You were made to destroy ZOG

Fellow soldiers, you know who you are, good evening from the great state of Florida in the United Zionist States of America. I wanted to share something with other that I thought was important. Though we may be fervent militants in spirit and ideology, we must reign in that ferocity so that we may better cooperate and align with other militants who may not have arrived at the solution if the final question.

I am involved with several paramilitary communities in central Florida and despite the fact that there are a surprising amount of people who have meditated upon the Jewish question, the majority of nationalist militants I meet aren't very familiar with the Hebrew side of our struggles equation. I'm making this post to urge others to decide to meet face-to-face with other people aligned with the Movement, the movement that is opposed to the collectivists and global federalists. So many important and useful individuals oppose the presence of the enemy on the surface but have not yet familiarized themselves with the overwhelming Jewish influence actively seeking to destroy them and many others.

You'd be very surprised to know how receptive people are to considering the JQ. I'm excited to say that it was invigorating to see strangers enter into conversations involving their country, culture and people. What was most surprising was how quickly a sense of brotherhood descended over the groups I've met up with. A dozen or so people would basically have a /K/ meet-up in the palm plains and we'd all pop off a thousand or so rounds then have a beer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Our people are out there. They are our neighbors and brothers. We have such a powerful and potent resource at our disposal, our communities themselves. The U.S. gets ragged on a lot for its pure ethnic white percentage but those who criticize us neglect to take into account the homogeneity of our White/European populations. 70% of the U.S. is essentially White expression. The ethnic minorities in this country are relegated to their respective enclaves which are fraught with problems and situations preventing them from making a significant impact on the country when it gets down to brass tacks.

I just wanted to encourage my fellows who live in the United States to meet face-to-face with their militant communities, small arms communities, white politicians. In time we will change minds, change families, change neighborhoods, change towns, cities, states, our nation and ultimately the World. Heil!

Hello brothers.

All you need to do is offer them that alternative path of critical thinking and consideration. You hear someone bring up the absurdity of things these days, or maybe the manufactured Muslim refugee crisis and all you have to do is say ,"You know, a small amount of Jewish people have caused great changes throughout history" and 90% of the time you'll enter into a conversation that will leave you feeling positive and others feeling curious.

Curiosity killed the Jew, remember that.


Lambright here.

America is a nation of 90% white Christians but were mostly slaves to Zionist Jews. If people knew how much the Jews hate the Christians you would never want to be their friends. What opened my eyes is that Christians live in GAZA and in summer of 2014 2400 people including Christians were killed with Christian bomb given to Israel from America. Be aware that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 and they even laugh at how dumb we are for not even fighting them back. Someday Israel will be in the history books as a nation that hijacked the USA, how the USA found out and turned them to Glass. I'm bidding for POTUS and if Im elected, I'll get revenge for the people that attacked the the USA which is Israel, not the muslims.

Victory will be ours again.

My simple plan to remove the hijacking Jews. By taking them out of our money, the'll have to earn it like everybody else. But for now, the Jews can just go to their buddies and say, give me a loan and I'll cut you in on the ownership and profits. Its the largest fraud ever on mankind ever. I'm talking about the federal reserve and the stock markets, which are rigged. The fraud is so massive they fear with their life if the truth ever gets out. In a way we are living in the Jewish Matrix.

What is wrong with a strong national pride? nothing. Today we have so much individualism the degeneracy is the cancer.

When the family goes, so goes the nation. That is were we are today. We're a society of slaves so we can fuel the military will of the jews.

Good Evening brother!
>America is a nation of 90% white Christians but were mostly slaves to Zionist Jews. If people knew how much the Jews hate the Christians you would never want to be their friends.
I've always hoped this would turn out to be one of our strengths. If the concepts in zionist-christian minds could be leveraged to reveal that Orthodox Jews were the enemy of Christ I could see such a backlash happening, not reported on, not televised or really even spoken about, just realized in millions of peoples minds. That would be enough.

