How do white people deal with the fact that they're part of a dying race that won't be shown the same mercy the other races were eventually shown?
It must suck that both white genes and culture are recessive to those of the "subhumans".
How do white people deal with the fact that they're part of a dying race that won't be shown the same mercy the other races were eventually shown?
It must suck that both white genes and culture are recessive to those of the "subhumans".
whites aren't dying. they are maintaining a constant population while importing expanding foreign populations
holy fuck
t. below replacement birthrates
>Implying a point won't be reached where we rise up and genocide entire peoples and reclaim our birth right that is the world.
You got it all wrong.
Our race isnt dying. It is being transformed.
All races are dying to evolve into a single one.
I can assure you we Mexibros aren't going to treat white stormfags well, normal whites will lead regular lives like us once we take back the land in the US that rightfully belongs to us.
It is important to stamp out stormwipes and treat the with extreme prejudice, though.
no one is going to talk about your stupid bait topic of you post that video first
Ho Lee fuck
Wasting food is literally the worst thing someone could do.
M8, with the average white birthrate in Western countries, our population is reduced by around 25% each generation.
>won't be shown the same mercy the other races were eventually shown?
I'm looking forward to it, to be honest. When it gets bad enough, we'll fight. Then, we'll win, and we won't have to put up with any more social justice bullshit.
Mexico, don't you have a wall to get building? Maybe if you do it fast enough lord trump will grant you citizenship to get you out of that shithole you call a country.
the US isn't below replacement - its even - europe is below
>an actual Aztlan Mexican
remove yourself from this country ASAP
Non-Hispanic whites have 1.76 children, which is below replacement rate.
why is that bad? fewer people means more wealth and resources for those who are alive. what's bad is the big bad gov't wants to replace those people with brain-dead worthless shitskins.
They deal with it by posting on an anonymous korean cartoon forum and latching on to whatever meme politician they can find every election.
>whites aren't dying
>le verbose wall meme
I don't identify with that movement but I don't see anything wrong with it. Might is not the only thing that makes right.
Whites will balance our declining birth rates by increasing the death rates of all other races. Do not fuck with us.
Yeah, the goyim horde. No thanks, kike.
I was you once. It's best to just accept it.
you realize white Americans are armed to the fucking teeth right?
The United States civilian population consumes 63% of the world's ammunition supply yearly.
You can try whatever you want paco, but chances are you'll be thrown back over the wall if you're not thrown into a mass grave with other subhumans.
this niga needs to be tortured like they did John of Leiden
>mfw I have two kittens that I've taken care of since birth, one of them is all white too.
>see this shit.
Fuck you straya. Raging this hard late at night aint healthy.
Aztlan is a meme created by buttfrustrated chicanos with no national identity.
It is true how we are going to replace whites.
I live in Texas (Legally, unfortunately) and every single government office and facility has spanish speaking staff.
The roadssigns are popping up in spanish.
Ads are in spanish.
Businesses and malls that were once full of whites have been sold and replaced with hisanics.
Whitey doesnt want to admit it but there will be no day of the rope.
Its too late.
There is no saving the white race, not here in America, or Europe.
Poor poor whiteboys.
You can spam buildwall all you like but it isn't going to stop us from taking your land and forcing you to speak spanish.
Those who won't submit will be unable to find employment or help.
I already replaced a white guy where I work because he is unable to communicate with our lower tier workers.
I heard he works at a walmart now ;^)
I think I've had enough Internet today.
>storm weenies
do you yids even try anymore?
Like that isn't even a good insult. Not to mention Stormfront doesn't really have anything to do with this place.
I want /new/ back
By he fact that everyone else is dependent on us, so if we go down everyone comes with us. Also we won't die. When things get back everyone will run and we'll be able to rebuild
Checks out.
All of these filthy underage newfags freaking out over a 3 year old Sup Forums video.
Sup Forums really has gone to shit
only in pols dream lmao
or maybe I don't browse Sup Forums because I'm not 12 faggot
there's always enough mass graves and bullets for you lot.
Wait until whites refuse to support you through welfare programs you damnable brown manlet.
>All races are dying to evolve into a single one.
Bullshit, Africa and Asia are going to be untouched and just keep pouring their excess into Europe. Whites will be gone and then it'll be a competition between those two.
