Nice candidate you guys picked out.
Nice candidate you guys picked out
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stop being a cuck op. If trump was an actual nazi he'd never get elected. Stop sucking white dick and watch the news
>pic is of Zionald doing his zionist stuff
Yeah, because no other candidate is supportive of Israel at all either. He's easily the best available of what we have. Just learn to compromise with what you're given and stop being a 'principled' autist.
There are literally anti-Zionist candidates you trogledgyte. Just because you fell for babbys first nativist who is just as Zionist as the rest doesn't mean there isn't.
The Jew is not the problem. The Jew is but a pawn in a bigger game of chess.
list them please I haven't really paid much attention.
I like that he owns boobs
>a literal Jew is less subject to Jewish interests than your candidate
It's almost as if you guys are being ideologically cucked :^}
Their just doing what they did with Romney
>a socialist who rampantly supports cultural marxism
>not the embodiment of jewish interests.
Taco bowle. Tranny washrooms. NYT tapes
>t. Shillary Clinton
There's a big difference between being friendly with Jews and choosing Israel over America.
Donald would never choose Israel over America.
Bernie Sanders is literally the only anti-Zionist with a chance and he's lived in Israel! You're all being played!
Have a wonderful evening
Trump cucks don't care about facts.
Fuck this site.
All you guys do is whine about fucking jews.
Every other candidate blindly said they would stand with israel.
Trump is the only one who said he would attempt to broker a peace between Israel and Palestine.
The jew conspiracies are old now. No one gives a fuck, no one is in control. I get it. Thats scary, but put on your big boy pants and stop blaming everything wrong on the goddamn jews. Jesus christ.
Not pandering to Jews is very unfashionable right now. If Donald knows the truth he would be smart enough to not show it. We can only speculate but we'll see
>Implying a candidate not supported by the Jews would even have a chance.
At least he's not Jewish desu
0.05 shekels have been deposited to your account. Thank you for doing your duty and protecting the holy land on the internet
>h-he's just p-pretending to support Israel! I swear!
If you listen you can almost hear the sound of the goalposts scraping while the cucks try to move them
support for israel =/= zionist
if you dumbasses care so much about israel you should actually research israeli politics, they too have right and left wings in the knesset, and not all of them are zionists
>hurr durr jewish hivemind
It's just a ruse goys, uh, I mean guyim, uh, excuse me guys. A ruse, by the filthy globalists! The globalists and the Mexicans, THEY are the cause of this. We all know that Trump hates the Yehudim, uh, excuse me the JEWS. He will gas them as President, believe him.
MAGA 2016
That's it, I'm now for the true nationalist #FeelTheBern
Kekked hard.
They're part of the game that you need to control. Just like all the pieces. Jews are easy to control compared to other demographics comparatively speaking.