Israel is a nation of terror. King David Hotel bombing, USS Liberty, the foiled Egyptian theater bombing and at the very least a dozen other known literal terrorist attacks including the Norad stand down. Israel was a crown created by dual citizen yids in the United States and the Rothschilds. Many people see Israel for what it is, a parasitical supremacist terror state, but many refuse to connect the dots. If things keep going forward how they are now though I don't think the doubters are going to matter anymore. The explosion of intellectual anti-semitism has dealt great damage to the global Hebrew narrative and its machinations. Once the JQ is considered in an individuals mind, they are able to tag certain events, trends, movements etc as Hebrew created. Great gains are being made.

The only thing we can do is boycott with our dollars and stop believing their lies.

Cancel your Cable TV.
Boycott all Newyork times recommendations.
Don't buy music or movie.
Don't do it.
Don't give them any more money.

The moment you quit fighting them, they win.

The good news, what keeps me going is the alien technology.
We the USA actually have space craft that can do the wormhole and superluminal speeds, 'faster than light travel'. Star trek is real. Someday religion and race won't mater and they will lose power. Democracy might have a chance, until that time we live as slaves.

It all starts with money. Since the jews make the money on paper. They can just print more for themselves. The can buy any corrupt politician and pay anybody off. Stop enabling them.

It is assured. The fires burning in people both young and old guarantee our victory over the wandering peoples. Heil!!

What do you mean by JQ. what does it mean.

JQ=Jewish Question?


Keep on gassin'

Gassing never happened, the holocaust is a fake.
Drop that language.

I want to express that this is it. This is it, the Final Battle. Our generation more than any other will tip the scales towards true liberation or total abyss. So many weapons systems are arrayed against us. Electronics, drugs and a culture promoting frivolity, ignorance and meaninglessness. Whether people believe it or not they wake up and go to sleep on a battlefield. Minds are the targets of importance and they wish to lobotomize us all using their careful, slow, soft and silent methods. The conniving blackhearts that are the Jews must always remain in our target picture or else any gains made will only be reversed and re-appropriated by them. Point them out, call them out, X them out. Only cover your mouth if it will damage relationship with a group you are trying to ultimately sway or if it's your employer or family. I don't have a wife yet but I don't talk about the JQ with the girls I meet for the most part. I only recently turned myself into a respectable person, bulked up got a job as a house mover and started engaging women. I degenerated for years in the cesspool of drugs, alcohol, sluts and wasting time and I think the Muslim refugee crisis is what turned me into a person who has focus, direction, patience, vision and power.

We can have it all when we become real men, the second most important question besides the Jewish question is "Will you relax once you attain security and manhood". People change when they have families and girlfriends. People need to pledge to themselves that they will remain a militant and the only way they'll lower their warface is when they're dead or the enemy is defeated.
Money is indeed the master in our current paradigm. The Jew is the Priest of monies and the Bank is his Temple. I agree with you, we must weaponize our monies. Every dollar must be spent in blood and in antagony of the Jew and to the benefit of our family or people. This is total War and we must fight using anything that can be used as a weapon.

My friend,
I admire you strength in tackling the beast, However you cannot do this so overtly. Trust in me and I will succeed, After the next war, I will return a veteran, I will rally a nation, and i will make peace with Israel for sometime, until I can truly recognise those in power, then may the cleansing of corruption will occur and massive reform. The people of the nation in question will be reformed also to take proper values and that of the truths of this world. However, unfortunately the Jews want this war, they want more power of victimisation. We must play their game until the time to stab the serpent in the back. Also, can you smell Jews as I can? I'm not crazy also, I can smell them, and it annoys me, but funny as well when people are surprised I can tell they are Jewish when they themselves have no feature of the Jew or name.

Through unity and faith, We will taste victory.

Jewish Question

Sit tight, network offline, keeps arms at the ready.
The day of rope very soon.

