Name something positive that weed brought to your life? - no bullshits ya'll now you smoke to get high

Name something positive that weed brought to your life? - no bullshits ya'll now you smoke to get high.

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Um. Can you ask the question again in coherent English and not niggerspeak?

OP is trying to be a moralfag while forgetting many people need it to deal with pain and medical conditions

I probably would have killed myself without weed.

I don't smoke it anymore,
but I'm glad I did.

Weed helps me not dwell on the fact that my wife has an incurable disease that will pretty much keep her homebound for the rest of our lives together, she cant eat food, needs constant care, i left my job to better care for her because its too far away, our closest family member is 700 miles away, and I two heart conditions affecting my physical abilities despite being 27 years old. Oh and I might have cancer. So weed helps me not think of that.

It lets me ignore how much of a faggot OP is for making this thread.

That's literally just using weed to be ignorant of your problems.

Not OP, just disappointed kiddo


Yeah youre right, better just kill myself.

My wife. She used to buy from me, then became my weed whore, then my gf, and finally my wife. All thanks to weed.

i use it to avoid burnout during grad school. nothing else really takes me away from my work enough to relax fully

helped me sleep after snorting way too much amphetamines on partys in my early 20's. wouldn't have gone to work many mondays during that time without it.

Smoking weed helped me stay calm when I started my first job. I worked in a kitchen (not fast food) and I'd smoke with my coworkers and do a bang up job tossing pizza dough and prepping for the dinner rush. My first job lasted for 2 years and it's helped me get each job since.

To clarify, the work wasn't too hard to do well sober. My coworkers were all at least 10 years older and knew how to fuck with people for amusement. Smoking made them easier to deal with.

Taking pot out of the equation, what exactly do you think he should do to cure an incurable disease?

you are a pothead and most probably buyin' the product to some nigger

Hours and hours of sleep. Weed allows me to sleep like a baby every night, finally after 19 long years of insomnia. 24 now and I feel great every single day on 6-8 hours of sleep rather than 1-2.

Weed allows me to eat enough calories in a day to maintain my weight with minimal pain after my intestine collapsed from losing too much weight.

harry potter, a lot of would have been boring nights by myself in a dark room with no cable but with internet were entertaining, annoying people turned bearable (may have been a problem later but hey that can come with the territory)

nothing but good people and yea i just smoke to get high

Friends...lots and lots of good friends

Weed destroyed my life in my twenties. My life didn't really start untill I quit smoking it. I'm good now but I can't think of anything positive about it.

Weed helps me immensely with having very severe anxiety and constant insomnia/nightmares..
I was gaslighted by my second stepfather for four years of my life, and that experience changed and damaged who I am.
I was told I was a demon. Told I was anorexic when I wasn't, was bullied for it, was made fun of in front of my friends by my stepdad. At one point, he took most of my belongings, including my dog's ashes, and locked it away for over a year.
So, it just makes me feel better. Makes me stop panicking when it gets too bad to handle.

>Weed destroyed my life in my twenties
No user, you destroyed your life. Not the weed. If you were more of a man, then youd have kept your addiction in check, and found a way to flourish despite being a stoner.
Take stock in your own faults, don't push the blame on something you willfully went out of your way to get.

How so?

it just makes me feel somewhat happy for a while

Rely on it too much to help me feel better after a hard day

I forged quite a few friendships over weed. Same as booze. Its also made me a calmer, happier person thats less aggressive and ambitious. Not all positive, but in my case, its worked out pretty well. Better than the anti-anxiety meds I was taking when I quit weed a few years ago, only to get ridiculously addicted and almost have a seizure when I tried to come off them

I gets me really hard and I have really hard orgasms when I'm high

Better appreciation of food and music and Monty Python

self-diagnosed "depression" is not a medical condition

Helps me laugh. Makes music extra enjoyable. And films. Helps me get off to sleep. Helps me connect with my body. Helps me meditate. Helps me chill out. Helps me communicate with pets, plants etc.

it may be. Just because a doctor didnt bless it and give you the drugs that he was paid to give you....doesnt mean there is not an issue that could be treated...sometimes better with weed than a prescription. My doctor perscribed me xanax when I went off weed several years ago and that had far worse side effects than weed has...and was less effective in helping me to be functional


Luckily I don't need to use drugs to enjoy music or to laugh.

Given me something to do for the last 28 years ..

It's not "needed" to enjoy either of those, but definitively enhances them.

>music is another world to me, especially techno
>raises my interest in science
>feels gud
>playing vidyas is funnier
>food is fucking godly
>masturbation is intense af
>become really creative while drawing

dude shut the fuck up. I hope you get cancer so you can eat your words. faggot.

You are right, of course. My faults are many and varied but weed made them all worse yet allowed me not to care about them. My weed addiction was my fault completely. My point is that weed is not a harmless drug. It is one of the worst drugs because it is so widespread, it allows you to still function while being an addict and it is very socially acceptable. Weed has helped to destroy many lives.

