So I actually went and fucked a German trap escort today. Pic is the trap. AMA, got a little over an hour

So I actually went and fucked a German trap escort today. Pic is the trap. AMA, got a little over an hour.

how much does your asshole hurt?

Did it hurt?

Didn't receive anal and don't plan to. Also, another photo.

Trap is not the same thing as transexual you fucking troglodyte.

I'm sorry but you got the drift right? So fuck off.

My PhD in trapology will not let this slide.

how does it feel to be gay user?

OP is a faggot

It only hurt my wallet a bit, but I got to satisfy my curiosity and cum.

I'm comfortable with my sexuality.

Seriously that's it, Sup Forums??

How did she sound? Mannish at all?

oh would definitely fuck that face and plaster it and those tits in cum out of 8
hope you did it for me OP

yeah, "she" is ugly and I dont really care you banged "her" or not. Stop trying to get attention.

Not really she said she started transitioning at 14 and it shows. If I didn't know better I'd say she's just a smoker.

> trap

Die, faggot.

You bet I did.

Stop trying to justify your insecurities. Oh, also fuck off.

did you eat any cum?
And if yes is it still stuck in the back of your throat?

Yes, and there's a bitter taste in the back of my mouth that no drink can wash off lol

how was the succ?
moar pics?

Did 69 and it was interesting. Also, first time with a dick in my mouth.

One more

If nobody wants to hear anything else I'll call it a day

How much $$ ? was it worth?

220 Euros for 75min.

how big was her dick

I'd say about 7 inches maybe

see that's where you messed up in my book op
if i was to fuck a trap their dick is going unused and shown no attention, if not locked away and forgotten about while i fuck them like the cock pleasing slut they want to be
they lose the right to use their dick to fuck anything the moment they decide they want to be a she

however to each his own, so no hate Sup Forumsro, whatever gets you off

I paid cash and I sure a hell am not leaving it unused. I was curious that's why I went for a trap. Also, a biological female prostitute is half the price, i could have just gone to a brothel

yeah like i said bro no hate, to each his own, you do what you want with your money and enjoy it however you want i aint gonna hate on you for that
just pointing out my opinion when it comes to trap dick, not trying to tell you what you should or should not do

cheers mate, as the Germans say, jeden das seine :D

bigger than you?

how did she react?

how was her pace? was she looking at the clock? etc.

wish that trap was in my area
would fuck too
cheers m8o

Sizewise not much different than mine, maybe a bit longer but not as thick. Reactions were quite dissapointing but she did remark I was a great cummer (5 days load). She really made me feel at ease, something that biofem escorts sometimes fail to do. There was no rush but I had to buy an extra 15min so I could cum (on her belly)

This guy gets it. They are locked away, the only pleasure they reserve is having their holes filled.

They're all over Germany, well worth a visit this country is. Also you can drink beer from a bottle, in public. Mind blown :D

Did her dick taste like sauerkraut?

It was for my pleasure


Live in germany.
Looked for tarp
Cannot confirm.


Well they are here in Niedersachsen, sorry to hear that

was it worth it?

Yes, definitely was, mostly for the experience. But I don't think I'm doing this again, I'll stick to the real girls

Dude, traps aren't gay, but that one is.

Im with this user. Traps should be locked in permanent chastity,or they could be penectomised (full removal of the penis). One interesting way would also to be sever, or chemically kill, the nerves going to the penis. That way she will have absolutely no feel in the penis and thus get absolutely no sexual pleasure, but the penis still gets erect when she is horny or when viagra etc is used.

When you fuck a girl for money you are getting over on her, making her degrade herself into doing something she doesn't want.

When you pay to fuck a man, he is double getting over on you.

Shit guys seriously? You think they like their jobs with all the filthy guys they're getting? You must be seriously deprived.


And what's her name, where can i contact her? I would love to lose my virginity to her, she is perfect.

Also, how is the dick? Small or big? Does it get hard?

About 7", hard as rock. Sure, she's called TS ANUBIS, in Hannover. Google her.

>they could be penectomised (full removal of the penis)
Kek. What are you, gay?

The penis is the best part about the trap.

Why didn't you cum inside her ass and how girlish did her asshole feel?

Agreed. Biofemales are cheaper for a reason.

You're not allowed to cum inside her ass, ofc you can in a condom but that just removes the fun. Also prostitutes can tell very well when you're about to cum, trust me

But why though cumming in the ass is the best part

Oh and it felt no different than any girls asshole, didn't notice it being tighter or any looser.

The risk of STDs. Her job and possibly life can be over once this happens. Prostitution is well regulated in Germany and the are rules

>About 7", hard as rock.
That's pretty big. Was it also thicc?

That's pretty far away from me, sadly.

She is really hot. And 220 Euro for 75 minutes isn't even that much.

Not really thick, no.

i still want to fuck that face
funny to hear myself say this
but their face is extremely close in resemblance to the face of my sister in law
fucking love german features

She is fucking gorgeous, that's for sure

I'm gonna go soon so if you have anything to ask do so now

Did she asked if you want to get fucked by her?

Was her voice feminine?

Yes she did offer to fuck me in the ass, but I wasnt interested. She did face fuck me though. She had a voice of a pack-a-day female smoker in her 30s, if that's a good picture.

>dr girlfriend voice
i came

>dr girlfriend
Hell no :D

That's it guys, no more replies

good night OP

Thanks mate