Like it's 1943. Though I prefer some of these methods the Jews were "allegedly" privy to.

>thinking sont participating in something will hurt it

Because it worked so well fore the silent generation, huh?

The only thing to do is civil war. That's what you do, not whine.

Glad to hear you have clear yourself of such a lifestyle, I have recently gone through this process myself, never been happier but also very sad due to the situation of the world.

Hello Ameribros,

well written piece OP.

Always great to see some threads like this between all the disgusting shills and nonsense that plagues this board.

As you can see from the flag, i live back home in the Vaterland so i can't add much to this topic since i only visited the US once. Thus i can't exactly judge how people think over there.

But going from my own experience here.
Yes. Alot of people think like us or have at least serious doubts that what they're beeing told is not the truth.

So we absolutely can't give up on our fellow people without at least, offering them a hand.

I have talked with so many people over the past few years and shared information that they won't get from the media and the amount of people that are seriously interested and immediately realize how much they've been lied to, is overwhelming.

Unfortunately i have to rely on the power of words for the most part, and be very carefull about even that.
Since the "German" gouvernment does anything possible to hide the truth and crushes everyone that attempts to be active in any type or form.

We don't have the freedom that you guys have, and desu i envy you for it and hope that you'll never lose it. Despite the fact that "your" traitorous leaders are trying to take it away piece by piece.

So in short, godspeed brothers, keep up the good fight and never let us fight each other again.

Hail Victory.

Ultimately he is quite right. Our situation is infected with so many variables and all of them need to be carefully identified, managed and ultimately excised. His position is one most readily adopted by the masses and individuals. All out small-arms conflict is prepared for. The real method that will lead people to victory of the yids is carefully managed subversion of critical decision making apparatuses, IE Presidents of companies, officers/commanders in military, executives in all manner of industrial processing and service departments. The soldiers are ready to storm the field, believe me. What's most important is that the actual structures of control and providence for the country are under nationalist control. Luckily the United States is one of the most Nationalistic countries on Earth. Our politicians may kneel before Israel but when it comes down to it, a lot of our people flat out don't.

The most helpful thing for me was other people. I've always had a group of friends but only I had to change so I was more of an active human being in other peoples lives. I recently finished probation for armed burglary (went with some people to rob a local drug dealer who was beating his girl and selling pills to younger locals, we don't fuck with pills. Most kike weapon on earth) and faced years in prison, needles to say that got my priorities straight real quick. I'm getting my record sealed and will still be able to own firearms and vote. It feels good to have people who want to spend time with you or who know they can trust you and count on you. When that goes both ways there is significant power there. This showed me just how much power can be amassed by groups of individuals. We can do anything.

Very interesting read my friend. And all so true. Almost nobody get's the chance of beeing raised right and awakened from birth.

Our enemies made sure all of us get bombarded with their sick propaganda from childhood on.

So don't fall for their tricks, don't take the trolls serious. Even if you did bad things before, most of us have. But we can also overcome our pasts and better ourselves. What's important is how we move forward.

>mfw i live in central florida
not falling for your honeypot, FBI/ATF

Also for those interested, get hooked up with MDI, Misanthropic Division. They are bringing chapters to the states and if you stay in their media circles you'll get a chance to get on board with something special. Search VK misanthropic division.

That resonates to me so well, I didn't have the support as all my friends are still dependent on drugs, and it pains me to see that, however slowly I have started helping each and everyone of them to become as strong as I am now. As Marcus Aurelius said "You can escape your vices, but not the vices of those around you" it's been hard, but through pain and suffering we stand strong. I admire you for what you did to the drug dealer, hitting women is innately wrong, and the sale of drugs to children is even worse. I am glad you have gone through such change, and came out an individual that I may never meet, However I will remember and admire you still. My respects to you.

