Former Black Employee of Trump Speaks Out
I ain't cliquing on that shit.
Is he formerly a trump employee or formerly black?
>man with dreadlocks running for congress
>"trump isnt presidential"
Any idiot who worked at a Trump company will say now that "they worked for Trump" as if that makes it more legitimate.
thank god no one listens to this cuck
being a hothead and impulsive is great if you want to build a building?
the dude literally makes no sense
>being assertive and strong is great.... if you want to build a building...
>but it's awful for leading a country
>He can start a war with Russia
LOL! What?
No that's Hillery who would do that Trump and Putin are BFF secret gay lovers.
lefties can't keep track of their own rhetoric
>Mumia looking spaghetti head nigger
>be cashier at walmart
>I judge people by their hairstyle
wew lad
at least he can put full sentences together that make sense and are coherent
much better than most dems
I thoight blacks were the bulls, not the cucks.
This guy is actually one of, if not the most coherent and reasonable Bernouts I've ever seen
this guy just wants weed legalized and free shit
opinion discarded
Edward Sup Forums?
Obvious proxy
We all know NZ don't have this level of bants
>"I actually used to work for Donald Trump"
>"I worked in Ivana Trump's restaurant for 2 years back in the 80s"
Eh, he was pretty well spoken. Before clicking on it, I assumed he was going to be a dumb ass nigger. He was eloquent and did a good job of speaking off the cuff.
I don't agree with him about Trump and the presidential shit, but he made a lot of good points and said some things I agree with. He said Trump was a good guy and that they were similar, I bet if/when Hillary becomes the Democratic nominee, this guy votes for Trump. That's good enough for me.
>former black employee
He still looks pretty black
>"he's a hothead"