While you troglodytes are stroking your dicks to the same cookie-cutter celebs and arguing about rapacious senatorial...

While you troglodytes are stroking your dicks to the same cookie-cutter celebs and arguing about rapacious senatorial candidates, this fucker is gearing up to take away Net Neutrality next month. Why aren't you more concerned with that?

Other urls found in this thread:


because rapacity is more intriguing

Right? Idiocracy bro.

We already submitted comments during the public comment period, but he said they weren't serious and didn't matter.

He's not only getting rid of net neutrality, but also getting rid of a lot of consumer protections related to the internet. It doesn't look like there is any way to stop him at this point.

And you know what? Good!

Fucking idiots voted for this shit. Fuck them. I hope Comcast squeezes their bandwidth down to a fucking trickle unless they are on the Trump-approved websites.

Because the only way to influence change is call Senators and attend town hall meetings. People want more direct indication that they're making a difference.


one of the ugliest, most cancerous people I have ever seen. and hes ready to piss all over your country.

get assraped murrifats.

Haha I'm a britfag and we have different laws to you fatasses, enjoy your shitey internet! :DDD

At least we don't have to break out a licence every time we wanna fap, faggot

I really dont know what net neutrality is all about, heard somebody mention the internet would become like basic cable tv? Who the fuck knows.

As long as they dont try to take my guns I'm good. I still got my set of encyclopedias, hell I got a mini library with everything from books about gardening to novels. Shit I just got the internet back cuz I can afford it now, for 6 years I had no cable or internet, just used amazon at work to buy used dvd's and books.

Fuck the internet. Makes people stupid anyway, though I'll miss shitposting.

Oh my dear, where to start with a pathetic fuck, like you

This is not your ecochamber that tumblr is, this is where you are confronted with the purest that mankind is without its restraints, you are confronted with reality, these images show fucking reality, if you are like me, you are desesitized to this kind of shit due to prior happenings, but your comment just shows that you are some priviledged weak cunt who never had something bad to experience and lives on in his isolated dream world where never something bad happens

most people here don't even fucking value their life due to how others treat them, tell me a reason how you shouldn't shrug off death, if life does not treat you well

why that dudes teeth so big?

>Trump-approved websites

stfu ur trying to hard

Thats what you get you stupid fatfucks amerilards for voting that cucktard of trump.


Yeah a big sack of shit that you gonna eat for dinner ahahahhaah

I can hardly afford food. I don't want to pay for internet the same way I did tv.(before I cut that shit,too expensive)

getting rid of net neutrality means an ISP will be able to charge netflix extra for using that ISP's cable network to deliver content that otherwise would be available by said ISP through their cable tv packages

that's it, that's all it is

netflix doesn't get a free ride anymore delivering their products in other people's delivery trucks for free

>it isn't a copypasta

>t. brainlet

Wow you're so cool dude, I hope to some day be as pathetic as you

...This literally has nothing at all to do with Trump.

They'll never stop, no matter how many times the people say no. It's insane at this point, they'll just keep going over and over and fucking over again knowing full well how hard it is to energize people.

you have my attention lad

>That's it, that's all it is
Lmao no its not. Think of it as your cell phone provider charging you more for contacting specific people.

Net Neutrality is needed, but with the dotard in office Ajit Pai will suck the spray tan off of his long balls to get this repeal to pass.

Sure, netflix doesn't get a free ride anymore and I'm sure they can afford it. But the problem here is that it keeps smaller independent websites from being able to pay the ransom to have an accessible website. This is anti-capitalism, and gets rid of any sort of free market. The only websites you will be able to reliably access are the ones that are already successful enough to pay for it. Don't you see that?

Drumpf appointed Pai as president of the FCC...

Another proof that america is nothing more but a big experiment gone horribly wrong.

how is this thread full of people praising removal of net neutrality?

shills confirmed

its just a social experiment bro - Columbus

Ajit Pai has cronies flooding message boards and comment sections to make it look like he is getting praise for his plans. All while calling the actual people who don't want this shit "bots"

fuck socialism

The energy's been sucked dry, this being the 30th+ attack on net neutrality. Only one's who care anymore are them, fucking end it. It will literately never stop until they win. There should be a way to stop this, something that's been voted against over and over again, from just being reintroduced

Good point. Maybe Pajeet is secretly an accelerationist marxist.

figured so

Trump selected Ajit Pai. Tom Wheeler, an ex telecom industry lobbyist, was our last FCC head. Tom Wheeler was the best head of the FCC the united states has ever had. Ajit Pai is being investigated for literally taking money from the telecom industry to pass laws favorable to them (the sinclair media group investigation).

