Assassinate Donald Trump so funny lol.
Assassinate Donald Trump so funny lol
report to da cyber pooooooooleeeeseee
We should be encouraging this. It's highly unlikely they'd succeed and it would be only good for us.
>hire a hitman
Why can't millennials do anything themselves?
Going to laugh when she gets a visit from the Secret Service.
For when she deletes it
Because liberals don't own guns?
Sjw tactic
Good shit, leaf bro
>but i have work
Not for long.
Kill yourself taconigger
Shut up, taco shits. Contacting her employer would be an SJW tactic.
"She's" actively bragging about it. Fucking whore
There's a reason this is a meme you retard
isnt that like a threat?
one woman got detained here for threating our presi's daughter
Underrated bantz
the wall just got 10ft higher pablo
what should i reply lol
Shut up beaner
Hey new friend! Enjoying your summer vacation?
only thing this fat bitch can operate is cake
Based leaf. Trump will give you citizenship.
Well she just put herself on quite a few lists
"You have to go back"
that wall cant come any sooner
fight fire with fire, amigo.
If you kill him, he wins.
Mexicab in America? Enjoy being deported. Otherwise enjoy being vanned by CIA.
Say, then I guess you're fine with being banned from entering America for the rest of your life.
>if you report would-be murderers, they win
How's your vacation going Justin?
We could get her fired
ICE this landwhale
>Using services the way they were intended
>SJW tactic
Not even close
Let me ask you this, would you speak up if someone made this same post about Obama?
Fight fire with fire mexinigger
If people report it, it HAS to be investigated by the secret service.
A friend used to do it before he went contracting in Iraq to make more shekels. You are interviewed by 2 S.S. agents and given a number of 1,2 or 3 based on the perceived threat.
If you are given a 3, it's an automatic year in a stare psych unit.
Wheres to link to report?
how can i work for fbi
reply with
It is kind of cute but it will be cuter when she never wants to use the internet again after the FBI busts down her door
Ur so silly user XD
No one wants to assassinate Obummer
Honestly she should just be ignored. Look at her tweets, she has serious mental issues. Posting guys she thinks are hot.. she's not developed past the age of 13
>f someone made this same post about Obama?
A. you can bet your ass no one would
B. If they ever did, a bunch of SJW would report it, no one here would need to.
But yes, she will be interviewed by the S.S. By their own regulations, they have to...
Isn't this type of speech illegal in the states?
Canada leaf best leaf.
Bitch you're White
Threatening with killing a someone (and a presidential candidate at that) it's a crime, so she was rightfully reported.
SJW tactics consist on actively working towards ruining your life and getting your professional life screwed because you said something mean.
Fuck off spic
It looks like a troll account more than anything
Why would someone brag about getting v&?
>browsing r/cuckold
>no osx
>no safari
>no macbook
i don't think you're doing it right bong
10/10, finally something from a leaf
t. your local friendly Yuropoor
>she has serious mental issues
which makes her even more of a threat, and all the more reason to report her.
You can fuck around about anything in the US, but never, ever try to make "jokes" about those sort of things with presidents/presidential candidates.
Kennedy was killed, his brother was killed, Ford was shot at and they missed, Reagan was shot at and they hit, and the Iraqis planned to assassinate Bush 1 while in kuwait.
That's the one issue that is certain to get you a visit. And you can't pull the shit with filming them, etc... bc they'll shove camera right up your ass and no local police or lawyer can do a thing bc they can claim "matter of national security" and that "trumps" all of that.
The worst that could happen is you get kicked off of Twitter. But it seems they're biased against Trump like Zuckerberg anyway.
tabs are a dying art
Say "You are the reason we need that wall. You got to go."
Will/would the FBI or S.S. actually do something? I hope they do, these idiots need to learn their lesson that threatening an assassination is serious shit.
You're an idiot. You would not report someone who said they would kill hillary.
You're so immature Sup Forums
>Gangbang fantasy.
She has no concept of what the party van is for.
>Nigger porn videos
Cucky the brit i see.
Not necessarily. If the threat is deemed not credible the feds will just tell the person to stop being a dumbass.
And then there's cases like this guy.
>Will/would the FBI or S.S. actually do something?
By their own regulations, they have to if it's brought to their attention, yes.
Lost it an unrape sister
I would if they were a Bernie supporter.
They do make house calls. They just let the people off but it's jarring nonetheless.
>You would not report someone who said they would kill hillary.
when someone says that we'll see
I would. I love trolling BernOuts.
I died at how to join anonymous, somewhere out there there is a redditor with these exact tabs up.
haven't you already posted bait using that same exact picture both here and on /r9k/ pretending to be a girl?
> how to unrape your sister
more of you need to report her, the more reports the more likely of action
Kill yourself
Excellent meme tabs. 10/10.
Obviously a drug user, too. Better report that.
You did a good deed user. One look and I fucking HATE HATE HATE that self-worshiping bitch. She deserves to have her skull beat into a pulp on the sidewalk then have a pack of shitskins rape her dead body.
Good work, Sup Forums. We're at war with these psychotic SJWs, and we can't afford to show any mercy.
Don't fall for rage bait /p/al.
Thats how they win
Literally looks like a pig.