who fucking cares
I think only the butthurt SJWs do. The stupid part is Red Skull actually makes sense in his speech but he's supposed to be "evil"
>TIME spoke with Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort about the decision, the clues and why Hydra’s rhetoric sounds an awful lot like that of a certain presidential candidate.
>Q: In the comic the Red Skull of Hydra talks about “criminal trespassers” who “make a mockery” of America’s borders and calls the refugees in Germany an “invading army” bringing “fanatical beliefs and crime” to Europe. Obviously, this hate speech is nothing new for the organization, but it sounds like rhetoric we’ve been hearing this election. Is that purposeful?
>A: We try to write comics in 2016 that are about the world and the zeitgeist of 2016, particularly in Captain America. Nick Spencer, the writer, is very politically active. He’s a Capitol Hill head and following this election very closely. So we can talk about political issues in a metaphoric way. That’s what gives our stories weight and meat to them.
um, obvious social control of readers political thought process.
Propaganda to simply for you.
This is an attack on your German-American root. Listen: watch out for the Jews. They're trying to turn the whole country against you to kill you. If Trump doesn't win, they just might succeed.
Honestly, when is the propaganda machine going to fall apart? The cracks are becoming more and more apparent every single day. If it doesn't destroy itself it's going to cause a civil war or two eventually, and then it'll have to reorganize, while other propaganda networks are created by new actors.
When will there be a seventh media conglomerate, Sup Forums?
>Q: What are we supposed to think about the fact that someone literally named Captain America now supports these beliefs?
>A: Again, I don’t want to say anything too definitively because we’re laying out the story. But we want to push that button. There should be a feeling of horror or unsettledness at the idea that somebody like this can secretly be part of this organization. There are perfectly normal people in the world who you would interact with on a professional level or personal level, and they seem like the salt of the earth but then it turns out they have some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
you called it user.
>This is an attack on your German-American root
Of course it is. The Anglo-American-Zionist establishment hates the spirit of Europe with a greater passion than it has for money.
Why is this posted on Sup Forums?
I though we just got some mods hired...?
saged and reported
That's what the Anglos want me to think
How the fuck is this surprising? Comic books have always been left-wing trash. The X-Men were symbolic for outcasted homosexuals and other assorted degenerates during the 70's.
it's goverment propaganda in the media you shill.
So question? Where are the counter culture conservative media?
Isn't there a massive hole in the market because DC/marvel is obsessed with shilling their globalist bullshit?
>There are perfectly normal people in the world who you would interact with on a professional level or personal level, and they seem like the salt of the earth but then it turns out they have some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
> they seem like the salt of the earth but then it turns out they have some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
>they have some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
> some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
>horrible secret — they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
>they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.
>dont like people or bodies in basement
>people or bodies
>Where are the counter culture conservative media?
You're here.
Crowdsourcing has replaced traditional journalism.
Sup Forums is as reliable as CNN and MSNBC.
This is the future.
Western comics have been infiltrated by commies, now way he won't make a 180.
>I was only pretending to like my country
It's just a comic, who cares
well, breitbart tries to do something
They're trying to tie in the alt-right with redskull. Redskull used his speech to make suicide bombers, they're trying to say we'll make violent extremist and not to buy into our talk. It's just liberal propaganda.
these stupid low quality comics is nothing but a cultural invasion come from westards
first, you build a wall,
secondly, read the fucking thread pedro.
>wall just got ten feet higher
This makes me mad for some reason. It shouldn't but it does
>it's goverment propaganda
you shills are just posting salacious comic book pop culture clickbait to slide the fucking board, so don't call me a fucking shill. take you retarded 12 year old shit to fucking or or wherever faggots talk about their fucking comic book husbandos
Milo is not counterculture, homosexuality is the most hip thing there is right now.
they even say that its because he is "Captain" "America" and its directly related to this seasons elections. read the archive link. go on.
let the hate flow through you.
Marvel realized Cap's views always aligned with traditional American values so they made him an extremist.
You didn't get them but I think I can
its counter culture in the conservative sphere which is where he moves dummy. you gotta look at it 3d.
Fuck, missed by 1, I'll try again
good. only libtards think nazis are bad.
I don't think you understand what a counterculture is.
One more time!
Why are you trying to explain anything to that jungle nigger?
>didnt read thread
>didnt read article
>instead spergs out and still has no idea what going on.
You're clearly autistic I bet you are an Athiest as well. It's caused by autism, but don't be mad, your brain just can't work the way a normal brain does.
>pic related, it's you user, it's you.
>There are perfectly normal people in the world who you would interact with on a professional level or personal level, and they seem like the salt of the earth but then it turns out they have some horrible secret
The worst that I've always secretly feared has come to pass:
You are all "the Germans" now.