>Name something positive that weed brought to your life? - no bullshits ya'll now you smoke to get high.

The escape cannabis offers has been invaluable to me over the years. Like water to a boat, floating versus being stuck in the mud. A gift from God.

It makes life worth living. Off weed I’m miserable and every med I’ve been prescribed falls short. So I smoke and more or less happy.

Not everyone wants to live their life like a race to get ahead. Some of us just like to sit back and watch the world burn.

cured my stomach cancer. 6 weeks injecting cannabis oil

I credit weed with making quitting smoking cigarettes.

I smoked cigarettes for nearly 10 years. I usually smoked 12-15 cigarettes a day. I wasnt crazy addicted like needing to smoke first thing in the morning. I could go a day without smoking but I prefered to smoke. One day I woke up after a night of stress smoking nearly a pack. horrible taste in mouth, and was hung over so I didnt feel like going to get a pack of smokes. later that afternoon I just said fuck it and decided to quit smoking cigarettes. Cravings weren't bad but when I had them I just took a hit or two off a bowl of bud. That killed my craving for nicotine and gave me that smoking feel. the first couple weeks were honestly very easy to get through. I had no real signs of withdraw. Just a bunch of habitual things like reaching for my non existent pack of smokes every time I went out back on my patio or feeling my pockets to check for smokes/lighter before leaving the house. It has been six months since I quit smoking and didnt slip up once. The amount I save by not smoking cigarettes($120/mo) is enough to cover the half ounce of bud I smoke each month. I dont smell like shit always, I dont have to try to keep family from knowing I just smoked, and I can deal with stress better. Also I have about 10% more free time. taking the time out of my day to go outside and smoke a cigarette every hour takes 6 minutes or 10% of my time awake. spending a few minutes to smoke a cigarette seems like nothing but when you think of it this way, spending 10% of my time smoking is crazy.

These basically. I can smoke and not hate myself for a couple hours at a time, or I can not smoke and be miserable 24/7

>doesn't know what its like to listen to your favorite album while high

I'm really sorry user you should fix this

weed usually is a positive impact in your life unless you are a complete trainwreck to begin with (which is usually who smokes so much fucking weed). You don't see successful people throwing their lifes away just to get high on weed. Things like alcohol on the other hand...

If I had used all the money I spent on weed in the past 9 years on solving my actual problems instead of suppressing them with being high I would be in a way better place in life right now. Smoking weed is pointless and degenerate. Wish I could turn back time.

>not growing and having it be part of your income/like $1/g to you

not my fault you don't know how to manage your financial well being

Well it took most of my money for about 4 years straight. I made a whole lotta "friends" that pretty much dissapeared when i quit. Now I make 60k a year and just get drunk like an adult lol.

For the first 20 years of my life I was a complete loser unable to do even the simplest shit.

Since I started smoking I've taught myself programming and launched a successful career as a software developer 10 years going, it gives me tons of energy and focus, it slows down my inner workings to the speed that I can consciously keep up and so it does wonders for work.

Each to his own I guess.


I smoke because it compresses time to me. Between a wife, kid, full time job, etc. there never seems to be enough time to go around. When I'm high, time compresses and I feel like the moments last longer.

After being an in denial nearly daily smoker for 5 years I have recently accepted it has no positive effects.

I accept I just smoke to get high. It's to relax. To unwind.

I treat smoking weed like drinking alcohol and do it 1-2 times per week max.

I think 1-2 times per week won't ruin your life but daily smoking will numb you to life and can ruin it the same way daily alcohol and daily cheeseburgers can.


it helps me during fear and panic. I'd prefer getting high over taking a benzo for my extreme anxious tendencies

>cured my stomach cancer.

Whoa. That's intense.

idk man I smoke daily just because I am constantly on edge all the time, shit calms me down and gets me frankly more in reality/takes the edge off. To be fair I would probably end up on some other meds if I had to quit like to get a job or whatever (which usually I just drink or just put up with it, sucks though) but once in a while usage is best overall though for sure, specially if its just hedonism. I don't really think you should take any drug every day.

Help me kill my social anxiety while im high with others allowing me to attempt small talk with people i barely know
Also felt pretty good for the next two hours or so

cured me of my alcoholism

I had spinal surgery 7 years ago. When I get recurring pain, marijuana helps relieve the pain far better than prescription Vicodin does.

I think using weed (or any drug for that matter) to get through the day is making the drug do your work for you. You can't grow as a person if something else is doing your work.

idk how old you are man but I hope you don't experience what I experienced when you wake up 25 years old one day and realize you're basically the same person you were 5 years ago.

Prevents me from finding a good job

because my mind is so powerful i need weed to keep it under control

Weed saved me from hospitalization when my crohn's disease acted up before i received biological treatment.

Insight. It's also fun to take care of (A) house plant.

