I did coke for the first time yesterday (pic related)... I did 5 lines... Today I feel like I want to do it again

I did coke for the first time yesterday (pic related)... I did 5 lines... Today I feel like I want to do it again...

that's called addiction

KEK and chkd

gawd i miss cocaine

He's right. I "experimented" with the marijuana in college and that was the gateway for trying to find newer highs. Today I do about a pound of oxy and a few lines just to get through the day

maybe switch to crystal meth then it wont even take one whole day to want some more.

Just kys now and spare yourself the downward spiral of your life's degradation over the next several years.

chkd back at u, good sir

But on my first time? Also I felt like I didn't want it again after I was done... Now the next day I do.

How did u stop addiction... How long u did it

That's how I started smoking, your brain says "Heyyyyy that's pretty neat" and tells you to get more

That's called you're a fuckin moron.

Was in yodur thread yesterday, I was the loogie guy

I do coke and xanax every day but i can stop any time, addiction is a lie OP

the 3rd time I ODd i just had to stop, i had a kid on the way. I did it for like 25 years, I calculated that I've spent more than 2mil USD on that shit.. it's fucking good in the beginning though..

Looks like meth/or you got extremely ripped off.

you obviously don't know what you're talking about

under-rated post

i got sober at age 45

trip dubs, time for a bump

Even did it on a note, so cliche

Yooo I remember you my dude...

coke is for 2nd graders...
go big, or go home.
pic related

Keep it social man - if you're going to do it keep it to weekends and keep the buys small. Once your out, your out, go drink instead.

It's not worth ruining your wallet, brain, nose and life over doing it again, night after night just cause it feels good.

it'll feel better once a weekend/month. Thank me later.

stfu, weed is not a gateway, you're pathetic ass is a gateway

>weed is not a gateway
Keep believing this in a few years stoner fuck when you have to smoke more and more just to get high then realize coke is so much cheaper aaaaaaand gateway

coke is cheaper?, where the fuck do you live kiddo

If weed is gateway for you, than you really are a mental midget

How does one make the decision to ruin their life like that?

I dunno user.
I just sell the shit.
I only smoke weed.
I don't even drink alcohol.
I'm a fucking square,

Coke and weed feels completely different from each other you dolt.
What you are saying almost equates to "fond of eating salt? be careful salt is a gateway spice and might lead to rampant sugar use"

>comparing a drug to a spice
Debate lost

I live where a lil teener or coke is $10. It's cheap to start. Never said it was cheap to maintain fucking idiot.
Pleb city over here I swear

In my experience I smoked a shit ton back when I lived in Colorado and managed just fine all you have to do is don't be a dipshit and not do harder drugs it's that simple.

>I'm unable to understand analogies.
Of course I'm not saying spices and drugs are the same thing, I was trying to show how apples and oranges the first comparison between weed and coke is.

> thinks weed is gateway
> addicted to coke

What a mental midget

>convinced himself he can stop but doest "want" to

Don't bother, he is a retard

>acting like a dumbass
>thinks it's a debate

>using the same insult twice to try and get it noticed and popular
Ok it's been noticed. Back to the hole you go

sounds a lot like a mental midget

Samefagging this much. My sides need a vacation please stop

you just crushed some smarties

everything is a choice. should you, or should you not.

you wanna smoke a bowl, then feel the urge to do coke? go right ahead. but do you have to? nah. that’s up to you bud.

Dude, you're addicted because you're a bitch and you're arguing with everybody how idoitic they are, gtfo bitch

Talk about samefagging

The mental midget one wasn't me. Other 2 are

nice trips but do you even greentext

Have fun in life user

cocaine's considered the most physically addictive drug for a reason

you can't decide whether you'll be the 2% that won't get hooked. you can only decide whether to start or not.

>I don't know

drugs really fucked you up bro

Coke isn't that bad if u can keep it recreational. Every other weekend or w.e. practice self control