If I could kill every human being on this planet, I would. Humans disgust me...

If I could kill every human being on this planet, I would. Humans disgust me. I can't even open Facebook without having a fit of rage. This isn't inherent, either. It's been slowly developing throughout my life. As the political climate of our country began to heat up, I got very invested. That was the last straw. Now, I just don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to share a planet with this species. I feel as if I'm trapped in a dark, nasty room, and I can't get out. Is there anything I can do to contain this baseless, cynical rage?

Inb4 an hero

Cool story bro. Start with yourself

do what i do. stay inside all the time. and dont talk to people.

I have good reason to believe that the average Sup Forums user will end up blowing their brains out before I do, but thanks

Great, if you seriously haven't found out how to deal with these emotions yet, then you're unfortunately fucked in the head and the
only medicine comes in capsule form.

>opening facebook
You are one of the "whats wrong" in this world

Then get the fuck off Facebook and go do something you'll enjoy. Stop living your life drifting through other people's shit. Life is awesome and you only get one, so stop fuckin it up.

>Is there anything I can do to contain this baseless, cynical rage?
A visit to a psychiatrist and subsequent medication therapy would probably help, if you are open to that sort of thing. Antidepressants make life seem more bearable for me, it might work for you

"Found out how to deal with these emotions yet." Found out how to deal with the fact that I have derp hatred for humamity? People aren't just born cynical. This isn't some life journey that you take on the path to adulthood. Murderous rage is a little bit serious

What? Where did you get the idea that I only hate people on Facebook? The reason that seems weak is because it is. I used that point to show how extreme it is. Trust me. I hate everyone IRL too

Bro, you get pissy over Facebook. Does any of that shit really matter?

i hate women. especially the pretty ones.

if i ever a woman being raped, i would simply look the other way and keep walking.

Do you, fam.

This is why you're still a virgin.

You're either one of those made up nonbinary idiots, or an arrogant atheist neckbeard. Hit a joint, chill out and just be glad you're not caught up being a materialistic fuck. Why complain? Be the fucking change you want to see in this shit world.

Get off FB and go run up a hill.

Thats exactly the problem, their anger is coming on to people like me and OP.

it shouldnt matter but we care and why? we dont know. its just bullshit on top of bullshit.

I'm neither a militant atheist nor a gender non conformist, but thanks. And being the change you want to see only goes so far. Doesn't make the human experience more enjoyable or anyone more bearable

I killed my Facebook during the Trump election because I was tired of everyone's shit, and you know what, I've never been happier.

But you're able to deal with Sup Forums?

Depends what you do with your emotions, they can fuel a passion.
Thing is, you know what you hate, so why do you continuously expose yourself to it? why not just live your life the way you want it without social conformity?

I mostly come to have a laugh if I'm honest. I rarely engage in conversation here, but I can relate with how you guys feel because I've been there. I just learned not to care a few years back, and I just do what works for me now.

drink concrete and harden the fuck up

I think it's because I don't claim to take some high road. I realize that I am human as well, which doesn't make it better. Self awareness is a powerful thing, but it only goes so far. Why not just stop conforming? That is a good point. People use rage to fuel all sorts of things. But like I said, non conformism doesn't take the pain away. Everyone has to conform to a degree. They need doctors, income, education, etc etc
Great suicide method. Must've gotten it from your mother,after she realized what a fuck up you are

I've been trying to cut out social media until after 8 pm, but I might need to take it a step further. It's not the only issue, but it's definitely not helping

I used to have similar trouble. I still get sort inner rage swhen I read or head stupid people saying idiotic things without anyone disagreeing.

But I've learned to accept. People are dumb and humanity is going to go down hard. It doesn't matter to me. I do what I want, take care of myself, people and things important to me and that's it.

Ingorance is bliss. Just dont care. We all get what we deserve in the end.

I'm there with you user. Its not easy and it never gets better. Humans will underwhelm you at every single stage of life. You will think "hey they can at least understand this" but no...no they do not. Most are brainless and are more or less hooked into the media machine 100% whether they believe so or not.

I say do it man. I started noticing it a habit comparable to smoking. I would find myself reaching for my phone to check fb, and then remember it wasn't there anymore. Break the habit and you'll feel better. It does take a few weeks though, so be warned. Also, your family might give you shit. Mine did, but I live in another country and haven't been home for 9 years. That might have had something to do with it as well.

New user here.
I never quite got why people got roped into Facebook in the first place. It just seemed like a waste of time for me, with an added factor of being exposed to stuff I find retarded.
My old classmates basically forced me into making a Facebook account, but that shit has been inactive for 10 years because I really didn't want anything to do with it.

>hates women
>wants to see them raped

hmm I wonder why radical feminism exists? Its the direct counter to bs like this. Its just as crazy in its rhetoric and serves only to divide the populace.

>I hate humins
>Use a social network

Just become an hero holy fuck

Peer pressure as you said. People feeding their vanity and egos in a desperate struggle to stay relevant despite their lives being as pedantic as the next guys.

Any question relating to social media is probably answered by some combination of insecurity and vanity.

You are all losers, go to r9k pls

I have a friend who keeps getting more and more radicalized because he exposes himself to people he disagree with on Facebook every day.
For some reason he thinks searching out a vocal minority voluntarily has some say in how society works.
He's like "all cis white men are racist sexists who are the reason for all bad things in the world" and then gets angry at me when I tell him he's generalizing an entire demographic and doing exactly what he is criticizing.

For me, I don't necessarily like it. But it's good for staying up to date. You can see what's going on in the world, "network" with people who have similar interests (read posts from groups about your favorite video game, TV show, etc), and communicate with people who may prove beneficial. Lots of tradeoffs for those benefits, though

Social media is definitely flaming the political situation in our country.

I do those same things by meeting people in real life and talking to them, with the added benefit of not having to read between the lines of their idealized portrayal of their life.
I'm not gonna give people shit for wanting to be on Facebook, I will give them shit for exposing themselves to stuff that angers them on Facebook, when they can just avoid the people who angers them.

It is literally impossible to go on Facebook and not "expose" yourself to something you view negatively. you don't have to dive into an anti echo chamber. Everything is political, and people are still people


That's why I'm not on Facebook, because I don't want to expose myself to stuff that annoys me.
When I meet stuff like that in real life, I can usually talk out my differences with people without getting into hyperbole. Because we're face to face and there is no sense of safety in sitting behind a keyboard and allowing yourself to be a shit person to other people.
I don't mind talking politics with people in real life, because most of the time they won't jump down my throat and have a bitchfit, since we are face to face.

This has actually been a pretty good thread m8. Definitely made me feel a little better, if only momentarily. Much better than anything /adv/ could have done