Sooner or later we have to meet face-to-face. Would you rather be more in touch with yidculture than meet like minded people? Time passes quick and we don't have a lot to spare man.

Respect brother! Forward!

For victory!
Through unity and faith, we stand strong.

MDI gets a bad rap but many don't understand it.

>In thèse times of general decadence and moral ugliness, we are called misanthropes and fascists. Only for the fact that we do not accept the false, gregarious, perverted foundations of this modern society. Weak, nasty little people trying to prove to us that we have to live according to the rules drawn by themselves composed according to the Scriptures and contrary to the laws of nature, contrary to the precepts of our ancestors! A world in which survives only the richer and more cunning, is doomed to extinction. We do not want to be a part of this world. Part of the vile, hypocritical and corrupt the stage where a person who lives according to the laws of nature, laws of their ancestors, in his heart, is considered a failure.

If we can only muster a factor of the will our ancestors expressed throughout the millennia we will prevail. More than that, we will triumph.

Do you know of a similar Commieadian group?

Specifically out Mid west?

Can I have some advice about becoming a FED from all the feds posing as anons in this honeypot thread?

it's college advice.

Or do you guys want me to leave, so I don't below your cover in entrapping the anti NWO people?

Not really. Only recently have nationalist groups that aren't intrinsically criminal emerged. There will be plenty to affiliate with in the near future and you could always start your own.

Sociology degrees are helpful I hear.

trust me guys, i'm a good goy.

I'm completely down with Zog and the NWO.

I just need some advice.


I'm Science and Biology, forensics, chemistry, criminal justice and some LEO stuff.

Fucking sociology, what the fuck.

I already knew the stuff in those classes, and in psychology. They want people who majored in that? that stuff was so easy.

You really are too paranoid about the Zionists user, You should take your medicine.
But for srs,
Law, Global politics, or a combination of both.

I'm waiting for them, everyone who knows me knows if I go missing it's cause I pissed the Jews off. Really like this thread as well for the turnout, hope it doesn't degrade into usual shitposting.

God why do Feds have to major in boring stuff....

What about disaster management? what about a Bachelors of science in that and working for FEMA.

That is what has been on my mind.

Feds who deal with people in subversive ways need to be able to assume and discard multiple personas at will while understanding the tensegrity of their projects mental state/s. The more cold, manipulative and sociopathic the better. Hard science isn't applicable in the realm of soft mind.

God damn it Gunther, shut up and lie low, unless Hillary wins.

That's the spirit. In time people will equate "Jews" with radical fanatics and cancer instead of untouchable victim. The amount of what they ter "anti-semitism" has grown by orders of magnitude in the last decade alone. They made an error, 9/11 was too much, it was too large and the truth got out. Now too many people know about Israels treachery throughout its relatively short history and those who have researched Jewry at length are familiar with the swindling crookedness as documented in one of the first tales of the Old Testament where Esau's birthright was robbed from him because he was ignorant of the terms and conditions of a deal he entered into. The Jews swindled the entirety of Egypt away from the Egyptians due to a Jewish influence upon their President/Pharaoh.

People can't close their ears anymore. All they can do is turn the other cheek or take to mental and physical arms in order to repel and ultimately destroy this predator of mankind. The Global collectivists must be destroyed, that is the bottom line!

For victory, my comrade!
For justice, my brother!
For peace, my fellow man!
Through unity we will succeed.

>muh ZOG
>muh Elders of Zion
>muh NWO

Jesus Christ you fucks are a never ending source of entertainment.

t. Ashkenazi Jewboi

Nothing personal but you are nothing, more than the nothing you think I am. You have no influence over me and you are not the enemy. That being said enjoy the show jewboi.

Just don't get the Jews Blues.



Wait, you are Lambright?

>I put random umlauts on words which makes it super German, rite?

Scheiß egal, du bist alle so verdammt doof.

I think it's a self shill thread.

what the fuck is going on in this thread, it's like someone is RP'ing