Ask someone who was assaulted by a group of 20 Mexicans after the trump rally today anything

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you get a picture or video of any of them?

Did they touch ur benis? :)

Pics or didn't happen.
Do I seriously have to say this on Sup Forums?

Did your MAGA hat get stolen?

Where they waving around Mexican flags?


Did they hurt your pride you fucking racist asshole? Sup Forums is satire, nobody thinks you're cool because you went to a trump rally you fucking autist.


why didnt anyone recorded it??!?!?!?!!?



no, the kid with the skateboard about 50 seconds into this video was one of the assaulters, the black kid next to him with the dreads spat on my face

no they were attacking me and I was the only trump supporter there and the police were just watching so I had to run away

Fuck off faggot spic



>Ask someone who was assaulted by a group of 20 Mexicans after the trump rally today anything

Did they get your taco order correct?

at one point I told someone, "enjoy your job at mcdonalds" and he replied "I do work at McDonalds" There was silence after.

Why are Trump supporters so weak? Clearly a strong individual wouldn't have been assaulted.

>20 on 1


Would Hulk Hogan be able to fight 25 people?

Excuses for weakness do not sway me. You're an embarrassment.

100% fake.

Sage thread, this kid is a massive fuck.

Life isnt like anime kid.

The two men on the right in this clip also assaulted me youtube.com/watch?v=4z72ojR3XlY the one with the flannel and the kid with the blue jansport

Post yer injuries

you must be a complete pussy cuck if twenty mexicans could assault you

I think he's cool


If they love mexico so much why are they here?

Did you shoot any of them?

I would love to deport that little spiclet.
Preferably with a catapult.






Are they still alive?
If so, why are they still alive?
If not, good.

This one, too?

No that one dies

To drain our resources

All of them. Send them soaring right over the big beautiful wall.

This is exactly the kind of smug Mexican fucker I want to deport.

>a group of 20
>hehe yes, those 10 protesters really roughed me up
>we need to find these 3 protesters that attacked me
>yeah the guy who attacked me was huge

This country is quickly headed towards a "race war" between Whites and Latinos. It's getting more and more evident all the time.

Why didn't you stand your ground?

Australia gets made fun of because we banned guns, but if you, an American, can't defend yourself with them, is there any real difference between our laws ?

How about a three way. Just add the blacks.

Yes, that's what initiated the confrontation. I came up to someone with the mexican flag and asked him, "If Mexico is such a great nation that you are waving it's flag around, then why don't you live in Mexico?" I am not even a full-fledged trump supporter, I had no apparel on and no posters, I just asked him this question and he got very aggressive and then I got into an argument with 5 or so of them, I stopped to have a conversation with some pro-bernie white dude, and as I continued to walk down the street after the conversation, a number of guys pointed at me and before I could realize what had happened they were in a cirlce around me and I was blocked off, a few guys tried to punch me, one punch connected and I fell and was spat on, while on the ground I yanked someone's leg to slam him to the ground and when that happened I fucking ran like crazy away from them towards the riot cops who were 25 feet away, watching. I asked if they could let me pass to the other side, because this group of people would assault if I went back that way on the street and they said no, you have to go back that way. At that point I got really upset because I had to fucking choose between this pack of mexicans and gettign arrested. I ended up running into a nearby Sheraton I think and I hid inside for about 20 minutes. I called an uber because the convention center is surrounded by barrios and mexican neighborhoods, didn't want to risk one of them seeing me since I would be pretty much dead, and waited outside for the uber for about 5 minutes. While I saw the Uber driver approaching, one of the kids, ( a lanky kid wearing a guy fawkes mask pointed at me and they started running towards me I ran into the middle of the street, flagged down the uber driver got in the car and screamed at her to go, they were banging on the trunk of the car. It was her first uber ride, so I shook her up a bit.

man, kids these days lack any manners

Generalizing much? Why are all bernie supporters numale cuckolds, neckbeards, and literal autist?

You gotta go back pablo

Dox them and sue them

if I stood my ground I would have died, you weren't there. Trump protesters were brandishing knives and the cops did fucking nothing. You are legitimately fucked in the head if you actually think you could take on a group of even 5 other people unless they all weigh 50 pounds or something.

To "rape" us as Trump says. They are rapists and they are raping our physical resources, economy, welfare system, school system. They are a cancer that is destroying America.

I was raped 30 Clinton supporters. Ask me anything.

Mission impossible: Autism.

Get a gun, find them, wait for them to assault you and put a buller between their eyes

These spic monkeys would get BTFO within a week

Assaulted by 30 anti-trump protesters!? How did you survive against all 20 of them? Why would the 10 of them do that!?

You're one scared little bitch

You are such a pussy

Good god I would love to kick his face in.

I guess I could, but all I have is their faces from this video, don't know how I could really get their info just from that. My socialist cuck friend was watching the whole time and didn't really do anything except watch,( he couldn't, those guys weren't mad at him, and all he would do is get them chasing him too). He could probably testify in court if I could find these people's identities.

Stand your ground with a glock I mean. What happened to that 2A muricans love to talk about.

I think he's cool for going to a Trump rally. : /

He probably didn't even go. No one who would go would fraternize and loiter around the human trash that use his rallies as an excuse to riot

this might have been a commiefornia rally

Not likely by himself, but if Macho Man were still alive they may be able to take 25, and I am sure the NWO could take them on no problem.