270 million firearms in the U.S, you won't be taking shit in our lifetime boyo. However you and your family will be placed in a mass unmarked grave with the rest of your kind.
>Sup Forums really has gone to shit
>muh guns
fucking faggot
We live in interesting times, what can I say.
yea its the "government" not their capitalist masters lmfao
was that a cat?
I would not have judged him so harshly if I knew he was hungry and needed to eat the cat.
Based hispanibro
Have you done your part yet? Impregnating one of their white women either through marriage or out of wedlock should be one of the cornerstones of our loosely defined movement. Have as many children as you possibly can support well, bro. They will be invaluable assets in the coming replacement of the rancid, fossilized white wimp.
All they have to do is wait. You and your family will die out, and then they can take whatever they want.
>there's always enough mass graves and bullets for you lot.
Keep talking, you're too funny
Gj have a (You), you faggot
He is probably a fucking south east Asia nigger.
nice. fuck cats
Yeah, wait until Hillary makes you a criminal overnight.
On top of that, you realize that blacks and hispanics have guns too, where do you think all the gun violence that's being used to justify taking your rights away is coming from?
>It is important to stamp out stormwipes and treat the with extreme prejudice,
You midgets aren't going to do a fucking thing
Not worried at all. When we become the minority, we have all these programs in place to help minorities. They certainly wouldn't removed those when the tables are turned.
are you mad that whites can put down your invasion? I've had to use my carry weapon twice on 2 fucking beaners who were swinging around knives. I've put 2 of your mongrelized brothers in the ground and it feels great.
I have a job, I don't need welfare.
It's too late.
We have been killing your people, taking your jobs and raping your women for DECADES.
If there was every going to be a day where whitecucks took up arms, it happened years ago.
We are only going to get worse and spread even faster.
It's too late, whiteboy.
You should have done something 10 years ago.
Whites being hypocritical. AGAIN!!!!!
Of fucking course you'd show MUH CIVILIZED MUH MERCY because you won the world. You stole everything from other countries. After all the privillige you gained, of fuckihg course you'd behave like a civilized people. Is this even a surprise?
White people invaded 90% of the earth like savages. Oh you were so fucking civilized by the time am I right?
Btw don't reply with boring typical white bullshits that I've heard 100000x times before. White logic is worse than tumblur logic
>implying you will
We dont need your mercy.
You will be running from us, not the other way around.
So basically the same thing you've been doing.
>One of my best friends is a Mexibro.
Pls don't day of the rope him ;_;
>running from us
>White countries and wombs are getting browner by the hour
literally impossible to executive order away literally the second amendment to the bill of rights.
There would be a lot of voting from the rooftops
We just have to hold out until space travel/interplanetary colonies and cloning/designer babies are released to the public and then we're safe.
>You midgets aren't going to do a fucking thing
And you faggots coudn't remove to niggers from a stage where a coalburning faggot was giving a speech.
Are you upset, friend?
>you shitposting stale meme promises from a guy who profits off the practices he condemns and basically is a WWE tier politician
>not a meme
Whereas white replacement by Hispanics is very real.
Niggers BTFO ITT
wew lad
I love seeing butthurt shitskins with inferiority complexes rage on Sup Forums
You are fucking pathetic
now this is trolling
You spics aren't one for bantz but you're damn good trolls. Comes with the territory of being a short little brown vermin lol.
^you in 1990
^you in 2000
^you in 2010
^you in 2016
Its too late, whiteboy
Niggers and spics can't shoot for shit btw lol
>point weapon in general direction
>squeeze trigger until magazine empty
HEY HOLMES THEY BE AIMIN THOSE [insert beaner word for guns]
Why is it always leafs?
ebin edge, ftw amirite?
this is original
Doesn't work that way. Even Obama accidentally loosened the restrictions with his executive orders.
Also, spics and niggers have shit-tier guns, mostly cheap jamomatic 9mm. They'll die like flies in hail of glorious AR15 and M14 fire.
I was involved in a justified homicide of 2 spics waving knives around threatening me about my car. One died instantly unfortunately, but I did repaint my jeep in brainmatter grey.
The other just cried like a bitch until he lost consciousness and bled out