Trump is a billionaire with enormous investments in Verizon and Comcast, and will directly make money from choosing Ajit Pai, and approving the sale of your internet browsing history.

>those are the times where anomalous should take act
>they probably only know to hack twitter accs n'shitz while eating cheetos from their fat ass

Those fucking fat slobs doing false propaganda of their retarded group


This is fucking bullshit

I'm curious to see what happens when he does this, because at this point it's inevitable. Are Americans gonna do anything about it?

What the fuck are you on about a free ride? Last mile carriers such as Comcrap get paid by you, to connect YOU to websites. They were never allowed to collect money from the websites as well, until now.

That's like you paying to send something in the mail, and your faggot postal carrier saying "well now that I have the letter, who's going to stop me from charging the person I'm delivering the letter to as well? Why can't I just hang on to this letter until that bitch pays me too?"

And the FCC (Ajit Pai) allowing your web browsing to be sold is like allowing your postal carrier to OPEN your fucking mail too, and sell THAT information for literal fractions of pennies. Every trap you have fapped to is now information for sale, because of Pai.

Why the fuck are there supporters of this?

Who is this nigger?

There aren't, only Paibots

There aren't. Only people who either don't understand it, or are so libertarian they think postal carriers should be able to open your mail and read it because everyone should be able to do anything they want if it makes money for an industry. Or, they see that republicans approve of it, and they're dumbass authoritarians who believe anything their leaders approve of must be good.

I'm a liberal, but I sure as shit know when liberal politicians are doing something corrupt for themselves, I don't get why republicans have a harder time with this.

Because I've got nobody to back me up for performing an attempt on his life.
Also, I'm at least a few countries too far to do so.

Dead people support him. I'm not kidding. The FCC pretended to be dead people to say positive things about this.

Newfag detected.
Probably just found this site last week at most.

That nigger is the dude who said internet providers are allowed to deep packet inspection your internet traffic, and sell your website history and DNS lookup history. They're supposed to scrub your medical information out of it before selling it, but thats it.

He's the head of the FCC, and he's supposed to work for you, but he really just works for Comcast and other major internet providers.

>letting an half jew kebabfucker doing this yer loved "FREEDOM"

Oh America,how did you let it come to this?


because some of us aren't koolaid drinkers and hopping on the cable cutter bandwagon

no more free rides

>Not realizing this hurts YOUR capacity to browse the 'net as well.

Seriously, why do people go against both the interests of their peers AND their own?

I can understand benefitting yourself at the expense of others, or helping others at your own expense.
But why fuck shit up for everyone, YOURSELF INCLUDED?!

hello russia, how goes the hacking?

>hurr you have a terrible official so it must be your fault
>hurr I don't understand how the American government works
>he must have been voted in for this, right?
No, appointments with congressional approval are a thing, and are almost never denied.

But his is purely detrimental to literally everybody but big buck corporations.

kys shill

You do realize that if this happens in the US, the rest of the world isn't safe, right?

Dont live in USA, dont give a fuck.

Have fuck with what y'all voted for LMAO


I say we call for the biggest fucking raid of all time.
One last hoorah for Sup Forums.
We red pill the entire internet on this shit.
Spam videos and information about net neutrality and tell everybody to call thier representatives.
We can compile lists of representatives who can speak on this matter from each state and thier contact information to make it incredibly easy for normies.
This is FUCKING WAR faggots.
We arn't going down without a fight.
Sup Forums is the final boss of the internet and they have threatened our domain.

If the USA falls, they'll come for you too.

This isn't Trumps idea retard.
Stop crying about your loss for fucks sake it's been over a year.
Get over it


If you've been redpilling you're responsible for this. Just drown yourself instead.

Stupid fat cuckold in denial. The Rs support getting rid of net neutrality, while the Ds support it. You and your fat faggot daddy are complicit in the death of net neutrality.

There weren't any free rides before, you retarded oaf. This is about allowing them to charge both ends.

