White people will deny this

White people will deny this



wow...... really makes you think

Dammit Ausfag, you could have at least just posted this in

I'd fuck that mudape

Weren't the guards imported blacks?
Seem to remember reading they were used because they could be made into eunuchs and were stupid enough to simply follow orders.

I'm being completely serious when I ask, did people just forget that Egyptians still exist?

Yes, but nigs are too dumb to realize they weren't egytians, they were the slaves even then.


The other thing I wonder is, why the fuck would they want to say they built the pyramids when that would mean they had slaves?




>implying mass enslavement was possible in the copper age

>implying economics didnt exist and these people werent paid citizens

>implying jewish is a race and they were enslaved

LMAO whitey get BTFO

Bitch has perky ass tits from not wearing a bra tho

my history teacher told me the jews built the pyramids but that picture really made me think

White people history

I don't think that's how tits work

Them thick sexy strong hips and perky breasts.

I'd go live in a mud hut if I got to fuck that every night.

Why wouldn't it be?

Kings without crowns are like.. something something.. etc..

Debate me

thank god I'm a tanned german

Foh whitey

Hmm... really makes you think, doesn't it?

like men without bellies or houses without balconies

You're a convict thrown out of the UK.

White edomite cave beasts was living in the caves while we was living like kings in the pyramids.


>thrown out
you mean relocated

>really makes you think, doesn't it?

Stop forcing memes, ya dips.

Damn, how do I recovery from this?


Reminder that there are black people who unironically believe this and actually believe their skin colour disqualifies them from racism. Reminder that this is why white people will always have a somewhat negative view on black people.

Keep posting this, keep fuelling and fanning the flames of racism.

Oh. Sorry you flaming MelbourNITE, did you actually think you were being anti racist by posting this vitriolic shit? Haha, point and laugh at what I have to deal with every time I step outside my Brunswick home.

If I wasn't a pacifist Christian cuck, it'd be time for a spree.

No wonder Africans have so many kids

>Egyptians look like they were from the Congo 4,000 yeras ago

Why are niggers so stupid?

They did, but the actual jews were black.

Well, monkeys are white without their fur. Why do nigs think they were the first Africans and not Whitey?

Oh right.. I forgot the politically correct term

The scum was "relocated"

Do nigs think people lived in the pyramids?

It's not actually wrong... Egypt was vast, mighty, ancient and powerful a millennium before European civilization even crawled out of the mud.

What does that have to do with blacks in America today though? I don't understand. The blacks in America aren't descended from Egyptians they are just from the same continent.

>nigger believes if everybody is a millionaire then there would be peace

I guess he would feel it better to go back to a barter system, then again I doubt he would want to trade all his weed for actual food and water.


Damnn, realy maks u think

It's a good question. They are taxing their own fake money back. Seems pretty illegitimate to me, bro.

My dick doesn't believe in racism
Or anything other than that nice price of ass

Nigger had huts and society. Whites lived in caves.

Thousand years later, niggers still live in huts. Whites and develop everything.

And kikes keep shitting on everything.

Atlantis was full of White people

On behalf of gun owners everywhere, if you do go on a spree, use a knife.


Harriston pls

Travesty, all these healthy potentially hot as fuck females, who have could give 3 fucks about "third wave feminism" going to waste like that in africa. Bring em all to merica I say

HAHAHAHA its funny because assuming the roles were reversed seems more plausible. Niggers are still rolling around in their own shit.

>Not realizing 200x puc related gets lost or destroyed beyond legal recognition than pic

Troll harder faggot


The entire point of money is to give it value so we don't have to use the fucking barter system.
This has been understood for millennium but apparently you don't understand the basic logic of value.


I... understand that if you circulate debased currency it means you don't actually have any money to spend. The degeneracy concerning money and debt today in our country is ripe, fresh, and stinking.

Eh I'd have to find out how she smells first.


I need the original for uh


That's purely a problem over credit.
Credit is the real evil currency that was invented.

we wuz dinosaurs n sheeeit.