I haven't let weed interfere with my life like that, and there is no getting through PTSD/panic attacks by just doing nothing about it. I would much rather not be on other drugs like benzos. I mean shit they were giving me adderall all throughout highschool, that is a lot more serious than smoking weed everyday and certainly wasn't a positive thing. weed has fucked with my life the least so far out of everything I've tried. Made me comfortable enough to actually start imagining and going through with accomplishing things.

good friends and good music

It made me less of a tight ass edge lord.

Marijuana doesn't help with pain, I don't care what anyone says.

Or just to get high, why not call a spade a spade?

Relief from headaches and avoiding a bleed caused by an AVM that showed up in my scans.

I suffer from very vivid nightmares a lot, and smoking cannabis has allowed me to not dream at all because it decreases REM sleep. And I sleep pretty damn well. But It also allowed me to think of everything on a different frequency than I would have being sober. I appreciate it opening up that there's a little more out there. I also smoke to get high lol

It definitely does help with pain. It’s a disassociative. Especially CBN. Google CBN

Monty python is awesome high.

It made me realize that we really dont have any idea if we`re living in matrix-type scenario and if our perception of reality is the actual reality or not.

We are completely depent on our brain to access information and the way our brain works is very sensitive to a lot of things. Just a few extra chemicals in your blood and your train of thought changes drastically, you come to different conclusions, you question things you never questioned before and notice things you never noticed before.

We only perceive things that are useful for the survival of whatever we are, but that doesnt mean that there isn`t more.

I no longer suffer from Migraines that I can equate to rusted railroad spikes being driven through my skull. Whenever it's time for a tolerance break, I am starkly fucking reminded why I enjoy the edibles I make myself, because the novel idea that I don't have to constantly be in in pain is something I would kill for.
Though no Doctor has perscribed me this plant, they have tried to get me to take a plethora if other drugs, some of which tried to shut down my kidneys, make my migraines worse, induce vomiting and shaking, makes it so I cannot stay awake, and that make my libido take a nose dive.
Cannabis sativa is the closest thing to a "Godsend" thus planet has revealed to me thus far, aside from curvaceous kinky women.

I have IBS and it helps to relax my stomach muscles so I don't experience a great deal of pain.

That weird considering it's only made me more sensitive to pain.

I wouldn't have been able to quit smoking cigs without weed either. No fuckin way I could have.

Survival is the baseline, everything else requires higher energy and thinking to achieve.

anyone know who i can get some weed off in west yorkshire uk?

Weed helped me think different when I was basically going insane, but now that I quit it I feel even better than I did before I started. It depends on the person and circumstances just like everything in life.

yeah but our brain and senses developed as a tool to secure our survival and these survival tools aren`t necessarily able to perceive reality to its full extend.

Like bees can see colors we cant see because we never needed to see them and why should that only be the case for something relatively unimportant like colors?

Basically my life is tolerable because of it. If it werent for weed I probably would have killed myself after my mom died.

Was an escape for my shitty abusive life when i was 14 for a few years. Slowly drove me to madness so i had to stop. Every time i start again its like i get severe Asperger now, i cant confront people over minimal things, i literally cover like a beaten dog after some weeks of use. Like wtf is that shit?

Now i only use it every few months when drinking and it basically just makes me nervous and paranoid. I cant even get properly high anymore.

Plus it took away precious time and drove me from meeting new people.

Lol congratulations? Looks to me like you went backwards bro. But keep that word 'adult' for all your hard work.

Cheaper than alkohol and it doesn't fuck u up if u can handle it. Don't be a pussy a prove me wrong normie fag

Made me realize how pacified and sheltered I've been, and if I didn't do something about it, I'd get nowhere in life.
Also connected me with some family I haven't seen in forever. We'll all smoke together.
Helps me calm my head so I can sleep.
Regulated my metabolism to the point I've lost ~30 lbs with a shit diet and only the "exercise" of going to work for about half of the past 4ish months.
I have more patience for bullshit.

Downside is I always have to shit, and it's harder to make snap decisions (unless I stop smoking for a day)

Spent my Friday night getting high and playing videogames rather than breaking into stores and getting in trouble

It's given me a few fun stories about some faggot potheads i went to HS with. Once on my bus, one guy pulled out an empty yellow highlighter and asked if anyone was willing to piss in it so he could pass his urine test the next day. He just asked the entire bus, not like the driver gave enough of a shit.

pretty much eliminates my anxiety while I'm high and I can function at a high level while high

I use it to treat my Ulcerative Colitis. Not only cheaper than pharmaceuticals, but also more effective. I haven't had any symptoms in 4 years.

How come you have PTSD?

Did someone send you a mean tweet?

it cured my depression and i lost 44 lbs but still single, kek

i started getting laid alot more i take that as a positive

Me too. It intensifies everything... the taste of food, music, sex and pain also. It's a pretty shit painkiller to be honest.

I have diagnosed PTSD from a NDE, its not life destroying or super impairing but still is not fun. Nothing like my vet friends at least.

just kidding *TRIGGER WARNING* someone called me fat on the bus