How do I lose weight fast?

How do I lose weight fast?

I'm in good shape and have a lot of muscle but I want to lose 10-15 pounds since my belly sticks out a lot. I'm 5'11", weigh 188 and am 23 years old. My diet is good: I daily eat an avacado, beans, spinach, cottage cheese, yogurt, pomegranate juice, and health shakes. I have been running a lot in the last few weeks, but not much before that. I lift maybe 2 times a week. I probably do not get enough water; could that be the reason that I'm not losing weight?

Also, I take clozapine, 600mg per day.

What can I do to lose belly fat?

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masturbate 3 times a day

>I daily eat an avacado
LOL, you diet is shit.

Starve and do abs exercises.

Bump w/ tits


kek. what's it like knowing that no matter how much muscle you have you'll always be a manlet

What's wrong with eating an avocado?

Increase cardio, decrease sugars and limit fats, sleep enough drink enough water. If you dont know what the fuck you're doing count your calories

Ha, good one user.

vid related

A lot of fat

I've heard that fats aren't the problem. It's the carbs, sugar, and calories that are the problem.

> avacado, beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, pomegranate juice, and health shakes.

Fatty foods, sugary juice and whats in your health shake?

Beheading will get rid of quite a few pounds

stop putting food in your mouth

What you eat is fine but don't have any meals after 5pm.

Do extreme cardio work out-
> 2 mins hard out exercise, anything you like, jumping jacks, skipping, even just running on the spot in your room. Whatever it is push yourself so hard you can't speak.
> follow by one minute of nothing
> repeat 7 times
> then again in 2 days time

Believe it all not, that's all you need. Don't have to waste hours running or biking half way across the city. What I've posted is the cheats way of dropping fat.

>lose weight
These are antonyms.
You don't lose weight fast. You either learn patience and persistence, or stay fat. One or the other.


if ur eating the normal shit, replace that with low-fat, cultured greek yoghurt

Sugars are carbs and yes they're a large problem since they are lot of useless calories. fats are very caloriedense, so fatty foods contain a lot of calories

Get a calorie tracker and never cheat

I recently went to Taiwan and ate street food. I got a liver virus which made me throw up and unable to eat for 2 weeks which resulted in me losing 5kgs so you could try that.

How about pre workout supplements? Do they work? And how about whey protein? I've been using whey protein but not any pre workout.

That’s some supermodel level quick fix right there

stop soda! 30ilbs off by cutting from6 to 3!

My shake: chai seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, a lemon, spinach blueberries, a tropical fruit mix, a banana, an apple, whey protein, walnuts, and some green mix stuff.

Just go vegan and start exercising

Only drink water, two medium size meals a day, 30 minutes of walking (at least ) should do the trick

Eat no more than 1000 calories a day, and walk a lot. You'll deflate like a balloon.
Of course, no fat person has ever had the self control to accomplish this though. One stressful day, one tempting food smell, and they're back to packing away 3000+ calories a day.

K so as you already know the reason you'll have trouble lowering your BMI is the clozapine.

Also since you're taking clozapine, you're a genuinely crazy fuck who has failed multiple other antipsychotics.

Bright side is sometimes the atypicals SE can be counteracted by taking metformin, so talk to your psych about prescribing some of that.

Fair warning that'll make you shit but it'll help with your weight, which by the way isn't really all that bad since your BMI is around like 26, which is great for a guy on clozapine and probably other medications that don't help with weight loss.

Norovirus was my friend. 11kg in two weeks. I started off at 92kg. Couldn't leave the house though, and many times didn't make it to the bathroom on time.

Literally just stop eating as much.

Is there anything I can do without the metformin? I'd rather not add additional medicines.

This is why you don't get nutrition advice from Sup Forums. They'll tell you avocado is bad for you. You fucking drooling retard.

Seems like illnesses are the way to go.

Eat nothing but lots of meat, eggs, fish & water. This is called the bodybuilding diet and you will lose fat & keep muscle.

Check out the FB group "Zeroing in on Health" for more info.

We don't need ANY carbs.

Anyway, out before the endless morons about to insist that we do.

Based on my own experience, just exercise your entire stomach every day. Doesnt have to be that much just make sure you do it every day. And dont eat a lot. Basically starve a bit a human can go without food for quite some time. Make sure to consume whats neccessary though and enough protein so the muscles dont just go away.

This, dear god. How are you people so stupid? You're weight is a direct result of the amount of calories you're taking in. Figure out what you're eating now daily, calories wise, then lower that by 500 or 1000. Or literally, just stop eating as much. You could probably just cut the shakes out and start to lose weight.

try vegan diet. I lost 30kg in two month, haven't put on any weight after one year.

>cottage cheese

that's fucking nasty shit. What do cook it with?

Eat less fruits, they seem healthy but you dont need so much sugar.

I don't cook it. I put some olives and pour some olive juice in it and eat it. I think it tastes quite good.


Ask in /fit/.

