How do i get rid of my acne?

how do i get rid of my acne?

A 50 Cal bmg to the forehead should make all that disappear

Stop washing your face


get older ?

Wash and change your pillowcase twice as often as you are now.

concrete grinder

Tea Tree oil n toothpaste nigga or Alo Vera shit goes good, i also recommend after washing your greasy ass skin to splash multiple times w cold water closes the pores. also dont touch or pick.


fix your diet and get saged, you're fucking disgusting

definitely not a solution for everyone but bonus point for originality. if you're not an american with an armory in his house, you could try sand blasting, i suggest you close your eyes before to avoid any visual damage. don't forget to post the results !

Stop eating shit, faggot

Turn 18
>underage banned

I second this opt. It's all you can do at this point OP. My god, has a woman ever even looked at you without horror and disgust? KYS. Acne is the work of the devil, you're going to hell boy

Eat better, do exercise, wash your face with soap and warm water and rinse with cold water. It's a long process, but it'll likely work.

get quints

Oh god.. I never thought about all the dirt and oils in my bed.

this is what cleared mine up


doesent that shit have like a thousand side affects ?

Treat it like the serious medical condition it is. You don't have to live with a disfiguring ailment, that isn't normal. If that is you in the OP image, then get on accutane. Ignore the bullshit anecdotes from people who complain about it, it was the only thing that finally worked for me in my late 20's and I have seen it work for three other people with severe cystic acne. It fucking works once the course of treatment is completed, most everything else is garbage peddled by snake oil salesmen that only gives tiny improvement and needs to be used constantly. See a doctor/dermatologist and get on it asap.

Not kidding op, your health matters and you matter, don't fuck around with this stuff. You deserve better and need to follow with taking care of yourself.

Defense soap would be a good start for cleaning your skin..

battery acid. fuck accutane

There are reported side effects but that doesn't mean you'll experience any of them. I was on a high dosage for a long period of time and the only side effect I experienced was dryness.

Yes, but you will get free of acne

so after you finish taking them you just dont get it ever again?

> asks for advice
> on Sup Forums


I'm 35 and still get it, age has nothing to do with it, mine is more situated on my shoulders a d back then face anymore, but I've noticed since I started exercising more my face is having breakouts.