Ugly user here. has any of you ever had a girl hit on you?

ugly user here. has any of you ever had a girl hit on you?

what does that feel like?


>picture not related.

Yes, but I tend not to notice, being the autistic fuck I am. So I guess it doesn't feel like anything.

I'm kind of socially retarded because I never went past 2nd grade, but when it happens to me it's...awkward.
The first few times I pretended not to notice - play dumb, basically. But now when it happens (not real often any more since I got married) I just playfully flirt back and try to leave.

it's flattering. not much else to say.

It's kind of weird honestly, but flattering and kind of hot too, because you really don't expect it maybe. I had a girl I work with ask me for *my* number. Makes you feel like a boss, really.

Had several over the past year for the first time in my life.

Miss it half the time when it happens.

Repeatedly.. I actually enjoy it, and it's a pleasant surprise every once in a while to get laid with little effort.

You probably have had girls hitting on you without noticing.
If you walk around thinking you're unattractive, you'll tend to think people are just being nice to you out of pity and dismissing their flirtation.
I was like that for ages, then I started doing stuff to improve my self esteem and I suddenly realized that many of the times where I thought people were being nice out of pity was actually people genuinely into me, who I then turned down out of self hate.

>You probably have had girls hitting on you without noticing.

no. i am genuinly ugly. i just wanted to know what it feels like.

still a virgin at 26 btw

Let's have a look at you then user.
Being attractive has a lot more to do with your disposition than you might think.

i dont to become a meme, so no picture.

but here is someone"similar". but obviously not me.

let me think, if you have low self esteem you feel proud, even powerfull or something like that, and if you have high self esteem you just assume that thats how things should be.

anyways, girls normally are pretty bad at flirting because most still think that men should do the first moves. most girls dont really have practise in it

oh but dont be fooled either, a lot of girls hit on men just for fun or when things get serious they back away

Well, the only advice I can give you is working out and doing stuff to improve your self esteem.
Once you accept yourself and like you for you, other people will start agreeing with you.

How do you know when they're hitting on you?

If this guy shaved, fixed his shitty hair and got better glasses he could move up like 2 ranks out of 10. Maybe 1 more place once the braces are off.

I mean, he's never going to be a chad, but he's not hopeless. Those marks on his lips are really unfortunate.

if they give you attention for more than a minute its because they have some kind of interest in you. if you have things perceived as sexy, like muscles, a nice face, an aura of dominance without beeing creepy, etc. theyll show the typical non-verbal gestures like brushing their hair, looking at your eyes and lips, laughing at your jokes, etc.

If they're playing with their hair, initiating physical contact and laughing at your lame jokes.
You can also see in on their legs, if they are crossed and pointed away from you, it's basically a "the gate is closed" situation, if they are pointed towards you and not crossed, chances are they are open to you flirting with them.

>if they give you attention for more than a minute its because they have some kind of interest in you.
I dunno man. This pretty cute girl used to come to my room (I lived in a boarding house) after school a few times a week to chill, and I thought it was because she was interested. I tried to take it further and it made things kind of awkward and she stopped coming over.

see it*

Warm apple pie

I've been hit on in two different ways:

1. Really fat ugly girls hit on me, and I just try to be polite and unavailable.

2. An attractive girl hits on me and I'm in such shock I feel like a deer in headlights, and ruin the whole thing with my sperging.

>laughing at your jokes
>laughing at your lame jokes
27yo autistic kissless permavirgin here.
That happened with two different girls. Especially one of them was always laughing at my jokes, even if I wasn't talking to her.
She even laughed at things that weren't actual jokes, but she thought they were...
The other one was pretty similar, but less obvious.
Now that I think of it, the first girl was following me around a lot at school (she was a classmate)...

Truthfully, It is entirely dependent on who is saying it. If a 8/10 is hitting on my at a party and she's into it, I'm into it. If a friends mom says I've developed into a handsome young man every time she see's me and tries to feel on my arms, I might just laugh a bit and try to back away very quickly. Not speaking from experience.

don't let these faggots fool you, this happens very rarely in real life. girls expect YOU to approach them.

well i mean interest in general, also friendship or that you are special somehow. if she comes to your room at least you are not hideous.

if things go awkward it just doesnt work out and she wasnt for you. you need some practise to not make things awkward, without experience and everything beeing new to you you dont really know what to do. just try over and over again and learn from the mistakes

for example, I was a fat kid that only played vidyas, someday I started to do martial arts and got more self confidence. I was still a bit fat but from then on I knew that I could get what I wanted, and when there were girls I just went for the ones who showed attention. sometimes it worked out sometimes not, but then again I wasnt /fit/ or rich, just sure about myself.

In situation 2, you can recover by being honest.
Basically along the lines of "Wow, excuse me for getting all awkward, but you're so attractive to me that I'm gonna need a minute to recover".
This lets you show that you reciprocate the sentiment while stroking her ego.
>Now that I think of it, the first girl was following me around a lot at school (she was a classmate)...
Yeah man, that was a girl who was into you and you not recognizing it from low self esteem. Now that you know this, you can react differently the next time it happens and probably lose that v-card.

>you can react differently the next time it happens and probably lose that v-card.
Nah, my autism is too strong, and I actually stopped caring a long time ago (I never really cared).
I'm only three years away from wizardry, I don't want to ruin everything now that I'm so close.
I was just curious, because sometimes I thought about that girl, wondering whether she was actually interested or just friendly...

Well if you're fine with how you are now, that's great.
As long as you are happy.
I just wanted to give you some encouragement in case you weren't fine with it.
I have autism as well, but after observing people and doing the social thing while learning through trial and error, I've had romantic relationships and platonic relationships aplenty.

writing all this shows that you care. dont give up, in my country statistically the mid 30s have the most sex. look for some activities to do with people: sports, chess, cooking, whatever and sooner or later youll find someone new who you can disappoint. then someday youll find who cant be disappointed and things just magically work out.

but of course, you would need to get out of your basement

No, never, am an ugly mother fucker. Am just good for nothing, I let everyone down and there's everything in me what's wrong with the world. And, i Just can't help it. Am weak and pathetic, I'm such a loser. I hate myself

That's the thing. I don't like people, I'm fine being a wizard. Like I said, I always cared very little about having a gf, certainly I not enough to actually meet people hoping to find one.
Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, thanks anyway for the encouragement.

do something good. I was a fuckup and helping people helped me to become more the person i wanted to be when i was a child

Dude, go find a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and join a mindfulness meditation class.
Alongside that, start doing things to help other people, nothing kills self hate more than knowing you've helped people because you want to be better.
You have the experience from feeling like shit, so you can recognize it in others and help them realize that it is their brains fucking them over.

Yes, and once I actually had a woman grab my ass while I was playing pool. Back then I was bodybuilding daily though.

These days I tend to put myself in the friendzone almost right away though, like I turned retard between then and now.

Go back to the gym and rekindle your self esteem user.
That is if you want to flirt back again I mean.