Try intermittent fasting. Look it up

You're actually the moron. Eat 3,000 calories of sardines in water daily, you'll lose weight.

Eat that amount of Oreos, you'll gain.

I know your pinhead can't imagine that different foods have different hormonal effects. But they do.

They're all roided up faggots with short fuses. Asking a question like that on /fit/ will be shouted down by 200 replies all telling user to 'go kys'

As we've ascertained illnesses are the quickest way to lose weight fast maybe the thing to do is make a smoothie with all the usual ingredients in it, go outside pick up a couple of old fly blown dog turds, blend them into the mix, and gulp it all down quick.
Yep it'll be gross AF, but how much do you want this?

Weight gain is a known side effect of Clozapine. Probably nothing you can do. You have an extremely serious disorder, especially for guys your age, and can easily find yourself in jail if you stop taking it. I've seen it many times. Tighten up your abs if you must. Otherwise, don't worry about it.

magnesium and iodine

Treadmill. I'm 56 and I do one hour of treadmill every day. Most of the hour is over 3 mph. I've lost 30 pounds in two months

Bumping with ass

the secret to losing weight is to miss out everything traditionally deemed to be "healthy"

ditch the fruit and veg.

fruit and veg only come into season during the Autumn months, they contain fructose and sucrose that tell the brain to start storing fat to get us through the winter months.

protien only.
and grill that shit, no deep frying it in lard or butter, no sauces either, they tend to contain the same sugars as fruit.

steer clear of diet sodas too, they contain chemicals that also inhibit the production of insulin.

stay the FUCK away from ANYTHING containing corn syrup, an enzyme in the syrup stops the body telling the brain your stomache is full its time to stop shovelling food down your throat.

meet and salad greens are your buddies in the war agaist fat, eat shit loads and drink a fuck ton of water, that is all.

If you want to try that route, my pneumonia caused me to lose about 8kgs in 3 weeks.
Just losing weight isn't the point though, majority of what I lost was muscle mass, almost all my fat was still there

Ingest Taeniidae parasite

>no veggies
>salad greens are your friends


Whose been spouting all this ridiculous broscience to you? They are on drugs.
Fruits and vegetables are growing all year round. Certain fruits and vegetables grow in certain seasons and climates.

Protein only? So no decent carbs at all? He'll pass out within a week.

Download myfitnesspal and track calories.
Fast until the afternoon if you struggle to control your appetite, that way you can have bigger more satisfying meals.

How many calories do you consume per day? If you don't know this, that's why you're not losing weight. Also, fat can't be spot removed. It comes off in "layers". If you reduce your total bodyfat, you reduce the size of your gut.

If you're already in good shape the likely reason your belly sticks out is because you're lacking core strength. The muscles in your abdomen help hold in your gut. That's actually where the spot reduction myth came from. Doing sit-ups doesn't reduce belly fat specifically it just makes you appear to have less of a gut because the muscles hold everything in

Im just here to remind you how easy it is to not eat for 3+ days and loose 10+ pounds in one sitting when you have a little stimulant habit

try this on

This is broscience-tier advice, especially if your bellyfat is outside of the abdominals, as most is.

So dehydrate yourself and break your body down? Sounds awesome.

the single thing anyone has to do to lose weight is to eat less

it's not water
it's not what you're eating
it's not medicine

just eat a bit less food

Is it just me or is bait nit as good as it ince was? This is like a 3.8-4/10

I thought i was the only one that did this

Take adderall.

It'll make you focused and not hungry. You'll only have to eat around once a day. I used to take it for ADD but it made lose too much weight so now I take intunive.

Try contracting e. Coli. 3 days if diarreha should do it.

Try contracting e. Coli. 3 days of diarreha should do it.

Nice job faggot

Basically everyone knows this. But tell someone to just eat less and they'll do retarded shit like have pomegranate juice and "health shakes".
People who like OP are wanting education more than anything. In the long run he'll be better off doing things like having more water and exercise and knowing best ways to track calories.

You're on clozapine, you're gonna put on weight. Epse and all that plus your symptoms have probably reduced so you enjoy life and do more eg eating. Join a sports team. Rugby is good as you don't need tons of skill to play but fitness goes a long way. Football is ok or boxing if you're into it. Pile cream and cling film works on pot belly. Google it. Rmn for over 10 years.


Lol just go vegan for like a month and you'll lose a fucktonne of weight.

Not even that hard to do if you live in a developed country.

search for a diet called "lipofidica" something like that.. its a diet that makes you eat every 2 hours.

now the diet consist only on "natural" stuff, for example you can eat mackerel but you cant eat canned mackerel.

i can assure you that it works, i was 127kg and after 4 months got to 90kg, this shit is a fucking miracle but you have to follow all of it, theres no limit on how much you can eat, you can eat 3kg of meat if you want but youll have to eat again after 2 hours.

it works, it seriously works, youll see in the first week, i lost 10kg in the first week only!!!, dude i cant encourage you enough to do it, it will change your life!

oh and eating avocado is a terrible idea