You have Hillary hooked up to a polygraph and can only ask her one question

You have Hillary hooked up to a polygraph and can only ask her one question

did you ever suck bill off?

Mrs. Clinton, do you have scat fetish?

Who made your flesh mask that conceals your lizard body?

What happened to Vince Foster?

Where are your rebel friends now?

Did you ever have a threesome with Bill and Monica?

I knew this thread was a good idea

Do you love the superior Trump cock?

Did you have sex with Bill more than once?

Where is the reptilian base?


More impressionable than a Sup Forumslack

Is it exciting to know you'll be the next President of the United States?

She must because there is a lot of shit that comes out of her mouth.

Were you ever in love with Bill or did you marry him for his status?

Why don't you fuck off, cunt?

what difference does it make

Who is your daughters real father?

Is Chelsea biologically Bill's daughter?

what does Bill's penis taste like?

Polygraph tests are inaccurate as fuck and don't work.

That being said I'd make her admit the ET/ED presence is real on national television.

Do you like the smell of your own farts?

(A classic Stern lie detector bit where they hooked up models to the machine. They all indicated deception at this question.)

What's the next step of your master plan?

>marry him for his status?
You realize they were both Yale Law students from middle class when they got married, right? And she was on the board of directors at several major corporations (for example Walmart) while he was governor of some hick state. I mean it was obviously a power couple with huge ambitions, but they married each other for status.

Is Huma a good fuck?

Mrs Clinton, Do you know that polygraphs are in no way possible and faulty to the nth degree, and can be tricked by simple measures like clenching your buttcheeks realy right?

Thank you, Panjeet.
Made me laugh heartily.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she could beat a polygraph. She probably already knows how to (honestly, who doesn't?), but there's also a not uncommon personality type that is able to remain completely calm under very stressful situations. I'd imagine many successful politicians probably share this trait. Because a polygraph looks at heart rate, breathing, sweat, etc. it can't measure if you're lying, only if you're nervous, and context is used to 'determine' if you're lying or not.

If I were to ask you a question, would you answer it truthfully?

what in the fuck

Have you ever ordered a US citizen to be murdered for your personal gain?


Dude I haven't seen this gif in years.


Panjeet hopes she understands the racism of loo, the wholesome value of the designated, and that she visits soon.

Was it as hot for you as it was for me?


Why haven't been paying me for shilling for you? I don't want to do it for free Madam President.


Extra Terrestrial / Extra Dimensionayyy

she wouldnt know

We get it nerds. It's a hypothetical question for the sake of conversation.

Do you know what another woman's vaginal fluids taste like?

do you love the United States of America?

Have you killed or had others knowingly killed to advance your political status?

Do you have sex with women?

red or blue?

Did you personally order larry to kill the boys?

It's important to note that it doesn't work. Popular opinion is that it is able to always tell if you're lying, but that really isn't the case. The only reason that government agencies like the FBI or CIA use the polygraph is because the person being polygraphed often doesn't know this. It's a bluff, basically. The guy who is an expert on lying that's asking you the questions is more accurate.

You're so hot, would you fuck me?