traits you pick would be arbitrary.
he is no longer vegan though.
He also has brain damage.
and he said he's bi multiple times
If a vegan also dose crossfit then which will he talk about first?
fucking food porn... ugggh
that would explain him going vegan.
sry i have no idea i just ate it once during my trip trough central and south africa it was like a decade ago and i was still a fairly ignorant 20 something back then
good for you certainly contributes more to animal preservation of endangered species than simply dumping the carcass in some hole in the ground in africa.
he probably talks about his spelling ability first
I don't give a fuck, I just want to taste one while I can. L.T.O mother fuckers imma git mine
Or how environmentally safe his shits are.
of course ! i mean cultural diversity is a must its 2017 for gods sake!
I ran into an atheist, vegan, crossfit, trans, sjw
Guess how I knew.
Just starts pissing on his socks and than wringing them out in they mouth like it's nbd
The 3 dildos hanging from it's ass, and the dribble of STD pus out of its Dickgina?
if they sell elephant meat for top dollar in merica you can bet your ass some investor will start a large scale breeding program in africa .
its impossible to go vegan in society
do you know how many thing around you are made from cows? even the phone your probably posting on has cows in it
i can honestly say that i have not gone a single day in my life without eat an animal or its by-products (i count mothers milk as an animal by product)
Veganism is 100% pointless and completely bereft of any meaning, other than making you feel superior to others.
You'll never get enough people to stop eating meat to make a difference, so really your just wasting your own and everyone else's time by trying to get others to go down the same shit path you've walked.
You should just stop, go eat a burger.
Try not to be a faggot OP
And what about the exploitation of fungus, micro-organisms, and plants?
Vegans just don't want to chase their food
Yeah go vegan, and force the farmers to use more inorganic fertilizer, which is worse for the soil then manure. Oh and we should stop hunting because invasive species that cause a lot of damage to the ecosystem do not exist. While we are at it we should scream at the top of our lungs how we are great, instead of donating money to the research that could save the environment.
Going vegan is terrible for your teeth. The amount of carbs you have to consume is insane.
Dear Vegans:
You should be aware that every time one of the hippie motherfuckers in my wife's social group tells me I should try going Vegan, I murder a live animal for dinner that night and send them pics. I'm up to 3 whole fish, a rabbit, a chicken, and my crowning achievement: a whole hog, selfie'd at the slaughterhouse.
Word must have gotten around. Nobody's asked me in awhile.
Sir i fail to understand whatever the fuck you are trying to say
Dont samefag
send them this next time.
What a genius way to get them to fuck off, well played user.. Well played..
Quit distracting us from talking about elephants and niggers.
You certainly are not allergic to all animals.
But still...solid argument you got there. wow.
No thanks OP, but thanks for dropping by. We're a bit busy though, so we'll have to catch up at a later date.
I don't even know what "samefagging" is but I can tell that I'm going to be disappointed in the human race when you tell me.
If vegans are so against killing other living things to exist, then why don't any of them propose a completely synthetic diet?
I've never once heard a vegan say that it was unethical to use plants to fix CO2 into carbohydrates despite the fact that we have the technology and we eat most plants while they're still ALIVE
What is the purpose of the water bottles in the last part?
Holy shit gtfo
Say what you want about hipsters, they make a good meal.
vegans conveniantly dont regard plants as alive or suffering
theyre so blind and foolish
This thread is pure cancer
how exactly does a posi trac rear end on a plymouth work? no one knows, it just does.
How helpful, what an intelligent and insightful person you are, you've truly shined a light on the matter.. What ever would I do without the deep insights you've past on to me.
are you fucking retarded or just stupid?
Someone watches rick and morty
Yes but consistent.
Ability to suffer. Sentience. Recognition of self.
Those are traits on the basis of which the moral value of an individual can be determined, at least approximated. They would not produce inconsistencies if you were to argue your own moral value on the basis of them.
For example.
I have quite some ability to suffer physical and psychological pain, I value my own life and understand the concept of my existence as an individuum.
Therefore I think it is wrong to kill me.
A bacteria does not possess these traits, therefore it is not wrong to kill it.
If I were to lose those traits irretrievably I would say it isn't wrong to kill me any more.
Therefore this moral concept does not produce inconsistencies.
Let's say you say humans have moral value based on species membership...just because....
Everything else can be killed.
Now let's say an alien species would decide to kill you based on you being a different species. You wouldn't find that moral, thereby producing inconsistencies.
Its "passed" in this context you uncultured swine
Moving from eating delicious cow to consuming filthy products derivated from soy, which is planted in hectares of mutilated forests (which causes the death of thousands of poor little innocent animals), just to feel a bit less guilty?
Nah I'll stick to meat
Just because you can't hear a plant scream, doesn't mean it can't hurt.
The only moral option: an hero.
No, that show is retarded and was made so troglodytes can pretend to be intellectuals.
Ah yes. we have hear and exitibe of one of the finest specimenes of ashol. A grammer nazi.
They becum anoyed when they see words missspelled.
Less annoying then a vegan or crosssfitter untill they become triggered.
Pretty much. I like to tell vegans that they're extraordinary narrow-minded because they can't fathom the idea that beings without a central nervous system can still think.
Did you know that certain fungi trade plants useful information for nutrients? Sounds like an intelligent relationship
I'd rather shove a sea urchin up my Urethra
You don't have to.
And carbs are not the same as refined sugar.
Drink water, or even better green tea (cariostatic effects). Also many phytochemicals in plants seem to counteract the cariogenic effects of fructose in them, for example raisins.
Yep. It generally comes out of their mouth.
Grammar isn't even difficult, you're just too fucking retarded to comprehend it.
You're trying to go faggot?! Well OP I'd say you're already there!!! Congratulations!
Try a mediterranean diet, it's better for your health and less strenuous on the enviornment