You can only post in this thread if you live in a Trump County

You can only post in this thread if you live in a Trump County

Damn, Texans are a bunch of faggot, eh?

I voted for trump

Why is Cruz gold?

Trump should be gold.

Nassau County

It's piss yellow

>tfw Cruz county in NC

Fuck that

Goldman Sachs.... he's funded by em, and is married to a vp there.


higher res map

Why the fuck did Maine go so Cruz?

They are one of the least religious states.

But california has not voted yet senpai

Washington state checking in

Cruz versus Trump states are nearly population per square mile maps

Me too brother. I think about it everyday.

Tfw Northern VA fag and we got lubed by Rube

Based hawaii

>my state was almost 100% American


>tfw your county is 72% Trump

Maine was a closed caucus

>Tfw you live in one of 4 counties in your state that voted Cruz ;(
>still gonna post here though

Upstate NY lad here

Trump country central

>That one county in Alaska that voted for sleepy black man.

Sup IN bro

Steers and queers and steers can't vote.

Thank you, St. Clair MI.

>tfw you live in east Tennessee and the only political signs you've seen are Trump signs and two Sleepy Ben bumper stickers.

I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen at least one Clinton sign, seeing as how much we sucked Bill's dick back in the day. Feels pretty fucking awesome though.

I voted for Trump. But el rato was elected to the senate from Texas. I knew he'd win.

Trump should be Palpatine Red desu senpai

trump is lunatic. How can anyone trust that twat? Holy shit, i would be fucking embarraced if someone said to my face that their life was hard and only started with a miserable million dollars that my dad gave me.

Get the fuck out of my country.

Get back to school as well, your English is showing some serious flaws, faggot.


Why is Hillery wasting her donor's money here?

so edgy bro. Calm down your nazi tits man

She isn't. But we, portuguese people, are as brainwashed about Trump as you guys are over there. If you say you support Trump here, you're a fascist, racist etc. You know, the usual shit.

Go on. Prove your point then.

>Rubio county by pure chance

Posting hard

>Dubuque, IA
>Republican caucus results

>Jeb Bush - 0%
>Ben Carson - 0%
>Ted Cruz - 0%
>Chris Christie - 0%
>Carly Fiorina - 0%
>Jim Gilmore - 0%
>Mike Huckabee - 0%
>John Kasich - 0%
>Rand Paul - 0%
>Marco Rubio - 0%
>Rick Santorum - 0%
>Donald Trump - 100%

Feels good.... feels so good.

Whatcom reporting

>tfw northern Ohio
Sorry guys.

>Cook County


Thank you for defending us from yourself Portugal
You're our greatest something

Cucksich beat Trump by like. 7% in my County.

Gwinnett County reporting in

Oakland here.

MAGA brother. We did good.

Polk County Wisconsin, I'm proud of my neighbors.

Basically an entire state full of people saying
>I don't vote for no filthy yankee from New York, I only vote for native Texans from Calgary

>miami dade was the only non trump county
it will be the first to sink into the waves.
t. pinellas

Same here :(

No idea why the triangle and triad area went to rato.

>Oakland County, MI
>went for Trump

cool, I'm in

>Wayne County, MI

the dindus voted trump?

>country isn't even relevant enough to be a US county
>elected a retarded faggot as PM
>god began to smite our cities

fuck this

Wayne County is 53% white. If anyone voted for trump I would assume it was them.

Closed caucus with few locations and very low turn out

>tfw Rubio county

>Live in California
>Everyone in both my immediate family and extended family sans my Bernout sister are voting Trump

This is such a stupid metric.

Some "Trump counties" have fewer Trump voters as a percentage than some "Non-Trump counties"

Winning a county meant nothing on its own besides a color on the map.