How do we combat the shilling done by Alt "Right" subversives?
>dude milo lmao
>man sargon of akkad really makes you think huh
>being gay is ok xD LGBT allies
How do we combat the shilling done by Alt "Right" subversives?
>dude milo lmao
>man sargon of akkad really makes you think huh
>being gay is ok xD LGBT allies
Other urls found in this thread:
remind them fags have no place in western christiandom, this includes milo the cocksucking jew... but dont be too abusive, we still want them recruiting for trump.
Who's the qt on the left?
>milo the jewish "I love nigger cock" faggot
>gavin "I regularly shove a giant black dildo up my shaved ass" mcinnes
>sargon the cuckold quadroon
>no TRS
you don't. these are soft red pills, and as long as we continue to troll them the normies they redpill will come to the real RWDS alt right.
TRS is legit senpai. Try to join their forum. You can't. I'll send an invite though if you email me at [email protected]
I see this a lot here. I'm a Christian and a penitent faggot. How does pol feel about degenerates who recognize their own degeneracy and want to combat it in society?
I think I made a forum account ages ago, or did the kikes shoah the forums again?
kathrine timpf
>TRS is legit senpai
not when they give mod status to faggots
they're just trying to keep it pure. didnt get shoahd again thank god now that weev set up their servers i dont think it will ever be shoad again.
would you be so kind to send me an invite too?
weev is a real nigga, I'd love a conversation with him but I think I'd get on a federal list
prove your fash. i only have two to give
Did you just copy and paste a picture off kotakuinaction or something? None of those people are on the alt right. If you ask any of them it they are they will cuck signal against it. The only one that is remotely sympathetic is Milo.
message him on twitter/fb man he's pretty responsive and has good troll advice
When did that start? Am I fucked? I have an account but I haven't been on in two months.
I don't have a useable twitter anymore, I stopped making throwaway accounts because my go to email was which the german government seized the data of
Just stay true to who you are and call bullshit when you see it.
i think you're good if you remember your login
nevermind. i just remembered my account info and logged in. is it really by invite only now?
>tfw richard will never be your bro irl
yeah invite only now. i like it that way desu. forum is used for some pretty sensitive stuff; meet ups, raiding etc. dont need shills in there doxxing people
>no spencer bro
Milo is not subversive.
it's funny because every one of those groups/people has done more for the right than Sup Forums has
McInnes is pretty based
But I consider myself alt-right and hate everything on that image except for Ghost. If that's the case, is it incorrect to consider myself alt-right?
>race mixer
I only need one
Came here to post this. Only person in OP pic that is any good.
fucking hambones
Do you happen to be Jewish?
fuck off you mormon scum
We ARE the alt right you colossal faggot.
And "we" aren't going to do anything about it, because it's entertaining to listen to. But you're too much of a pretentious faggot to want to be entertained and instead want to carve out your own little hipster version of what being alt right is.
Fuck off cunt.
Two words faggot. Punitive. Damages.
>I agree with this person on almost every political issue
>Oh, what's that? He racemixed?
>Fuck this, I'm now a #Clintoris
Gavin is how I found out about the others. I'm proud of my boy and I like him more than a friend.
>waaa gays, niggers and jews can't be part of my exclusivvv club
you guys are just as pathetic as the SJWs who try and exclude white men from every argument
This is how the average Sup Forumslack thinks. If a politician doesn't adhere to every value of Sup Forums, then he's a leftist cryptokike.
This is EXACTLY the defect of millenials that spawned the cancer of sjw, being this needy of something to combat. They are doing you a god damn favor making sure we have lots of people on our side for the next decade or so. Beliefs aren't shit without numbers. Accept your masters already and fuck off with these threads.
none of those people are right wing. They just don't fall for the far left horseshit spewed by feminists and black lives matter.
I like milo but fuck sargon, wanting change so long as he doesnt apply to it fucking cuck
is ghost really considered 'alt right' now?
isn't crowder just a cucky failed stand up?
his prepared rant/routine at Umass was cringy as fuk
Wasn't Ben shilling for lolbertarians just recently? How did he change to this?
it's 2^3chan/pol/
they're so afraid of d&c shills they'll let basically anyone in.
Ghost is a Capitalist, baby.
>is ghost really considered 'alt right' now?
>rest of the thread:
Fuck off with this shit already. If they support classical liberalism, then they are fucking golden. It is time to put this bullshit identity nonsense behind us so that we can ally up and prepare for battle.
Pretty sure it's just a meme, personally I think he's probably parodying the sort of demographic you would expect to vote for Ted Cruz.
Has he actually described himself as alt-right?
That or they go too far and sell out every belief they have for a faggot kike like Milo.
>Oh but "not a argument" and others are just controlled opposition.
Fucking shithole of a board should be burnt down.
I want to kill my eues
he's a conservative, i havent really watched his stuff since he's come back in the few recent months
you can't tell me this shit isn't hilarious
Sent muh application from [email protected]. Better invite me nigger
have a drink every time milo mentions mischief
we are the merry pranksters of the internet
at least we used to be
What about Alex?
is he a shill or a chill?
How the fuck do you include Saragon as alt right but not TRS
What's the Sup Forums consensus on the Sargon of Akkad channel?
He's broken the conditioning and gone beyond the right or left dichotomy.
30 minute videos about some SJW nobody has heard of or would have otherwise
i literally dont give a fuck about any of these shits
listen to this song
t. Muhammad Albabi
He's the "don't you think anti-sjw types are just as bad?" guy and loathes the "alt right", yet gains his popularity from ranting for 30 min vids constantly complaining about sjw's. He's a loser.
Faggot who I seriously think is doing it for the YouTube bux
Cuck. Argues on semantics instead of the issue at question. Basically dances around the argument by using intellectual speak that makes people think he knows what he's talking about.
comes across as an absolute retard in any debate with someone above double-digit iq
he denounced conservatism because of palin and hasn't been one since
now he's just a capitalist
I like RCR you nigger
>Sargon and Shoe
God. Sam Hyde is so repulsive. His fat pimply face, that barely-held back neckbeard. That pale pasty skin. I'd enjoy TRS more if I could stomach looking at his ugly face.
Why do legit white supremacists always look so fucking ugly?
He makes SJWs extra butthurt because he's a liberal and is harder for them to dismiss. Not strong at debate. Doesn't mind degeneracy and isn't a race realist. He's whatever.. That TLDR guy is better.
you know you love him
someone post gavin's penis. looks weird as fuck
I sort of get the feeling that Milo is more redpilled than he lets on, but he acts pozzed because his jew instincts propel him toward shekel collection. I wouldn't be surprised if he were a closet white nationalist.
What's there to combat? Those people generally just lay out some facts about your standard SJW topics. Would you rather they be preaching white supremacy?
There is no "alt right", only national imperialists who support God Emperor Trump who use both nazi / jew propaganda to shill our far-right agenda.
"""""""""""""""Alt Right""""""""""""""""""
nah, he's a bag of conflicted identities stemming from his self-loathing - he has phases but ultimately he stands for nothing
I'll accept you but you must either kill yourself once we've achieved victory or repent, taking any action in your degeneracy or having children will send you to the block.