What does Sup Forums thing of Gavin McInnes?
Are you subscribed to his show on the Anthony Cumia Network?
What does Sup Forums thing of Gavin McInnes?
Are you subscribed to his show on the Anthony Cumia Network?
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I want him to sit on my face
>mexico asking to literally get shit on by trump supporter
that's a new one
Gavin, why you gotta spam pole like this
I read your Taki's column but you need to fire the posers on Rebel, I get sick of their fake-ass masculine crap
The guy can be funny and I think that humor is a great weapon against the regressive left SJW crowd.
Pls stop shilling Gavin, stop being apart of a pay wall and you'll get more view. Leave that alcoholic woman beating Guinea.
Wish I was him and take your advice but I'm not based gav
getting real sick of the viral marketing on Sup Forums
He's pretty good, he's gotten even more redpilled. He kind of called out the jew a few times. "A smell a sense of sabotage with jews" he went on talking about their attacks on white males. Episode 145. Also the jew feminist "comedian" is trash.
I think he's funny.
he's okay,but tries too hard to be funny
op's pic for example...this isnt the 40s
Me too weed man, me too
Kind of shitty that pol thinks I'm shilling. I just wanted to know what you thought of him and if you had seen more of him other than the shit he lets live on youtube. Not that the stuff you see on youtube really differs from anything he'd say on the ACN but it gives you a bit more to think about.
I like the b/w shit on youtube, I forget the name but it's long form videos. He has a really good conversation with a far leftist artfag and they spend like 20 minutes deconstructing Crass lyrics.
And the song.
>They invented a dividing line, street credibility.
The qualifying factors are politics and class,
Left wing macho street fighters willing to kick arse.
They said because of racism they'd come out on the street.
It was just a form of fascism for the socialist elite.
Bigotry and blindness, a marxist con,
Another clever trick to keep us all in line.
Neat little labels to keep us all apart,
To keep us all divided when the troubles start.
I was actually a fan of his until he shoved a dildo up his ass on his live radio show. He is no longer fit to represent anything in politics. He is a degenerate, and a fool.
I don't even care about his sexuality. How can he expect to be taken seriously after desecrating himself like that just for cheap laughs.
Really disappointing.
lost all respect when he shoved a dildo up his ass and him & coppercab gaped their assholes on camera
Who teh fuck finds this shit entertaining?
He's mentioned that he wants to basically be the next howard stern. Basically just shock jockey mixed with hyperbolic right wing opinion.
I personally thought the premise for the shillary cliton dances like she has a butt plug up her ass bit was pretty funny. You might not find it funny if you're a shut in who doesn't really party. You need to remember this guys background.
howard stern is still the next howard stern
Radio is dying, podcasts are the future. The market is already saturated with a bunch of wannabe howard stern podcasts.
if he really wants to be a shock jock in the CURRENTYEAR he has to be heinously offensive, like, unironically supporting ISIS offensive.
Gapin McAnus
I feel you but to be honest I feel like Gavin is keeping it behind a paywall because it tends to protect guests on the show from the outside being able to hear them and/or target them. I don't know anything about paywall laws but he seems to bring it up a few times.
Look at Joe Rogan for instance. I love his podcast but it seems as though he sensors himself and tolerates guests opinions (aside from religious or health cook shit that he loves to come down on like some /fit/izen). That's because he's ona free, public platform that everyone has access to. Not to go off on a tangent but Joe seemed to be un-PC on purpose in his Tom Papa podcast which was really refreshing.
I think he's great
He was the first guy to really get my shit uncucked
Subscribed for ant, stayed for gav
he's alright when he's regurgitating Milo and Christina Hoff-Sommers's points as comedy. When he tries to do anything else he sounds like a retard