I work for a medium large corporation, we pay for internet, something like $25,000 per month. Each of our routers is 40 on a dedicated 40 gigabit connection to Level 3.

Now imagine if Level 3 decided to pull any of these shenanigans with my company. "We charge you to connect you to the internet, but we're also going to do whatever we like with your traffic, even though you already pay us."

No, we pay for a dumb pipe to the internet, and that's what we get. They are only fucking you over, not because its right or okay, but because you're stupid.

fuck off

information enlightens and makes us stronger

that's why they want to take it away

Your level of understanding of this subject does not even meet the third grade level.

I'm conservative and I wouldn't vote for a republican that supports net neutrality.

Yet. I'd gladly get rid of net neutrality then EVER let you faggots think for a moment that you could ever put a fucking cunt like Hillary in office. Fuck off with your gai boi multi queer super gender fake rape statistics and kill yourself.
If it makes you liberals angry I might just vote for it to piss you off.
So go ahead keep whinning. I might call up my rep and support it just to make you cry

Attempt on Pai's life when?

ha, and they say 'we at comcast won't abuse it'

ha, right

comcast won't abuse it's monopoly on internet service




I sit corrected, I suppose. They've been pushing this shit for years, though. They're just going to keep trying until we're all too tired to protest it.

>Completely fucking yourself over just to insult the pettiest of people
Why tho?

The world is ruined cuz of fatfucks retards like you

You stupid faggot haha. You're willing to shit in your mouth to "make people cry". You're gonna get raped until you die from internal bleeding and you're more concerned about the opinion of other people. You're a moron.

Sorry, faggot, I live in Arkansas.

Fuck no lmao im pretty sure we can survive without the USA being in the picture cuz we're a highly diplomatic and neutral nation so we'll align ourselves and replace USA with someone like China.

Ajit Pai the Paijeet Guy

you'll be fine, you'll just have to pay netflix a more fair price for delivering your daily brainwashing

the worst case scenario is they start packaging the internet like cable subscriptions. you want to know how you bypass the restrictions? get a fucking vpn. they can't do jack shit about it because if you are connected to an encrypted vpn they have no idea what you are accessing.

You're an idiot dude.

'im so sleepy lets all go to bed'

no, fuck you

there is so much more at stake

>paying 25 a month for a program that works 1 out of 30 times and probably still sell your data


You bet your fucking ass I am.
I fucking hate you liberal faggots. I'll pay more money for internet to watch you cry in a heartbeat.
Infact now that i see how mad it makes you i'm calling my rep tomorrow and telling him I support the abolishment of net neutrality and if he doesn't support it i'm not voting for him next election cycle.
Let the tears flow bitch
This is what you get for making it a bi partisian issue instead of just having a rational discussion
Fuck you fucking liberals.

>you are connected to an encrypted vpn they have no idea what you are accessing

>wah why won't this ISP let me connect to this VPN so i can dl pirated shit anymore
>fucking dronald drumpf killing muh net nutralty nigga
>why cant i just not pay for things!?!?!?

my confirmation biases are further reinforced by this

China is even less free with their internet tho.
Say goodbye to shitposting unless it's pro-CCP shitposts on ChongChan.

tbh Internet should be a utility

Or they can just cut you off from the internet entirely, because they literally own the physical network you are using to access the VPN.

This is literally one of the best answers. That, or do like I did, and subscribe to business class internet.

>Not setting up your own VPN


I keked.
I like you user

>muh fast and slow lanes

you've been fed a load of bullshit so you will support one corporation over another while thinking you supporting yourself and no corporations

>Irony: The Post
I'll take "Newfags Falling for Copypastas" for $500, Alex.

>Sup Forums
you what?

that's all they can do, they can either throttle the connection, or just cut it off entirely. if you aren't a complete moron and start pirating 50tb worth of shit a month they probably aren't going to do anything about it. if they ban a certain vpn, get a different one.

you voted from trump, so what did you expect?
this is the hole you dug yourself into.

every other thread is either traps or cucks, Sup Forums is notoriously liberal

not that guy but they can and already do those things and it's not illegal for them to do it

Conservatives made it partisan dude, not liberals. Liberals have been saying "this is bad for everyone". You should probably read more.

I'm sorry you hate us, did we take your job or something? Did a gay dude hit on you and your penor got tumescent and you blame the liberal media for it?