I start work for a Japanese company on the 1st.
Is it bad form to mention the war?
I start work for a Japanese company on the 1st.
Is it bad form to mention the war?
No, make sure you start conversations with "Remember when you guys got nuked?"
Wear a kimono. All foreign workers have to wear one when working in Japan. By already having one you'll show you are prepared.
Nah, japs love a bit of cheeky banter.
No, in fact work your way up in the company and everytime you fire someone for god knows reason you say " sorry to drop the bomb on you like this but your fired "
>be neckbeard
>get hired to do IT at a toyota plant
>Toyota is a de facto japanese company, so i must play the part
>show up in kimono with katana
>get ass kicked by all the rednecks I work with
t-thanks obama-san...
No, and make sure you talk loud and act pushy.
literally no one cares, why would you talk about it?
No, in fact work your way up in the company and everytime you fire someone for god knows reason you say " sorry to drop the bomb on you like this but you're fired"
Remember they prefer to be called 'Nips', since the name for their country in their own language is 'Nippon'. They'll be impressed that you know their culture.
Dress up as a Geisha with really shitty face makeup and walk around loudly asking your wormates "WHO WUN SUCKY SUCKY ONRY 2 DORRAH!?" even though that hooker from FMJ was Vietnamese.
y u do dis
It is considered impolite to ask about their waifus?
These are Japanese Expats, like official off the boat nips. Only one of the guys I will be working with can speak English, the others are "stirr rearningu"
六甲颪 に颯爽と
蒼天 翔ける日輪の
青春の覇気 美しく
輝く我が名ぞ 阪神タイガース
オウ オウ オウオウ 阪神タイガース
because its funny, obviously. Why else would I be here wasting minutes of my life.
for the rurz
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
松本 渋谷のミラクル投法
鈴木 竹田の快速球
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
いいぞ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
がんばれ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
がんばれ がんばれ ドラゴンズ
燃えよ ドラゴンズ!
>Is it bad form to mention the war?
Idk man were you in it?
If not then dont mention it at all.
Just dont be an autistic fuck and be professional.
Theyll respect that more(Anyone would).
If somebody criticizes your work in any way, immediately take them aside and ask "okay, is this really about the nukes?"
Tell that it was Truman and you had nothing to do with it.
Working for nips...id rsther work for kikes
I know man...I know. But I wan unemployed for six fucking months. It's either this or work retail....and fuck that.
I am just meming nip, hopefully OP has enough sense to not do this.
I fucking hate working retail.
word to the wise, remember pearl harbor
I was invited to work on a research study in Japan a few years ago but my invitation was cancelled immediately after I brought up WW2. You really should stay away from that topic, it seems to be a touchy subject for them based on my experience.
Praise their homogeneity and look out the window with starry eyes and say
"I wish there where homogeneous countries for my race too..."
And they will be so moved that they will help us achieve this wondrous goal.
Working for Japanese company =/= going to japan
Unless OP is actually going to Nippon.
what did you say about it?
It wasn't totally out of nowhere since the study was about PTSD. I guess I just came across as insensitive. I said, "I bet there'd be a lot less cases here If Pearl Harbor never happened".
>I bet there'd be a lot less cases here If Pearl Harbor never happened
there's no way you're autistic enough to say that
good try though troll
>he doesn't banter with his research buddies
why the fuck would you even bring it up in the first place? you're just trying to start a shitty bait thread
OP here. (New ID cuz on tablet now)
Japanese company, but located in America. Jap management, roundeye workers
>my invitation was cancelled immediately after I brought up WW2
jesus christ dude. wtf is wrong with you. are u just that much of an unfeeling sperg?