I have a problem. I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior

I have a problem. I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior.

I'm 18 and at high school, but everyone in my class is fucking stupid. I try to engage them in religious debates (Atheist here) and political debates (Neo-Socialist) but all they care about is parties and Facebook. They also listen to shit music (metalhead here).

What can I do to get away from these morons

Pic related, me.


10/10 b8

Try talking to your teacher.

If all of my exes fused they'd look like her, how fucking horrifying. i'td be like giga nigga, but all the niggas sucked your dick

You may think you're smart, but you look like a dumb twat.

this pasta was old 20 minutes ago

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female channer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen. XDDDDD

manga wallpaper interersting.....

fuck! i'm exactly like you, can i be friends?

The animu in the background says you are a genius, the lack of a timestamp proves you aren't who you imply yourself to be, therefore you actually do not have said animu pasted on your wall. You may have animu on your wall, but its not that anime, revoking your claim to smartness. Take that OP. user out.

Tips fedora, “m’lady”

Fucking disgusting

and you're a gullible cunt

Nice feet.

Terrible bait. Just terrible. Sup Forums has really gone down in quality over the years.

Tits with timestamp or gtfo.

same problem here

with the time you get a burn out and rather you shoot everyone or kill yourself or you're so fucked up that you dont care anymore.

no matter how problem solved.

When the rest of the class is too stupid to realize you are not OP.

>Sup Forums has had any quality

more feet

You have bad taste in feet.

>self-proclaimed 'SMRT'
>breaks 2 of the tenants of 'things that shall not be debated about in public'
>I'd say thats not your picture

you may think you are smart but trust me you have a lot more schooling to do. How about focus on empethetic intelligence instead of being the neu-age equivellent of a fucking bible thumper.

If you really must debate these things join debate in college - but then again >smart >college >pick one - or just debate this shit on Sup Forums where everybody will hate you regardless of your spiel.

show tits or gtfo "m'lady"

You do have a problem. You're obviously a fucking bitch.

Killing yourself would be preferable

What the fuck is wrong with my face?

Why do people on /soc/ call me ugly, why am I always fucking lowest rated girl by all the raters while everyone else is deemed good enough in rate threads? Why am I a pathetic virgin? Please help me, I'm so miserable

I used to think I looked normal, decent even. I swear

Why the fuck doesnt anybody like me?

/soc/ made me suicidal

The Internet has completely fucking destroyed my pride, my self worth, my confidence, my womanhood, my life...


Probably, i'm only thirsty right now.

Kill yourself

This, they might get you a special teacher

> I am very smart
> doesn't understand the concept of a timestamp

What bands do you listen too?

so sexy show more

Also wew must've been outside for a moment too long. Didn't notice we have some fresh pasta. Riggitoni in Prego.

This isn't me, headass, it's a copypasta. My intentions were to mock this obvious copypasta by posting another copypasta.

Hello space brother :')

oh ffs
>To what bands do you listen?
or idc end your sentence in a preposition.
>What bands do you listen to?

if OP was real, she'd have absolutely no interest in you after that piss poor display.

>I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior.
>political debates (Neo-Socialist)

pick one

i agree with you m'sir

So there's 3 friends ordering pizza and beer. Guy at the phone says it's 30$ so each friend takes 10$ from his wallet.
When the pizza boy arrives he says there was a mistake and it's just 25$ and gives 5$ back to them.
Each friend takes back 1$ of the previous 10$ he gave and they leave the remaining 2$ to the pizza guy.
Now then each friend paid 9$, so 9*3=27$ plus the 2$ they gave to the pizza guy 27+2=39$. But there were 30$ at first... Where did that 1$ disappear?

Uh-huh... We should go running but

>what is pasta?

this level of cringe is you.

You can say you're smarter, wiser, better than everyone else, but that doesn't mean shit if you can't do anything with it. Later in life you'll realize those group projects were more about the teamwork and less about the subject. At work I rarely do anything from scratch to completion by myself. There's always someone else to bounce ideas off of and get preliminary info from.

I very likely have an above average IQ but my EQ is a bit lacking. You'll find the most successful people are at least adequate in both.

Learn what makes people tick and how to befriend them or at least be on good terms. You never know how they might impact your life in the future.

Also lose the sense of superiority. People think much more of you when you're humble, but very capable.

>Now then each friend paid 9$, so 9*3=27$ plus the 2$ they gave to the pizza guy 27+2=39$. But there were 30$ at first... Where did that 1$ disappear?

What kind of bullshit is this?

they each paid 9$, wich is 3x9$ = 27$
and that is 25$ for the pizza +2$ for the pizza boy, you fuck tard

What you can do is:
1 = post tits
2 = join clubs where you compete for being the smartest and the loser has to give everyone blowjobs

You dont know shit kiddo

Why but why are you a faggot?

>posts this on Sup Forums
>thinks he/she/it is smart
wtf user.

btw you forgot to write "i also watch rick and morty"

mewchan isn't that hot

>being this new

Fucking snowflake. I can pretty much guarantee that you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. Being able to do shit like not study and pass high school doesn't mean shit. At best, this means your intelligence is average or even slightly below. The education system has been so dumbed-down by other varieties of snowflakes that you basically have to be retarded or legitimately try to fail in high school. But still, you use shit like this as "proof" to feed your insatiable ego and think you're better than the average person. Since you're bitching about your "struggle" on Sup Forums, I'm gonna say you're not.

If, on the off chance, you actually are above average when it comes to intelligence, then get used to it. Most people on this planet are completely fucking retarded. That's just a reality of our world. Throughout modern human history, there have always been a handful of intelligent individuals driving the entire species forward while the rest reap the benefits and contribute nothing.

your problem seems to be being a massive cunt.
try being less of an edgy cunt and let me know how it goes.
>intellectually superior

If this isn't pasta, post with timestamp.

this is pasta fellow newfag
it's a pic of la famosa Eliza

She looks like a girl I used to be with

Back to them boiz

They paid $27 in total, da hole calculation ne nansense

It be 30-X
= 30-[3x9]
= 30-[25+2]
= 3
= Remaining Total

It's a pasta you mongoloid

Calha la boca

latino de merda

Your cute don't let them get you down