How would you guys feel if men were constantly being sexually exploited in the media like this and nobody did anything to fix the issue?
How would you guys feel if men were constantly being sexually exploited in the media like this and nobody did anything...
that would make me feel bad because i dont look like that
haha just kidding im not a woman
this is he-man
any questions?
why does he have a red iron cross on his chest, ew, thats rayciss
raycissm like this cant be tolerated in our progressive, western society
What does Sup Forums think about fujoshi?
It sets an example for boys to become fit and maintain their body.
Like I need to do some fucking situps and probably some crunches too.
Apathetic? I mean they already are and idc.
>implying they're not
Women are not as visual as men are. They don't care about seeing muscle bound, seductive men staring at them from their screens in every movie, show, or commercial. If they did, we'd see a lot more of it.
As for me, I literally don't give a shit, as I'm sure most men don't either.
Something something male power fantasy.
Wouldnt care. If someone is weak to feel threatened by pictures than that's their own problem.
Marker of a mentally ill woman
What if Zelda was a girl?
Implying he isn't the best one to see like that
Yes its not like men are idealized in advertising and movies as being tough and ripped
I honestly dont care much because only women and fags whine about body image issues
Tumblrinas minus the SJW agenda. Basically just lazy fat women whose whole lives revolve around fandom. Harmless.
They already do that, or did you think Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey thrived because of their narrative strength?
Frankly I don't care about women getting their schlickbait, I'm not an insecure asshole who wants to try to control someone else's fantasies.
flattered I guess
That already happens.
Wouldn't and don't care
Do want. Will not apologize.
This is different from what tumblr's fujoshits do to bromances already how?
Have you been under a rock?
They made Captain America a Nazi. Now they want to make him a gay nazi.
I'd like it since I have his body practically. Does that mean women would subconsciously want to fuck me? if so then yes, please do.
Probably like I do now, with a faint nagging on the fact that I need to get off of my ass and work to get into better shape.
Like, no one would care because men are chastity shamed instead of slut shamed. Are you really this mislead about society, OP?
Also, I totally want his body. Abs a bit big, but respectful pecs and arms like my bros. That's the other effect, seeing superiors makes men want to strive harder. Meanwhile women are literally too competitive to see a superior and not feel like shit. This is why they crack the shits when a girl, whose only achievement is cardio and dieting, is in front of them whilst when a man who's lifted, pushed, pulled and struggled for their ideal body in fact encourages us to do the same, or have a son to do the same if we're too old.
Women need reform... Men don't and that's the real red pill behind feminism. It has always been about women finding their way from the dark reaction to modernism (basically, Hitler philosophy) aka post modernism into something more contemporary with a healthier balance.
To end, that's my point. Femininity, whether new age dyke femininity or even antiquated Victorian era femininity are both extremely toxic.
But strong man beliefs? Nietzsche lovers, Schopenhauer skimmers, "Hitler might not have been all bad" admitters, those guys who keep saying "life is suffering"? We are fine. Stop trying to change us.
Jojo is one of my favourite series, and it's full of male objectification - from bara to twink
Your move OP
Because women and men respond to attractive and sexy women being depicted in our depraved society. Showing curves and cleavage etc. is no big deal, and people respond to it, so it keeps happening. Only women really respond to attractive and sexy men, whereas it doesn't get much of a response at all out of men, so it's more about men just looking squared away more often than not. That being said, you are a liar if you act like it only goes one way. We just don't give a shit. Ever wonder why all these super-muscular scantily clad men are never controversial even amongst fundamentalists?
>ywn fug Links bucci
They already are and I love it.
bad because it reminds me that I am a lazy piece of shit and I am to blame for my own problems but that I also can fix them myself and that I have a chance