Hey Sup Forums i want to be able to act comfortably and flirt with women i like properly...

Hey Sup Forums i want to be able to act comfortably and flirt with women i like properly, but im just so dam awkward around them. How can i properly flirt and act comfortable around women?

Self bump

Don't see them as superior. Just see them as normal. Relax, chill, try not to over think it. If you can strike up a conversation with a random dude, think of the same thing with chicks. Do this first for a bit. Then start trying the flirting thing. You gotta build up to it. Be comfortable with yourself chatting normally to a girl before putting the moves on her. More chance of success that way bro.


What kind of moves can i do that wont get me brushed off?

how do i incorporate regular touch/physicalness into interaction with a girl? I dont touch anyone these days, guys or girls

First, fill all of your pockets with spaghetti.
Get a fanny pack. Fill it with spaghetti too.
Touch girl.
Get famous.
Get accused of sexual misconduct 10-20 years later.
Post apology to social media.
Spaghetti wakes from its long slumber and explodes everywhere.

When talking to her you'll kinda pick up if she's into you. The fact shes still in front of you confirms this. But shes unlikely to make a move so you have to step up. Women respond to confidence but dont be pushy.
Something you could do is while talking if its loud, lean in and gently put your hand on her upper arm, just for a second. You're putting yourself in her space, but not overtly, and withdrawing just as quick. It let's her know you're interested. You'll also pick up if there is a spark between you.
Next say something like, 'hey that's a beautiful bangle/ watch. I didn't notice it before, can I have a look?' Then hold her hand and pretend to be interested in it. 'Ow wow, awesome, a present from your grandparents when they went to New Zealand. That's so cool.' This gives you a good 20 seconds or so of touchy time.

Or if its a busy place with lots of people around. If someone goes to walk past put your hand on her arm/shoulder. You are protecting her. Letting her know you are capable and willing to look after her. Hold your hand there for slightly longer than you feel is necessary. That's when she knows you are more than protecting her, you like being with her and are enjoying touching her. Give her a genuine non threatening smile. One that you will practice in the mirror.
At this point, you've made it clear to her that you are interested. If she's into you that's when she will start returning the touchy stuff.
After a few minutes you can suggest going somewhere more quiet. Like go outside sit down on a small bench, somewhere you have to bunch up close. All going well, that's where things take off.

Develop an air of confidence. Think to yourself that your not really interested in this girl, but she's really keen on you. Keep reminding yourself of this as you talk with her.

This is the most helpful ive ever seen /b, good job guys. Guys

Glad to help. Just keep it real casual. Also try be one step ahead in topic conversation and have something to go to just in case there's an awkward quiet moment. Music, a movie you just saw, if she has any pets. Just light casual stuff.

Have a wank before hand.
But not so close to the time you talk to them as they will likely still smell and aura of semen around you.

Take her for a drink.
Pad out your wallet with Monopoly money before going out, so she thinks you're loaded.
No talking is required as she will be up to your conkers in no time.

The only thing I would add to this (because this guy over here pretty much said everything I wanted to say) is to just get practice.

The more you talk and flirt to girls, the better you'll get at it. I know this sounds obvious, but the more you do something, the more you improve it. Dont get down over a rejection. Rejections are *always* going to happen, the trick is to just keep trying your hand at flirting.

Just be yourself, be fun, and be flirty :3

Just to expand on the "touching" manual:
>these moves need to be made to look as natural as possible.
I mean, shit, difficult to explain in terms you would understand.
Fucc it, if you need to, practice on your mom! Lol, for realz tho, since that's probably the only woman in ur life u have ever touched before and u more than likely live with her. Talk to her for a min, our of no where just kinda grab her out the way like somebody's walking through ur space. Shit seems like a good place to start, fucc it anywayz.

Also should add build up confidence around women if everyday situations so when the time comes to score its not so weird. Just practice general chitchat with the check out chick or some random while waiting for the bus. Don't talk about weather or anything like that, maybe just if this is the right way to the museum or something. Just do this to get more confident talking to chicks without having to feel the need to score
Always dress well, even to your underwear. It helps give off an air of confidence if you feel good about how you are presented. See a girl in the street, give her a smile. Nothing more. You'll be amazed how many smile back. Just take it on board and enjoy the good feeling that brings.
After a few times, say something to one of these girls. Just a 'hi, like your shoes.' She might come back with a thanks and it ends there. Or you might have a quick conversation. Either way its all good. You're building up your skills.

> like your shoes
Nah, scrap that. In hindsight that sounds faggy and I've never said it to anyone. Well, a stripper only.
Tell her you like her smile. That gives her a real confidence boost and let's her know you back yourself and aren't afraid of putting yourself out there.

>these moves need to be made to look as natural as possible
Excellent advice, yeah I agree, just gotta look smooth and not premeditated.

First off.. post a picture of yourself.

If youre a acne infested neckbeard fedora wearing fat fuck then you have no chance no matter how smooth you are. just saying

The fuck are you faggots going on about? There's literally no reason ever to "protect" a woman from passersby. This is the retardedest thing I've seen discussed on Sup Forums in at least a week.

>smooth and not premeditated
This is what I was trying to say. If things are going well, you can overdo the move a little bit but don't get carried away.
Otherwise, the "touching" part is well after the talking and conversation. Lol, don't just stand next to random bitches to copp a feel when someone walks by!

> drunk dude spilling drinks
> waitress with plate of hot food
> really crowded and someone rubs up gets too close
> someone carrying a cigarette

Lots of reasons mate. Plus you are totally missing the point. You're using it as an excuse to make her know you're stepping it up a gear. That you are the type of guy who would look out for her if the situation arose. Also leaving her in no doubt you are interested.

LOL, right! I thought the other advice was spot on, but that "protecting" her is white knight talk

Just the way he worded it, sounded purdy gay. Otherwise great advice

Say things that are easily brush-off-able. Do it with enough humor, enough times, and someone will bite sooner rather than later

Protecting isnt the best choice of words. But you got what I meant. I'm writing this off the cuff

>this times a million

this takes the magic out of it

women though...

Yeah thanks for expanding on the point I was getting across. If you think too much about how you want to get a woman you are making too much of it and setting yourself up for a fall. The idea is to just step it back a little.

Grab bewb and enjoy results

Also, there's really no "moves" I could tell you, I start out talking to a bitch like I would talk to any nice decent person you dig? When u feel she's interested then you step it up a lil more.
When talking to more than one, single one out and avoid. In that circumstance you need to be funny and outgoing, you need to give her a fucking reason to WANT ur attention. Idk, this might b a lil more advanced n I doubt u get that far.

And with all the info in this thread, it helps A TON if ur even a little bit attractive and can hold conversation. If you are at least those 2 things the rest is just practice.

Get treatment for your social anxiety disorder. Until then, take some kind of "I don't give a fuck" chemical.