, It feels like a regular thing here, clashes between ideologies, going 20 vs 1 etc etc

Welcome to Turkification of American politics as far left and far right populism rises, expect more violent confrontations





When I go anyplace where I feel I might get assaulted because gotta-kill-whitey, here's a trick I use:

Wear a reflective vest, wear a hardhat (WITH A CHIN STRAP), carry a tool pack around. If anyone asks, you only work there, on the sound system. You can get backstage dressed like that some places.

No experience with Trump rallies or high-security areas, but just pretending to be a contractor trying to get his job done makes people very sympathetic toward you.

and what would you have done in my situation? Fought them off?

One other thing that happened is while I was waiting for an uber and talking to my friend about what happened, we were surrounded by relatively moderate trump protesters. (read: they were not chasing me). One woman came up to me with her 3 year old baby in hand. She told her daughter "tell him what I told you to say", she repeats this two times, as I am talking to my friend. I turn around and I look at the girl and say "tell me what your mom told me to say" she puts her fist in my face and says "hah, you flinched bitch!" Again, internet warriors please relax, you would not punch a woman holding a baby while 8 mexican men are standing at that corner.



Fuck you faggot, Sup Forums unironically supports trump. I went to a rally in December. GTFO illegal.

that piece of shit needs 25 years in a manual labor camp then a trip to an oven


I think there was a thread on Sup Forums a while ago about the effectiveness of disguises in the modern world. It was quite interesting
What if someone in charge asks for I.D. though?

nah it'll be most whites and USA supporters vs mostly colored hordes

it wouldn't last long since open war is definitely not a strength for nigs or spics


That protest told me so clearly trump is going to win the election. All the trump protesters were asking the Mexicans questions and trying to debate them while the protesters were just screaming racist and (literally) taking their shirts off and smoking weed. Before I've been to one of these events I had no idea how much the media fucking lies. They always act like trump supporters are instigators and I can promise you after one of these events, the protestors are always the violent ones. The protestors were throwing eggs at people havin conversations, setting off fireworks, and screaming "FUCK THE POLICE" in the faces of the riot officers. But, if you read the LA Times article you would think that the violence is equal between both sides. But the violence from the Trump Side is literally 0, while a lot of these guys are very passionate, and in your face, and emotional, unlike the protesters I did not hear a single trump protester ever threaten someone.

At one point, people started chanting "trigger warning" at this fat girl who was wearing a bandana and screaming racist on a megaphone

I just say 'Left it in my car, can I put this stuff down already? It's heavy'

What a load of monkeys.

>inb4 more people make bombs that blow their fucking face off

>conveniently didn't recorded it

lol, fuck off fake and gay attention whore.

You have to stay back.

If they are actually responsible guards they will say "sure, you can put it down right here while you go get your ID from your car, come back and show me."
You rarely get away with shit like they do in movies.

This is why you carry a roll of quarters in a sock or something you dumbass.
Best you can do is stand your ground and make sure one of them is under you while the rest beat your back.
As my father always said "Pick a fight with one bean you gotta take on the whole burrito."

Unlike libshits, I don't "listen and believe". If OP was really assaulted, where's the video? Where's the police report?

Shut up, Poland...

OP, I'm so sorry that these people who hate our country were allowed by the police to be such animals.

And I'm so glad that you saw that these people do not belong in any civilized country.

No serious injuries, I could not wait for a squad car to arrive since I called 911 and they told me all their resources are very limited and I would be waiting close to an hour for a squad car.

>conveniently records every moment of his life
sorry I don't live for the internet, all I was worried about was my safety, not proving to random people that this actually happened

>taking a video while being beaten

Hes obviously lying but thats because he changed how many people it was 3 times not because he didnt film it.

Do you know how many guards actually give a shit?

>Responsible guard
>Lowest bidding contractor

Guess which gets hired

this is a screenshot of the phone call to 911

I have not changed the number twice. In OP I said 20, and I said 25 in thread one time. I don't know exactly how many people there were but it was definitely more than 15 and definitely less than 30, I was not really in a position to do a headcount. And the one time in this thread I said 5 people that's true. I argued with 5 people, they went and got their friends and came back with way more

forgot image

check the time as opposed to what time the rally ends

You Americans must be lax. When i worked security peers/managers/boss would destroy you for that just for the canteen bantz. Sod the people hiring you.

This is why you should have a group of able bodied and atheltic friends OP. Strength in numbers is an absolute necessity.


>This country is quickly headed towards a "race war" between Whites and Latinos. It's getting more and more evident all the time.

It is coming, but it will be between us and the blacks. Most Hispanics will side with us as they hate blacks too (except for the gangbanging nigger types). Once that is over with, it may happen for them too, but I suspect they will shape up and assimilate and become productive like chinks.

How does this compare to a works bomb

does that kid have something wrong with him or do some Mexicans just look like that?




>Ask someone who was assaulted by a group of 20 Mexicans
You whites are so spineless, a fucking immigrant threatens you in your own country
If a group of immigrants pulls something like that they will be beaten up half to death or even worse
Even if they manage to get away they would live the rest of their life in fear of getting caught and getting crushed like the cockroaches they are