>that img
Absolutely fucking subversive.
white man's burden my friend, white man's burden.
jews believe that all whites are nazis based purely on their race.
they think that if for one second their propaganda facade falls, all whites of german ancestry will revert back into nazism.
they think we should all be killed basically because of our biology.
inb4 he repents, embraces globalism and admits that he only did it because of his repressed homosexuality
you fucking summerfags
> You should be horrified of your neighbors that want the laws enforced and foreign trespassers out of your country. Borders aren't real!
I will resume with part 2 if anyone from the last thread is here.
Hopefully never if our plans to overthrow the Jew bankers go well.
dont cry for me.
>If you are concerned about border security and the refugee crisis you are literally a neo-nazi.
I really do wonder if these writers think they're being clever with this stuff, holy shit.
cry for the kids that read this.
remember people have been rooting for team captain with the new moive.
>Nick Spencer, the writer, is very politically active.
If Marvel wants to know why their comics are doing shitty, this is why.
The average person does not appreciate blatant propaganda.
I didn't know this was a YRYL thread.
I think they did this because they saw a nationalistic character that stood up to the old ways becoming a hero again.
the movies don't follow the same path the written comics due. the movies are much less radical left.
Why are you so bad recently Argentina? What happened to you that you are such a fucking troll in the past month?
every thread is nowadays
>where is your source
You know our army pays extra money and lets movie producers use their tanks, guns, and land for free if they portray the US government in a positive light?
It's called film tax credits.
The same goes for video games.
They literally have done nothing but propaganda since Captain America fought fucking NAZIS in WWII.
>I think only the butthurt SJW
No the only thing SJW's wanted was for Steve Rogers to be gay with Buckey due to the movies, because of their friendship. It's the same crowd pushing for Elsa to be a lesbian in Frozen 2.
Honestly I don't even know why they would bother making Captain America a Nazi. It's literally the single most retarded thing Marvel is considering, because apparently White = Nazi's.
Calling it now; he's been brainwashed by Red Skull via Xavier's Brain or a Cosmic Cube.
the jews will stop at nothing. they are truly the enemies of all civilization
Absolutely degenerate.
>being best friends with someone means you're gay for them
Do these people have no understanding of friendship?
They're women. No, they don't. Their idea of "friends" is actually what men think of as a clique.
if you're white and not a nazi you are a literal cuckold.
So many twists...
It's fetishism but generally neets and weebs have the decency to have their sexual fantasies about a character limited to the fictional sexual fantasies side of things. Not to make it canon, official, dogmatic.
The idea of platonic love, camaraderie and companionship without the physical element of sex is anathema to them. Because god knows why someone could care about someone else and put the person they love's well being and interests ahead of their own unless they just want to grunt and hump and fuck them. Maybe it's the extremes of sex-craziness. I'm not a prude by any measure and what you all would deem a degenerate at the drop of a hat but it's unfortunate that the kinds of pure and earnest love where one puts the well-being and desires of someone else ahead of their own should be denigrated into a physical desire.
>but it's unfortunate that the kinds of pure and earnest love where one puts the well-being and desires of someone else ahead of their own should be denigrated into a physical desire.
It's not unfortunate, it's one of the great tragedies of our time.
There's a clear difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. These people have to be emotionally stunted to not realize that.
When the first post is the best, and only relevant, post.
Sage all others (comic reading no pussy losers incoming).
Anyway, what is going to happen next? He dies and get replaced by a woman that date a black man?
Jews invented basically every comic book character in the first place
Hey look it's the chart I made
Who fucking cares?
How can you nerds even follow these fucking storylines?
Why the fuck do people read comic books?
I've never understood this hobby.
Who even is the new Iron Man and Wolverine
Pepper Potts and X-23?
learn the comic
they´re going to revert him back, cause they setup red skull to have a group of nationalists/isis/neo-nazi-shit
he says all the good stuff, but it´s bad cause it makes you beat people on the streets and blow yourself up
See Superman is an obvious self-insert for any Jew.
Knowing Marvel, it will end in some shitty mind-control gimmick or clone scenario. They would never actually poison the well of one of their top 3 heroes.
Yeah that seems to be it. Didnt realize what happened to Tony. Did hear about the Wolverine death.
>Hate speech meme
These people live in a fantasy world.
>They would never actually poison the well of one of their top 3 heroes.
Marvel is literally listening to every thing the POC/SJW/PC crowd is telling them.
Yeah i was only reading a bit of the Superior Iron Man stuff since Tony actually becomes a decent character in it.
Ah well, back to my animes
If Steve Fucking Rogers, the moral beacon of Marvel, belongs to Hydra, then by god Hydra must be the good guys. You cannot make Steve evil.
It'll probably turn out to be a Skrull.
Superheros have been compromised since the 1940's, when Jews got a hold of them. If you're consuming any media made after WWII, there's a good chance it's corrupted.
If you want some real masculine fiction, read Algernon Blackwood, or Robert E. Howard. Don't read Jewrag comics. At this point, I'm convinced their goal all along was to distract boys away from real heroic fiction, and towards trite, subversive, politicized, daydreaming.
