/x/ is completely useless so maybe one of you Sup Forumstards can help me

/x/ is completely useless so maybe one of you Sup Forumstards can help me

i've been having recurring dreams that show this same symbol in them near or at the end of every one. Does anyone here know where this symbol is from, or what it means? i'll paypal 5 bucks to whoever can tell me.

Can you draw it a few more times so I can get a better idea?

Almost reminds me of the Hunter's Mark from Bloodborne.


Draw it bigger you fuckin goof. I can't tell what it's supposed to look like and what is just shaky hands.

nigga wut, it just looks kinda like a box with an X through it

I have literally been seeing this for probably almost a year or maybe more.

I am not joking. Kik me at jesswelsh2

Cmon Sup Forums, someones gotta know what this autistic shit means

Incomplete sigil of Tarthanac.
>You're fucked.

let me help

there, I helped.

So you can write, but can't read?

I thought the same thing

Looks a bit like ancient runes for the letter "J"


So edgy

Being this autistic

Why is that edgy?

its a sign to mine etherium.

Looks like the Futhorc letter J, just with yours having a line through the box.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but can't runes be altered to have alternate meanings? Like combining two runes together?

looks a lot like this symbol i found on a black magic site

looks like a cube with a line through it

are you retarded?

You see this symbol in your dreams because you expect to see this symbol in your dreams. Where did it originate from you may ask? possibly after filling in the blanks in a dream or your deep desire to feel like you're different from everyone else by thinking of this in your sub conscious.


don't need the money but could you draw a better pic because I think I saw that one before

Looks like the rune 'naudiz' intersected by the rune 'ingwaz'. Naudiz means 'need', ingwaz means 'unity' (as in love).
This interprets to 'need love'

I see it too.

Also don't call /x/ useless for not helping you with your stupid question.


Filthy meginlandari, get out of here with your romanized fuþark

>Not speaking Frisian

Lower class plebs.

Frisian has no connection to Old Norse you uncultured swine, Icelandic is the closest approximation to the ancient speech of the Nords and I will fucking fight to the death to defend it

looks kinda like the bronze tower OP

It's a combination of the futhorc runes N (nyd) and J (ger)

This guy actually posted a picture with both the right runes but missed that they're combined.

Anyway, a bind rune could mean pretty much anything since they were normally used to represent individuals (like singing your initials so the J and W intertwine) or to represent concepts. Nyd is pretty unambiguously "need" but Ger's etymology is vague enough that it pretty much just means something related to a year, so it could be age or harvest or just a timeframe.

I messaged you on kik. I'm the guy with the partying skeleton picture. You can keep your money, but I'd be happy to talk more.

You saw it drawn somewhere without realizing it and now that you keep thinking about it, you keep seeing it. It's not rocket science, and all you idiotic oneiromantic crackpots can fuck off back to /x/.


Case closed

It's a white nationalist symbol. Your a Nazi sleeper agent.

It's nȳd-gēr, and it's not pronounced even close to that.

If nazis want to fuck up the history of our language by spreading bad pronunciation just to keep the normies from noticing them then whatever. Retards like you are the reason futhark died out.