In a previous thread about this shit they basically admitted they do shit that makes people mad on purpose because it sells well.
It's just a crude marketing tactic which is why fucked up changes shouldn't be taken seriously.
You're aware Marvel does this shit all the time? Red Skull currently has Charles Xavier's brain and thus his powers and it's going to wind up with him implanting false memories into Cap's head about being a Hydra sleeper agent, Cap will overcome and win. Getting mad is what Marvel banks on, one of their central sales ploys is intentionally pissing people off in the hopes that people pick it up and talk about it.
Spencer's a retard and a bluepilled Hillary supporter. His Captain America books suck shit but he's captable of writing good stuff: Ant-Man, Superior Foes of Spider-Man and The Fix are all great. Shame that his personality is shit though.
Their sales and distribution model is so fucked up they have to set their brand on fire to make ends meet. They're going to the way of the newspaper, and all they can do is turn their product into click-bait.
Captain America and Superman where always government propaganda tools. They started off fighting the Nazis and they are still fighting the Nazis which are fucking white males who wan't to control immigration in order to "preserve their culture" "heritage" etc etc keep the country white the government and the SJW's are fully aware that all of these are code-words for keep the country white they don't want to keep the country white they want to bring in as many shitskins as possible and re-educate them into good globalist citizens.
Anyone wanting to keep their country white is a racist by definition and therefore a Nazi by association.
>They're going to the way of the newspaper, and all they can do is turn their product into click-bait.
That's probably why there are so many fucking capeshit movies.
Wait, do both white and black Captain America exist at the same time?
This is why comics are bullshit. They can never keep a story straight.
i bet he is a based nazi
Why would he wait this long instead of just winning ww2
He got redpilled
ok so he's a good guy now cool
It's really funny because Mark Gruenwald, who wrote Captain America for 10 years, created a bunch of Cap-specific villains that tended to reflect beliefs on both the left AND the right. You had neo-nazis like Crossbones, labor unions like the Serpent Society, violent police like Americop, misandrists like Superia and such since the point was that Captain America was AMERICA and not going too far into either political extreme and such. Nowadays the window has shifted so far to the left that you have BLM shit being peddled in the book and it's complete shit. The funniest part too is that one of the villains Gruenwald created was Flag-Smasher, a leftist terrorist who wanted to destroy the very concept of state and nationhood and create a world without borders.
And now you have the Captain America comic pushing for those same qualities.
>Being patriotic and nationalistic is the equivalent to being a Nazi
I guess supporting the constitution is considered treason as well in our growing jewtopia.
You're wrong on a few of those. Batwing (Nigga Batman) was literally a Batman based in Africa when Bruce was running Batman, Inc. a corporation that basically trained Batmen in various countries; Bruce was still very much Batman and when he was "dead" for a year or two he was replaced by Dick Grayson.
Hal Jordan is still Green Lantern, there's a shit load of them.
Tony is still Iron Man, Pepper was only Rescue (a different identity) for a short time and Marvel's killing War Machine (nigger) in Civil War II.
With Superman they literally killed off Nu52 Superman and brought back the original pre-Flashpoint/post-Crisis on Infinite Earths one to replace him. They also brought back white Wally West who again is specifically the pre-reboot version of the character. Earth-2 Superman and Obama Superman are two completely different characters from two completely different alternate Earths.
With Jay Garrick and Alan Scott, the Earth 2 book is done and the original JSA is coming back so you're getting old man Flash and non-fag Alan again probably.
Starlord is still Starlord, both Peter Quill and Kitty are using the identity at the same time.
Peter is still the main Spider-Man.
Captain Paki was an alternate universe.
Alternate universe Logan is still around as an old man and has his own book that's outselling Girlverine and they'll inevitably bring real Wolverine back in a few years anyway.
No one even reads comics, who the fuck cares?
Call me when Attack on Titan or JoJo pulls shit like this, no one in the target age group gives a fuck about shitty Western comics anymore.
>JoJo pulls shit like this
Nips never give a shit about what the PC/SJW crowd say. They don't even give a shit about copy right infringements with the STAND NAMES.
Hell they even say shit like "retarded" still. Thank god Nips will never bow to the likes of SJW's and people wanting Japan to take in refugees because they fucking hate them. Hell even the top female Manga artists don't give a shit about the "feminism" ideals that SJW's have.
I know that, I'm just making the point that shoving more propaganda into capeshit doesn't have any influence over public opinion because most young people who like comics are reading manga due to it being the superior medium in every aspect.
>confiscating items, especially original pieces
I'm not as mad about them hating Captain America as I am about that. Don't you fucking dare touch my antique and original items that I bought.
>Nips never give a shit about what the PC/SJW crowd say.
That why they don't bring shit to the west explicitly stating sjws as a reason, inafune sjwizing his game and pretty much all jap devs universally hiring sjw-only teams of translators and approving pro-sjw rewrites and censorship?